March 26 2013 7:04 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Happy Birthday to Cherith Brook Bell today!  She is the big 15.  How proud I am of her!!  What a sweet girl the God of Heaven has blessed us with!!

What a day yesterday.  I have started praying for "Divine Appointments" and it's amazing to see God put me in the middle of them all day long on yesterday.  I wish I could go into detail about it but just suffice it to say the LORD was at work all day yesterday with oppurtunities to share the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ.  We are expecting three visiting families on Wednesday night to our services. Two of them need Christ the other is praying about God's will.  Please pray about this.

In the evening we had a league meeting and my wife and I got home around 11.  Wow up and Adam at 6 and to bed at 11 :)ing!!!!  What a life of serving the King!!

Today I'm working in the ministry all day.  Serving in teaching, drawing blueprints, soul winning and spending time with my beautiful daughter on her birthday!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell


Elisabeth testifying in a church service and singing for witness!! Well Glory!

March 19th 2013 7:56 a.m.

Greetings in the Glorious Name of The Lord Jesus Christ

This is the last day of winter and we are expecting over a foot of snow.  I love snow.  It's exciting to be out of school.  What a joy!

Yesterday was a great blessing.
1)  I studied in the morning.
2)  I taught Bible to 17 upper grade students
3)  I flew to Lewiston to try out a C182RG which I'm not going to get :)
4)  I flew down to Pepperil to deliver the big welcome center that I picked up right before lunch.
5)  We had fellowship for a little on the side of the runway.
6)  I flew home and had supper and devotions with my family
7)  I sawed some wood in the back yard
8)  I retired for the evening

The Lord is so good to allow us to do so many things and to serve Him!!  What a joy!!

Today I'm going to staff meeting and working around the church.  It's going to be a wonderful day in The Lord Jesus!!!  I can't wait to see what our Great God is going to do!!  What a joy!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell


Glorious couples retreat!!

I wouldn't be able to say enough about what the God of Heaven did in our hearts at this years couples retreat!!

The preaching was tremendous by Pastor Tom Faulk.  Praise The Lord for this Man of God!

The fellowship was wonderful as we had some 80 people out this year.

I'm looking forward to a tremendous day today in the House of God.  Pray with me that the Power of God will be our portion and we will see Him move in a mighty way!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

March 14, 2013 6:51 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Wow, what a wonderful day yesterday.  In the morning we welcomed the trio from Golden State Baptist College.   The Lord moved in power on the meeting.

Last night was a great blessing as I preached out of Numbers 32.  The Lord taught us all some life changing truths that will help us to be Canaan Christians!!

Today I'm working in office and around church.  It's going to be a good day in The Lord.  What a joy to serve!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

March 11th 2012 6:28 a.m.

Greetings in the Precious and Powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Can somebody say Glory!!!  Amen!! Hallelujah!!!  Whoopee!!!

Wow the Lord met with us yesterday all day long.  The church was comfortably full the spirit was good and the Spirit of God had liberty to do His buisness.  To God be the Glory for what HE did!!

Our afternoon service was a great blessing yesterday with Bro. Kelly preaching.  We had seven there and the Lord stirred our hearts.

In the evening one of the preacher boys from college preached.  Theirs more land to possess!!!  What a great truth.  The Lord blessed.

I love the local church.  A Church that is alive is worth the drive!!!  Well Happy Happy Happy!!!!

It's going to be a good day in the Lord.  I'm teaching, visiting, working on the airplane and busy about the Fathers buisiness.  Thank you for helping to bear the burdens of this ministry by praying for us.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

March 10th 2013 7:08 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus name

Hello spring welcome to Maine!

Am I the only one that is excited about This being the LORD'S day!

Oh LORD send the power just now!!!!!


What a GOD!

Love you all

Pastor Bell

March 9th 2013 6:44 a.m.

Greetings in the Glorious and Gracious Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

We had a tremendous week at the ministry here in Sanford.  What a joy to minister to so many people.  Yesterday all the staff worked on different projects around the church and school.  It was a blessing as we sat together and had lunch and fellowshipped.  I thank God for the staff and ministy He has given me.  What a mighty God we serve!!!!!

