Greetings in the Powerful and Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Nehemiah 6:3 And I sent messengers unto them, saying,
I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease whilst I leave it, and come down to you?
Nehemiah had been commissioned by the God of Heaven to go and build the walls of Jerusalem. All through the process he was tempted on every side to give up what God had called him to do. Here in this text we find an exciting truth that we all need to grasp. The truth is that the work is to great to come down from what God has called us to do.
Brethren, what has God put in your heart to do? Do it with all your might and don't come down and compromise with the enemy. Stay the coarse and you will never regret it.
God has called me to a building ministry. My family has been building churches in Maine since 1996. I can't even imagine how many times the enemy has come to me and said come down and let's talk about this building program. I simply say, the work is to great to come down and talk to you. Why should I stop working and come down and talk with you. May the God of Glory help us all to be faithful and keep building in this day in which we live.
Wow did we get a lot done yesterday. The insulation crew is almost finished. The electric is almost finished in the sanctuary. The ceiling was put back up yesterday in the church. A lot of little things was finished on yesterday. The plumbing made great progress yesterday now headed to the second floor today. It's almost two much to list. What a great day.
Were hoping for the same kind of day today! We will be working like crazy to see us get into this building by September 1st! Well Glory!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell