June 30th 2012 7:28 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Praise the Lord for the good tent meeting last night.  We enjoyed ourselves as we took around 20 people up to be an encouragement and help in the meeting.

Today I'm soul-winning, visiting at the hospital, studying and preparing for tomorrow, and going to an air show at Portsmouth.

Thank you for praying for us.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Fellow shipping after church at the first baptist of Jackman

8 people in a 7 people van. One in trunk :)

June 29th 2012 6:38 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Praise the Lord for all He did on yesterday.  In the morning I studied.  After that I played nine holes of golf.  Then I went on a date with my wife.  In the afternoon I got a hair cut and worked on the motor home a little bit.  Then I took six people with me up to the Jackman mission service.  God moved in power on the meeting.  We had a first time visitor from Russia there.  We also had a first time visitor from Thailand there.  We have a international church in Jackman Maine! (smile)  I flew back home and we were home right at 9.  Praise the Lord for traveling mercies and a good time.

Today I'm studying and working on the motor home.  I also am going to take some time to go see the Blue Angels flying team practice. Tonight we get to go to church again.  We have a tent meeting in Bridgeton Maine.  Praise the Lord for all He is doing in our midst!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 28th 2012 7:02 a.m.

Greeting in Jesus Name

Wow what a Saviour!  What a blessed time I had on yesterday, studying, working on the motor home, preparing for the night service and other things.  God moved in power and glory on the meeting as I preached out of John 16:1 on Don't get tripped up!  I praise God for the good liberty to preach the Word of God.  I love what God is doing in our midst.

Today I'm studying this morning, spending time with the missionary that is with us, and then preparing to fly up to our mission church tonight.  We have pot luck supper up there tonight with service to follow.  I'm excited to see what God is going to do!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 27th 2012 7:10 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Praise be to God for His blessings and help!  What a mighty God we serve!  It's such a joy to be called of Him!

I studied yesterday morning.  Then I went visiting until lunch.  After lunch we counseled a couple for a few hours.  Then we came home to another couple that arrived at our house to stay with us for about a week.  We spent the evening fellowshipping with them.

Today I'm studying, visiting, working in my woodworking shop, and going to church tonight!  Well Glory to God.  Another opportunity to go to the House of God and worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 26th 2012 6:11 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Where would we be today had the Lord not saved us?  What a Saviour to reach down in the depths of sin and save our wretched soul.  Glory to God!!

Yesterday Mrs. Amy and I worked most of the day at the church.  We hung blinds, did book work, and visited.  God granted us a great time.

We sent the young people off to camp for the week.  We had 8 go from the church.  Please pray that they make good decisions this week for the Lord.

Last night we went on a date.  What a joy to have a Godly wife!

Today I'm studying this morning and then working on our missinonary apartment and down at the church on many projects.  What a thrill to be used by God and sense His presence as you minister in this community.

Please pray for the Jackman mission.  Our family there is visisting and soul winning.  It's like ministering in remote parts of the world because of the lack of Bible truth.  We must remember that our country does pray a price for throwing the Bible out of our society.  Please pray!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 25th 2012 7:11 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

To God be the Glory for what He did on yesterday. Well Hallelujah!!!!  What a Saviour !!!!!  Whoopee!!!!!  He's a Mighty God!!

Our services were blessed all day long.  Even though it's vacation time we still had 108 in Sunday School with a tremendous spirit in the services as I preached on A Friend in Jesus on Sunday Morning and Lessons of Life in the evening.  Our services in Jackman were wonderful also.  I had good weather flying there and back and we had a first time visitor with 12 in attendance.  Praise the Lord for what He is doing there in that town at our mission work.

Today the kids go to camp for the week.  Pray that good decisions are made.  Mrs. Amy and I will be working hard this week in the ministry.  Were excited to be able to serve the Lord.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

I fly the intern sleeps not fair

June 24th 2012 6:49 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Well Glory to God!!  What a Mighty God we serve!!!  Whoopee!!!  He's Worthy!!!  I'm glad I'm saved!  I'm excited that I'm going to Heaven not hell.  I've been cleansed by the Blood and I'm not going!  Well Hallelujah!!

My wife and I had powerful visits yesterday out soul-winning.  No one was saved but we did get into a lot of peoples lives.  It's a process!

I studied in the afternoon.

Today is CHURCH all day!!!  Well Glory!!!!  It's amazing what our God is going to do today!!  I can't wait to see!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 23rd 2012 6:55 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a great day on yesterday.  I spent time with my boy in the morning.  Then we detailed the church van.  After that we went to the coast with the  family.  It had been a long time since I swam with the kids in the ocean.  It was fun.  In the evening we went on a date together.  Thank God for my family.

Today I'm studying this morning and then going soul-winning and visiting.  Tomorrow is friend day and we are asking God to give us a large crowd even in the middle of summer.  Pray for us!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 22nd 2012 5:42 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful few days I have had.  I flew down to Pickens S.C. to be a part of the ordination of Missionary Jim Roberts.  He was a man that our family spent a few years with.  He was newly saved and in the Navy stationed at Portsmouth.  It was a joy to disciple him and see the growth in his life.  I was thrilled to be able to be there in S.C. to see the service.  We had good flights down and back.  It was just over four hours each way.  It's hard to beat flying :)

Last night we spent some time with the Crown College Quartet relaxing at the lake.  That was a blessing.

Today were back at it in the ministry here.  Pray for the weekend as we have friend day at the church.  Were asking God to give us powerful services and many visitors out.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Holding short in V.A waiting to depart

At the ordination of Jim Roberts

June 20th 2012 5:24 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a powerful day I had on yesterday.  I was busy with the work of the ministry all day.  Our Tuesday night service was huge!  Glory to God for the great crowd and wonderful spirit that was in our midst.  I preached on What time is it out of Romans 13.  The Lord stirred our hearts and encouraged us through the Word of God.  I appreciate the good liberty that was in the meeting.  Bless the Lord!

Today I'm studying and then flying five of us down to S.C. to be a part of the ordination service of Missionary Jim Roberts.  It's going to be good!  Lord willing we fly back tomorrow morning.  Thank you for praying for traveling mercies.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 19th 2012 6:38 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

We had a wonderful family day all day long yesterday.  It was a blessing to be together and support our boy at the tournament.  He played well.  I don't know what place he was in but probally in the top ten out of 100 or so golfers.  What a blessing.

Today I'm studying, visiting, and preparing for the service tonight.  I can't wait to see what God is going to do in our hearts as we go to church.  It's exciting to meet together and worship the Lord and receive instruction from His Word.

Keep the Faith my Brethren!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Great day Benjamin three over after nine but playing good

Out supporting my boy at New England Golf Championship!

I took the Crown College singers with me to Jackman. We had a tremendous service

June 18th 2012 4:25 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a powerful day we had on yesterday.  God moved in the meetings as the Word of God was preached.  I love our church and thank God for all HE is doing in our midst.

The service last night was special as it was youth night.  I love the youth of our church.  Our young preachers preached and the young people did everything in the service.  I set there like a proud peacock.  Well Glory to God!!!

Today is family day.  My boy is playing golf in N.H.  We are all going over to back him.  He's playing in the New England championship.  It should be a great day with the family.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 17th 2012 5:47 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Praise the Lord for all the people we talked to on yesterday.  We were out for around 5 hours sharing the gospel.  No one was saved but we did get the gospel out to many.

In the afternoon I worked around the house.  I cut down a dead ash tree to use for summer wood.  I also put up a tire swing for the kids.  It was a good day.

Today is the Lord's day all day long!  I can't wait to see what God is going to do.  We have the Crown College trio with us and Dr. Crighton.  It's going to be a blessing!  Tonight is youth night in our Supah Summah Sundays.  After church is open house here at our farm for anybody to come over and grill some hotdogs and fellowship.  It's going to be exciting!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 16th 2012 7:27 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful and beautiful morning the Lord has blessed us with.  I'm studying this morning and then I will be visiting and soul-winning most of the day.  We also are going to do a deep clean on our new building.  It's going to be a wonderful day of service in the Lords work! 

We welcome Dr. Chrighton and the Crown College singers this afternoon.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 15th 2012 5:21 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Yesterday was a big day in our families life.  It was the day that we could say all the winters wood is stacked!  Well Glory to God!  Thanks to Daniel, Luke, Jared, and Benjamin for the great help.

Also I went in the afternoon and got my flight physical so I'm good for another two years.  On the way back I made several visits chatting with lost people.  I had a tremendous time.

In the evening Doug and Joyce came.  It is a blessing having them around.

Today I'm working around the house, visiting, and spending time with the family.  It's beautiful outside as I type this out.  The birds woke me up this morning at 5 singing Amazing Grace how sweet the sound!  Amen and Amen!

Now it's time for the Word of God!  Well Glory!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

TheyAh Mainahs!

Thank you Jesus for help!

June 14th 2012 5:46 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a powerful service we had last night.  God helped us through the preaching of the Word of God.  The altars were full as we sought the Lord and ask Him to help us not to let the Work of God cease.  I preached out of Ezra 4 and 5.

Today we are working in the wood and surveying around the area and in the plane.  Were going to spend some time with a few of the young men of our church.  Tonight is family night.  Doug and Joyce my mother in law and father and in law are coming in today from N.C.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 13th 2012 7:25 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I went golfing yesterday morning with my boy. (I won) (smile) After that we split wood till 1:45.  Then we got ready to fly up to Jackman.  We had a great flight up there and back.  I spent an hour and a half visiting and soul winning in Jackman.  Praise the Lord for the good contacts and what God did.  In the evening we had our midweek service.  We had 14 people in attendance.  What a joy to see what God is doing there.  We flew home and barely got back in before the weather got ugly.  Praise the Lord for the good day.

Today I'm studying, working around the house and at the church.  Tonight I'm excited about getting to go to church.  It's going to be a wonderful evening!  Praise the Lord for our Great God and how He is moving in our midst!  Whoopee!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 12th 2012 5:42 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Praise the Lord for a good family day yesterday.  We spent all day together fellowshipping and enjoying each others company.

Today I'm studying this morning for a little bit then, golfing, chopping wood, then flying up to Jackman for a midweek worship service and soul-winning.  It's going to be a wonderful day!  Glory to God!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 11th 2012 7:51 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a powerful day on yesterday.  To God be the Glory for all He is doing in our midst!

1)  Up at 5:20 studying and preparing for the day.
2)  Sunday School and church preaching through 12.
3)  Eat a quick bite in drive through at Wendys 12:30.
4)  Get in plane and fly to Jackman till 2.
5)  Service in Jackman Maine 2 - 3:30
6)  Fly home by 4;30
5)  Choir Rehearsal at 5
6)  Church from 6 to 8.
7)  All the church came over for open house till 10.
8)  Conk out at 10:30 :)

God is so good to keep us busy for Him!  What a joy!

Today we are catching up on some things around the house and possibly going to fly somewhere and eat with a pastor friend and do some surveying.  What a thrill.  Tonight I want to have some family from town in our home.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 10th 2012 5:38 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful day on yesterday.  I visited most of the day.  I also spent some time with Josh and Caleb Raines.  It was a blessing being around one of the men of our church.  We flew Caleb down to Hampton airfield and had a hamburger.  I had some great visits and a good study time in the Word of God.

Today I'm studying this morning and then preaching all day here in Sanford and in Jackman.  Tonight is the parade of nations and I will be preaching a missions message.  It's going to be a wonderful day!  I can't wait to see what God is going to do!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Great day with Josh and Caleb Raines

June 9th 2012 6:30 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

My wife and I worked all day around the house yesterday.  It was a great day.

Today I'm studying, soul winning, and taking a young boy on an airplane ride for lunch.  What a beautiful day the Lord has given us!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell


Some sights on our way to Jackman

One of the Thai ladies that been coming to church in Jackman

The first Sunday School class held in Jackman Maine at the First Baptist Church (held on Saturday)

June 8th 2012 5:29 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a powerful day on yesterday.

God moved and blessed the whole day.

I played golf with my boy in the morning.  After that I met with a banker who is looking to get us refinanced.  That was exciting.  I spent some of the afternoon with the Sullivan family praying about the coast of Maine.  We looked and sought God.  I came home and studied and then flew up to Jackman for the midweek service.  God was good to help us.  Their were thunderstorms but the Lord helped us get around them.  We had a great service with 11 people out. 

We got home around 8 and Miss Eleanor and I were sitting at a restaurant in Sanford having a piece of pizza when a guy walked in with a AOPA flying cap on.  I said what do you fly.  After telling me I told him I fly also and had just got back from Jackman.  They said we live in Jackman.  What a coincidence!  We had a good chat.  A little handful of purpose letting us know God is on the throne and is ordering our steps.

I'm studying this morning, flying a jet this morning, and working around the house this afternoon.  It's going to be a wonderful day!  Oh yeah Mrs Amy and I are going on a date tonight.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Looks funny without snow

Arriving in Jackman

Some of the terrain we fly over

I needed to see this after the bad weather we flew around

One of the new converts in Jackman. Praise the Lord!

