March 26, 2010

Greetings in the Mighty and Strong Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

Wow, what a day yesterday. In the morning I flew the Principe's to Boston Logan. If flying was like that every time you went out, everybody would want to be a pilot. As you can tell from the picture it was fabulous!

I worked the rest of the day in the study on the handbook and other materials. My boy and I got in nine holes of golf. I shot one over par. Not bad for just coming back from a winter season. After supper we all cut wood till it was dark. It was a good day.

This morning I'm studying and preparing for Sunday's service. I'm taking our associate and his wife out for lunch. In the afternoon I may be going to mentor Bro. Bill. This evening I will celebrate my beautiful girls birthday Cherith. She is 12 today! Praise the Lord for HIM giving her to us. This day plans on being a busy day like all of them are. I'm so excited to be busy for Jesus!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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