January 31st 2014 6:34 a.m.

1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
I would like to encourage you today as you make plans for how you will celebrate the new year to make for sure that it brings Glory to God. For me that decision is somewhat a no brainer. We have services tonight at our church. At 6 p.m. we meet for prayer and are seeking God for a new campus for our church and ministry. At 6:30 we will be worshipping our Lord in singing. As the service continues I am anxiously awaiting the time to share what the Lord has put on my heart for the theme of the new year. When we get into our automobiles to go home our conscience will be clear that we have honored the God of Heaven with our life! Amen and Amen.
On the other hand many of you are making plans now to go to questionable places at best. Some are going to go dancing and drinking. Is that the best things for you? Alcohol alters the way you think and react. Is this a good thing to be involved in? Some will go dancing. As you dance others will be there drinking or smoking dope among other things and will begin to act in ways that absolutely do not honor God at all. Married couples will begin to dance with other wives and husbands. This doesn't even make sense? Why would we even desire to be involved in these types of activities. Still yet others will go to a movie and then go out for some late night drinks. Is this the way you want to dedicate your new year? Others will hang out and listen to people continually take the name of God in vain and laugh along with them as they mock our God! REALLY???
God created each of us with a will. We have the ability to make a good decision right now. Why not decide to honor God with your life instead of going to some questionable party and be tempted to do something that causes tragic results! 
May the God of Heaven help us to glorify Him with our lives, this day and everyday in 2015!!!
Greetings in the Marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a wonderful and edifying day I had on yesterday.  The God of Heaven helped me all throughout the day as I prepared early in study and seeking Him.  In the morning I enjoyed teaching on prayer in the Bible class that I teach.  We had powerful services in the morning as I preached out of Romans 13 on an Awareness of time.  My wife and I and Mrs. Eleanor flew up to New Vineyard in some questionable weather, but made a safe landing there a little after 1.  We had lunch at the airport and then off to the 2:30 service.  I enjoyed preaching and the liberty of the Holy Ghost with 21 in attendance.  We flew home for the evening service.  I preached on TRUST!  Proverbs 3:5 declares "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart".!  BOOM!  The LORD really helped me and our church to get over some hurdles in our life.  God is doing a great work in New England.  I'm grateful that He lets me be a little part of it.
This week I am finishing up a pulpit I have been making and a cross that goes behind it.  Also I am laying tile in our house around a jacuzzi tub.  Also I am taking down a chimney and repairing a wall. Plus winterizing a dirt cellar.  Their is more but please pray that I have a very productive week.  So much to do for Christ!  What a joy!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

December 27th 2014 7:32 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I'm thrilled about another day to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I am looking forward to my study this morning and preparation for tomorrow.  Also today I am going out into the streets and lanes of our city to reach people for Christ.  I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do.  How shall they know unless we go!  Also today I plan to fly up to New Vineyard to do some soul winning there.  We are praying and believing God for a supernatural work!  Pray much for us.  We are in desperate need of the prayer support!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

December 25th, 2014 5:36 a.m.

Greetings in the Name that is above all Names the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Wow, what an encouraging day on yesterday.  The God of Heaven helped me as I studied and prepared for the meeting last night and also personal study.  I love the Bible!

Speaking of our meeting last night.  We were packed out and the Lord really helped me in the meeting.  It was so good to see so many people out for the Christmas eve service!  Bless the Lord.

Today I'm studying and spending time with family and fellow believers.  I'm looking forward to a tremendous day in the Lord!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Don't forget about our daily broadcast BOOKMARK



Merry Christmas to All

Greetings in Jesus Name

I pray your having a great day in the Lord.

I am preparing now in my study for a wonderful night at the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine.

I hope to see you there at 6 p.m.  This will be a candle light service with Sermon and Song!  Please don't miss it.  It will be worth the effort to make it out!

I'm continuing to pray and believe God for more churches to be started this year.  Thank you for praying for us as we take our state one town at a time!  What a joy to be used of God!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell