December 27th 2013 6:58 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Praise the Lord that I am typing this out from my new study in the basement of our house.  For years we have housed staff and missionaries in this apartment but yesterday I made it my new study.  I still have a lot to do but it is very nice to have a large study and for it to be a quiet place.  How much more thrilling can it be then to read and study in quietness.  Watch out church here comes the sermons!!!!

Today I will continue working on my study.  Also we plan some  family time with the kids.  I should go and plow at the church to see how it's going.  We got 3 inches of snow yesterday throughout the day.  Let us never forget that we will see people today and most do not know Christ.  I will look forward to sharing the gospel with them!!

1 John 2:3  And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

The Word of God teaches us that we can know that we have eternal life.  The book of 1 John is filled with passages that gives us proofs of that.  This is one of many of them that is recorded for us.  When a person gets saved that person is changed.  How is that?  The Holy Ghost after salvation indwells the believer and the work of sanctification settles in.  After salvation such a change takes place that we then enjoy the commandments of our Saviour.  I would ask myself some tough questions to confirm that you  "know Him"!!!  What comfort the Word of God brings to each of us as we search the scriptures!
Bless the Lord!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
1 John 1:9

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