June 7th 2012 6:24 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Wow what a day yesterday.  We had a prayer meeting with Pastors in the morning and then in the afternoon we worked in the wood. 

Last nights service was filled with the power of God and the Glory of God!!!  Glory!!!  I appreciate God showing Himself mighty in our behalf.

Today I'm working around the house, visiting, meeting with the bank, and flying to Jackman to preach tonight.  Thanks for praying for us.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 6th 2012 6:01 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I was busy yesterday in the morning roofing, splitting wood, and working around the house.  In the afternoon we took a ride to Twin Mountain with the Sullinvans to look around and see what God might do in leading them up that way.  We fellowshipped and mentored along the way in the church van.  We got home around 9:30 last night.

Today I'm studying, going to pastors prayer meeting, working in the wood, and having church tonight at 7!  Glory to God!  I can't wait to see what God is going to do!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 5th 2012 5:49 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I was busy yesterday flying the jet.  It was information overload.  I would love to fly it more.  I believe with a little training I could handle it :)

Today were working around the house and surveying the area with a missionary family.

Pray for God to meet the needs of our ministry.  Unless we can see some funds come in for our flying ministry we are going to have to stop flying for a while.  God knows.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Around 100 people packed into fellowship hall for service

Afternoon choir

The guts of the system MFD

Flying the jet all glass panel crushing at 32000 feet

Enjoying the jet!

Powerful day!

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a powerful day on yesterday.  The Lord moved and blessed in the meetings.  I preached in the morning on Relying on the Lord out of 2 Chronicles 13.  In the afternoon Bro. Daniel preached on the Succesful Christian Life.  I drove up to Lisbon and preached again in the evening a charge to the graduates.  It was a blessed day!

Today is an exciting day for me.  It's the first day ever that I get to fly a jet!  I'm looking forward to it.

Tonight we welcome the Sullivan family.  It's going to be good to have them here.  They will be moving to this region soon to start a church!  Well Glory!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

P.S.  Great Picture!  I love my church!

June 3rd 2012 6:20 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a joy for the Lords day to be upon us.  I can't wait to see what HE is going to do in our midst today.  Where would we be today had we not got saved!  Bless the Lord oh my soul!

As you can see by the picture we had another young lady saved in Jackman.  Mrs Diane had the privilege of leading this young girl to Christ on Thursday.  Yesterday they made cookies together and had a discipleship time together.  Praise the Lord!

Our day was blessed yesterday with soul winning and cleaning around the church.  In the afternoon it rained about 3 inches so the whole family hunkered down in the house and had a wonderful lazy day together.  Thank the Lord for my family.

See you at church in just a little while.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Praise the Lord Mrs Diane led Kaila to Christ in Jackman! God is moving!

Mount Washington

Twin Mountain Baptist Church

Greetings in Jesus Name

Yesterday was the last day of school for this year.  What a exciting day it was.  The kids were leadping for joy and we were also.  I'm excited about this summer and what God has in store for us.

Bro. Daniel and I worked all morning on the yard.  After that we pressure washed both buildings on high street.  They look sharp now.  Around lunch I had several meetings with staff.  In the afternoon I flew up to Twin Mountain N.H. and met with Bro. Walker.  We had a sweet time of fellowship.  I wish my pictures would do it justice.  The sights up there are breath taking among the big mountains of northern N.H.  Praise the Lord for a great visit.  In the evening I spent time with my family.

Today I'm studying, soul winning, and cleaning at the church.  It's going to be a wonderful day of ministry.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

June 1st 2012 5:52 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Lord teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom!  Time is just zipping by.  Welcome to June!

We had a tremendous day on yesterday.  I was able to share the gospel with several people.  What a joy and delight that God would be so good to open the doors to do this. 

School was a blessing with everyone excited.  I took the school out for ice cream in the afternoon.  They were well behaved and it was a good testimony.  Praise the Lord.  The closing program and awards were great last night.  The Lord be praised for a tremendous school year.

Today is our last day of school.  Could I hear someone say a hearty AMEN!!!  Bro. Daniel and I will be flying up to Northern N.H. and also possibly up to Jackman to do some discipleship and soul-winning.  Pray that we have a wonderful day.

Pray for our missionary David Townsley today at 2 as he takes his final test for flying.  He's another young man that I have encouraged in flying and is getting his license.  Praise the Lord for how God is moving and working.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell