August 18th 2014 6:53 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

All praise to Him who is all together lovely!  What a joy to serve the King.

What a blessed day we had on yesterday.  The Spirit of God said to me "you've been preaching about what I want my people to do for me, preach today about what I have done for them".  That will work!  It was good to spend time in 2 Samuel preaching about Mephibosheth!  Wow!  I'm glad the KINGS caravan came to Lodebar one day and picked me up!  Come on!  Now I'm sitting at the KINGS table enjoying the plenty of the precious Saviour!
In the afternoon I had the joy of counseling, studying, and then flying to meet Pastor John Barnes, quartet practice and choir practice.  A great afternoon.
In the evening service I've never had the Spirit of God say this to me but he said give an invitation at the beginning of the service.  I obeyed!  The invitation went for over an hour with three adults walking the aisle and getting saved.  It was a life changing time of seeing the God of Heaven move!  Well Glory to God!
In the evening one of the ones that got saved wanted to be baptized.  So we all came to the house and enjoyed the Baptism.  After that we built a fire and fellowshiped and cooked on the grill.  It was powerful life changing day!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

August 7th 2014 6:43 a.m.

Wow!  Glory to God!  Bless the Name of the Lord!  Great things He has done!

Where do I start?  What a joy to go to church last night and be able to continue to preach through the Beattitudes!  To say the least we all went away challenged and convicted about Christ's words to us.  Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost it's savour..........  And I preached again on losing our savour.  Oft times we grow cold and indifferent in our Christian life.  We lose our saltiness.  We are not what we use to be.  Our Bible reading and prayer ceases.  Our bold Christian witness ceases.  Our song is no more in our hearts.  What's going on ?  Were not salty no more.  We've exchanged a life of selflessness for selfishness.  It's time to seek the Lord while He may be found.  When I write these post like this I feel I'm on an island.   I sense people saying Oh here we go again another preacher ranting........   We are bombarded today by the world, flesh and the devil. It's seems to me the church as a whole is not concerned about that at all.  Well they may not be the Lord is greatly concerned.  May we receive the challenge today to be totally committed to Christ.

Many of you have prayed for our aviation ministry.  My home church Maple Grove Baptist Church in Canton N.C gave us 5000 dollars toward this project Sunday night.  The money is slowly coming in for this.  Thank you for praying.  Please continue.  We believe God!  Were excited about where the next church plant is going to be!

Let's be bold in our witness for Christ and living our the truths of the Bible!  What  joy to live for HIM!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

August 4th 2014 6:08 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Romans 15:20  Yea, so have I strive to preach the gospel not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another mans foundation;

Early in my ministry the Spirit of God arrested my soul with this great truth!  He put in my heart a desire to go somewhere in this world where I would not be tripping over other people to get the gospel out.  The other people I am referring to is so many other churches.  Why should we be continully preaching the gospel over and over again to people when their are multitudes that have never heard.  What a joy it was and even still is that the God of Heaven would call me to the Northeast.  I can testify that you do not trip over people here that have heard the gospel over and over again.   The Northeast is a wide open mission field and the fields are white unto harvest.  If your willing to give your life to the cause of Christ consider coming this way.  Ask the God of Heaven to send you here so that we can see more churches started for the Glory of God!