Today I'm studying, soulwinning, and working at church to make for sure the snow plowing is all complete for tomorrow.  It should prove to be a powerful and profitable day.  I can't wait to see what God is going to do on tomorrow!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Teaching on Spiritual Man!!

March 7th 2013 7:10 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of The Lord Jesus Christ

What a great day on yesterday.  The Lord moved in power all throughout the day as I studied and did some visiting.  Also I enjoyed teaching the young people the Bible.  Last night was a huge blessing with Bro. August Rasado preaching on prophecy.  Praise the LORD!!!

Today I'm studying and working at the church organizing and here at the house with different projects.  It's going to be a good day because every day with JESUS is a good day!!!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Great bus day sliding!!

A Banner to never forget!!!

March 6th 2012 6:56 a.m.

Greetings in the Powerful and Precious Name of The Lord Jesus Christ

Everyday is a good day with The Lord Jesus Christ!!!

I worked in the office all morning and was involved in study, counseling, and running the office.  I taught the Bible also from 10:50 to 11:30.  After that my wife and I had lunch together and then I visited the rest of the afternoon.  I spent the evening with my family and making a visit to one of our church families  home.  What a joy to serve full time for JESUS!!!

Today I will study most of the day preparing for tonight''s service which I am anxiously anticipating!!!!  Also I will teach Bible and make some visits on lost people who need Christ.  Their is no greater joy then to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!  Can somebody say AMEN!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

March 5th 2013 6:13 a.m.

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

Wow what a great day on yesterday of ministry.  I started out early in my study.  I got to the school office a little after 7:30 and welcomed the kids.  Most of the morning was spent reading and studying and counseling on the phone.  At 10:50 I taught Bible to the young people for 40 minutes.  My wife and I then went on a date.  After that I went to Portland to visit in the hospital and then back for special meeting at 3:15 and then staff meeting till five.  We had a wonderful family supper and then I rested the rest of the night.  It was a Supah day!

Today I will be studying, soul winning, teaching, and drawing up blueprints for future expansion of our ministry.  Thank you for praying for us.  Thanks to those who sent a note yesterday.  It's encouraging to know their are people out their praying!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Love teaching the Word of God to teens!!

March 4th 2013 5:53 a.m.

Greetings in the Glorious and Gracious Name of The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

Wow, what a night!!!  The Lord annointed the service with His power.  HE is doing a great work in our church through Numbers 11.  "Is the LORDS hand waxed short" is the question that The Lord asked Moses.  It is still being asked today.  I here the HIM asking me right now as I am typing this.  I say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What a God!!!  What a Saviour!!!!

We finally had a good crowd on Sunday.  You would thought we were at a crusade last night.  It was comfortably full with every section with a good group of people  Praise The Lord for all He is doing!!

Today I'm studying this morning and working at the school teaching and counseling.  This afternoon is staff meeting and soul winning.  It's going to be a good day in The Lord Jesus Christ!!

Thank you for your love and prayers for our  ministry.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

March 3rd 2013 3:44 p.m.

Greetings in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ

What a Mighty God we serve!!!  Bless The Lord oh my Soul and all that is within me Bless His Holy Name!!

I flew out Monday to go and preach in N.C.  I had a great flight and a wonderful time preaching.

Tuesday morning I preached at a chapel at Temple Baptist School in Asheville N.C.

In the evening I preached for Allen Blanton and the good people of the Center Pigeon Baptist Church.  These both were tremendous meetings.

On Wednesday morning I preached the morning service at Anchor Baptist Church.  God moved in power as I preached on Dealing with Doubt in the life of the Believer.

In the evening I drove 3 and a half hours to barely make the evening service at the Lakeside Baptist Church and my good friend Pastor Tad Marshal.  The Lord was gracious and the Holy Spirit worked.

I played golf a few times and came back Saturday.

As you can see by the picture on an earlier post our girls volleyball team won the sportsmanship award this year.  That made this preacher very happy.  It was a great night.

Today the Spirit of God is working in power as I preached this morning on When Doubt detours your Direction.  "Is the Lords Hand waxed short?"!!!!!  Numbers 11 What a text!!!!  Glory to God!!!!!

I'm going to study now and then go to choir practice and church again at 6.  Glory!!!!!  Can't Wait!!!

I have quit everything in social media but this.  I will concentrate on this only as I was distracted with the other stuff.

Love you all!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell