October 25th 2014 6:21 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a glorious day I had on yesterday.  I studied in the morning and then worked in the office with discipleship and counseling.  At 11:10 we had chapel where I preached on Lord teach us to pray!  It was powerful to be able to teach the school how our God wants us to pray.  In the afternoon we prepared for our evening rally service.  What a blessing it was to come to the rally time and see over 250 dollars raised.  What a great event.

Today I'm studying, cleaning the motorhome and getting it ready for another family to stay in it, soul winning, getting the game room ready for tonight, and preparing for the Old time Saturday night Jubilee!!!  It's going to be tremendous today!  Praise God for all He is doing!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

October 23rd 2014 6:31 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a powerful first half of the week I have experienced.  It was a blessing to be asked to preach the Word of God at Pioneer Valley Baptist Church in Westfield Ma the last several days.  They have such a wonderful church their and Pastor James Montoro and his family are such a blessing.  God is moving mightily in that church!  The God of Heaven granted power and anointed at every meeting I was in.  Five precious souls were saved and the church was truly revived as the Word of God went forth.  This is the joy of my life to see God do such great things.  I bless the Lord for how He continues to move in New England.
I got home last night around 12:30 a.m. and enjoyed my 5.5 hours of sleep.  Thank you for praying for me.
I almost forgot to tell you that I was privileged to go to the airbase in Barnes yesterday thanks to a friend and spend some time around the F15 screaming eagle!  Wow! Wow!  What a joy for this boy who loves fighter jets.  I did ask the Col if I could get a ride and he smiled and in essence said no.  Oh well one day!
Praise the Lord I'm back home and rip roaring and ready to get after souls here in Maine.  Tonight we have service at 6:30.  You ought to come out and be a part of what God is doing here.  Don't let a few rain drops hinder you!
Also today I will be teaching and training and soul winning!  Can't wait to see what God is going to do in and through the day!  What a Saviour!

Serving Jesus with a Smile

Pastor Todd Bell

October 15th 2014 6:33a.m

Acts 2:2  And suddenly there came a sound from heaven...........

Acts 2:4  And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost..........

Moody said were leaky vessels and we should be continually filled.  Are we filled today with the Holy Ghost?  THE NEED OF THE HOUR!!!

October 10th 2014 5:19 a.m.

Walking with God........

Colossians 2:6,7  As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

In the journey of life I often counsel people to just simply walk with God.  It's amazing to see how this fixes everything.  This verse details for each of us what it's about.

1)  It starts out by receiving Christ Jesus the Lord

Their is such an ignorance among people about this today.  People actually believe that they become Christians because they were baptized as an infant.  Baptism is not the Saviour Jesus Christ is the Saviour.  Furthermore you were not able to believe as a baby.  Your parents believed for you.  The Bible teaches us clearly that receiving Christ Jesus the Lord is something that is personal between each of us and the Lord.  John 1:11-13 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
Are you walking with God today as a result of this?  Can you say with full assurance that you have received Christ Jesus the Lord?  Do you remember a time and place you were "Born Again"?  I'm shocked today when I hear about people that are so flippant with eternity.  Hey folks, eternity is a long time, it's like forever and forever don't play around with it!!!
Ephesians 2:8,9  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
If your trusting in your good works to get you Heaven your not going to go.  It's not of works!  Receive Christ Jesus the Lord today by faith and see what happens.  You will changed from the inside out and your life will be transformed by the power of the Word of God!

2)  It continues by growing

The Bible teaches us in this verse that we are to be rooted and built up in Him.  When something is rooted it means it is growing and maturing.  We must do the same.  One of the ways we do that is by reading and studying the Bible.  Do you have a plan for this?  As busy as I am in all areas of the ministry I always take time for this in the morning.  Actually I was so excited to get to my office this morning I was up before 5.  It's a thrill to grow in the Lord!  Are you growing?  Do you really believe you are walking with Him?  My prayer is that you are maturing in your walk with God!

3)  It's evident by your thankfulness

The text says that we are abounding with thanksgiving.  Are you a thankful person?  It's quite obvious that some people do not walk with God.  You can immediately tell it by their attitude.  They are so negative and ungrateful for life.  My heart hurts for these people.  They make everyone around them miserable.  You say Pastor Bell what's the fix?  It's simple, walk with God!  Know your saved, grow in Christ and be a thankful person.  Wow, you make it so simple, well it is!  Why not make the decision today to just do right and walk with God and see what happens.  My prayer is that we can continue to impact our area for Christ by exhibiting "real Christianity"!  May the God of Heaven grant it.

If you would have any questions regarding how to Walk with God I'm always available for an appointment.  Call the church office at 2073240777 and my beautiful wife will set up an appointment and we can "chat"!

Coming to a Church near you! We must hasten on with the Gospel using all available means!!!

October 9th 2014 6 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a great day I had on yesterday.  I was excited to be able to teach the Bible to the kids at the Academy.  After that I had several errands to run to be able to get my house ready for winter.  Then I went visiting and met with a family.  In the afternoon I prepared for the Wednesday night service.  The Lord blessed in a mighty way as I preached on a prosperous journey.   After church several men went and prayed with another man in a rest home.  It was a great day of serving the Lord.

Today I'm studying this morning, writing, seeking the Lord, teaching Bible, visiting, working around the house and maybe cranking up Willy the wood boiler and going to a Civil Air Patrol meeting tonight.  This is going to be an exciting day of serving the KING!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

October 8th 2014 6:23 a.m. A Prosperous Journey

Romans 1:10  Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you. For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established.........

I love the Bible!  What a joy it is to get into the Bible everyday and see what it has to say to me.  Here in this passage our writer is talking about a journey.  When you think about it, life is just that.  It is a journey for us.  I'm glad today that it is a journey about us going to heaven.  I know Christ as my Saviour and I know I'm on that journey going to Heaven.

But what about the daily journeys we are on?  Here the writer is asking that he experience a prosperous journey.  Isn't that what we all want to experience?  I would say Amen and Amen!  He realized that this journey would only happen if it was the Will of God.  What a way to live!  May the God of Heaven help us all to desire to do exactly what He wants, not what we want.

What a passion for service our writer had.  "For I long to see you" is a statement that should be said in our life.  Do we have this kind of drive and passion for others?  He wanted to teach them so many truths that in the end they may become strong believers.

My prayer is that somewhere in this text you can find yourself today.  Are you the one making request?  Are you on a journey?  Do you have direction in life?  Are you living according to God's will or your own?  Do you have a passion to see others?  Are you teaching others?  Are you sharing with others what has been shared with you?  Are you seeing others established in the faith?  These are are just a few questions to ponder.  May the God of Heaven help us to be our best for Him in these perilous days in which we live!

Now for my recent journey.  Monday after teaching Bible and ministering in Sanford I filled up the airplane and flew down and picked up Pastor John Barnes in Woostah Mass.  Both of us then flew to Syracuse NY to be a part of Church Planters Conference.  I was asked to preach on Tuesday and invite some men to come with me.  I invited Pastor Barnes and Brooks Suttles.  To God be the Glory we were able to see almost 4000 dollars raised for their church planting projects.  What a mighty God we serve!!!  Yesterday afternoon I got back in the airplane and flew back home to Sanford after dropping Bro. Barnes off in Manchester.  I landed in the one of the strongest crosswinds in Manchester Ive ever landed in.  But I'm here typing this out so God gave me a prosperous journey.
What a joy it is to see the scripture come alive in our own lives.  May the God of Heaven help us to live with expectancy in light of His soon return.  Let's stay after what He has called us to do.

A Servant of the King and Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ

Pastor Todd Bell