July 23rd 2014

Acts 2:46  And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

Let's write about the midweek service this morning.  Its the Lord that has put in my heart a love for the House of God. Every time the doors are open my heart is stirred to be able to go and worship the God of Heaven at a set aside place.  I thank God that I have that place here in Sanford Maine where the brethren can come and be blessed by the LORD!
But really what has happened to the midweek service.  Through the years their has been a lazy attitude taken about this service.  Now let's talk about this.  Is the Bible preached on Wednesday?  Are the songs of Zion sung on Wednesday?  Is their prayer offered on Wednesday?  Is the fellowship just as contagious on Wednesday?  So what's holding us back?  Why then is the attendance sometimes lower on Wednesdays then other services.  Well it could be work which is understandable or it could be Providential situations which is understandable but most of the time it's the HEART!  When our hearts are cold against the LORD we don't have the same desire to come and meet with God's people.  Think about what we do at times when we don't come on a Wednesday or Sunday night.  We just sit at home, watch a t.v. show, sit by a fire or pond, talk to friends...........  You say wow preacher that's kind of hard.  No, not al all!   It just shows that are hearts are cold.  Don't you think it's about time that we did business with the LORD today and got our hearts right with HIM?
Let's make it a point to prepare ourselves today and come the House of God tonight ready to be fed from the Word of God and shout the victory!
Tonight I'm pumped about preaching the Word of God and welcoming a Missionary Lady from Arizona!  It's going to be good!  I wouldn't miss it for nothing!
See you there?

Serving the Lord Jesus Christ with a Smile

Todd Bell

July 18th 2014 6:32 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty life changing Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!!

Romans 12:13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality

1 Timothy 3:2  A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach

Titus 1:8  But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;

1 Peter 4:9  Use hospitality one to another without grudging

The Word of God is powerful and life changing!  Some would say that hospitality is a gift.  You may want to look at it that way but I see it as an act of obedience.  When the scripture says twice to be given to hospitality then guess what?  We should be given to hospitality!!!  When it says love it we should love it.  When it says use it we should use it!  So what's left after all of that.  OBEDIENCE!!
My wife and I have been in the ministry 25 years this October.  One of the ways we have found that has continually made the difference is simply obeying the Word of God when it comes to hospitality.  What a joy it has been of ours to open our homes and hearts to be people weekly.  I must say that their is a price to pay.  The price is marginal in light of the joy of ministering to people.  Oh yeah the price!  Well when people come to your house you are transparent.  When people come to your house and you are hospitable to them it cost a lot of money.  Theirs also a lot of cleaning up to do and preparation that has to be made.  All of this is part of the ministry that all of us need to be involved in.  I have met so many people that would never open their home to anyone to come over.  I believe its time we bury that thought.  How bout we all as Christians understand what the Bible teaches about hospitality and start obeying it!!  Glory!  What a change it will make in our local churches!

On another note, today looks like its going to be the day that I fly the airplane.  The pesty oil leak has been resolved and I should be flying sometime around 9 today.  I will keep you posted.  What a joy to be able to use aviation as a tool to get more accomplished for Christ!  Keep praying and believing for the next church plant and the furthering of other church plants that already exist!  What a thrill!  Bless the Lord!  Glory to God!

A Servant for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ!

Pastor Todd Bell

July 14th 2014 6:08 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a Saviour!  What a day!  Bless the LORD!  Glory to God!

I'm encouraged this morning as I type this out.  I enjoyed the services yesterday so much.  The Lord moved in power and great glory in all the services.  It's was amazing to sit back and watch as the Spirit of God came in like a mighty rushing wind.  Most people that say that God is not moving in the frozen chosen states of the Northeast have never spent the time waiting on the Lord for Him to move.  HE is moving and for that I bless His Holy Name!
Last night was one of those services that will stand out in our mind for quite sometime.  The Holy Ghost just settled in among us as the songs of Zion were sung and the saints testified!  Wow!  I appreciate our church being sensitive to the Holy Ghost as He moved among us!  Bless His Holy Name!!!  After church I baptized two more people.  One adult lady was saved yesterday morning and then a young lady that was saved a few weeks back was baptized also!
You can't make this stuff up!  The God of Heaven is moving and we will keep this as a banner verse for us.........
Isiah 42:8 I am the Lord:that is my name:
and my glory will I not give to another...... WE ARE CAREFUL TO GIVE HIM THE GLORY!
Their are so many more people to reach with the gospel.  Let's be faithful to reach them before it is eternally to late!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Believe God with me for revival!

July 11th 2014 5:14 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful day I had on yesterday.   It was one of those days that we got a lot accomplished but the progress still seemed a bit slow.  While installing the air conditioners at the church we ran into some technical issues from the factory.  We believe we have those resolved now.  Hopefully today they will be up and running.  Praise the Lord for how He is helping us.  Special thanks to Ron Berard, Craig the Christian, and Dave Blaisdell for all the help.  What a blessing it is to see the progress.

Today very well may be the long awaited day that I have been anticipating for over a year.  The paper work has been signed the Bill of Sale has been filled out, the new registration papers are ready to go into the airplane.  Today may be the day that I fly the PA32R-300-T for the first time.  The insurance people have told me that I will have to fly it solo for the first two hours.  I'm pumped!  I can't wait to see this plane in the air again for the glory of God!  I have sought the God of Heaven in where our next church plant will be.  I'm so excited to be able to visit all over New England and continue planting churches.  I praise God for this long expected day.  Stay tuned for pictures to follow.

Also this morning I'm continuing to seek the Lord, study, and feed myself personally out of the Word of God.  I'm enjoying the quiet mornings of getting up around 4:30.  It's refreshing to meet with the Lord and spend time with my Saviour!

Hey!  Stay at it!  Glory!  It's worth it!  Souls are in the balance!  We must reach others with the Gospel!  Thank you for your love and prayers for me.  I love  y'all and I am praying for you.  Were in this together.  Lets get er done!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

July 9th 2014 5:38 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

The scriptures teach us that Jesus rose a great while before day and prayed.  I find it so refreshing to do the same.  As I type this out at 5:30 my heart was stirred around 4:30 this morning to get up and meet with the Lord.  I love the quiet time of the mornings that are without interruption.  Do you have a time you meet with the God of Heaven!!!

Our ministry is in the process of closing the deal on the Piper Lance.  We are raising funds to finish the purchase of the plane. Yesterday I had dear friend say that he would loan us the rest of the funds and then I could pay him back as quick as possible.  This was a big answer to prayer!  It's always exciting to see how the Lord is going to work when we step out and trust Him.  Would you help me pray about where the next church plant is going to be?  Our desire now and always has been since coming to Maine 18 years ago is to plant a church in every town in Maine.  With God all things are possible.

I don't always know who reads these posts but let me challenge you not to be lazy.  I'm amazed at how many pastors don't regularly witness to people.  I'm amazed that the same ones have no vision or desire to see other works started.  May the God of Heaven arrest our souls to the realization that people are dropping off into hell every day and we must reach the lost.  I would love to take the time to just write down all the people I have talked to this week just in casual visits.  As I ride around town running errands the Spirit of God prompts me to stop and visit with people.  It WORKS it WORKS!! May HE help us all to be soul conscience!

So have you won anybody to Christ.  Are you training anybody in discipleship.  Nobody wants to talk about this.  They say it makes me uncomfortable.  It's about time we get uncomfortable for the sake of others.  We need an old fashioned Holy Ghost revival that causes such a change in us as God's people that we see people saved all over this region.  We need a great out pouring of the Spirit of God to awaken us!  May the God of Heaven do it now!!!  Glory!

Please pray for our services tonight that they would be powerful!  Many have already made other plans and are not going to attend a mid week service.  This tells us where your at spiritually.  Make a change and repent and find a place to worship.  Ask the Lord to soften your heart and get back where you need to be!  Lets get at!  The night is coming when no man can work.

Along with studying and seeking God this morning I plan to install our new wall mount air conditioners at the church today.  I can't wait to see what the Lord will do.  It's so exciting to serve HIM!!  Glory!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

July 7th 2014 5:24 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I wish I could put into words what the Lord did in our hearts yesterday but at this time I can't.  I can say Bless the Lord!  Hallelujah!  Glory!  I love the LORD!  Thank God I'm saved!  I'm glad I heard the voice of God and heeded His call!  What a joy!

The morning service was blessed beyond measure yesterday morning as the singers sang and I preached out of the Sermon on the mount.  Praise the Lord for the liberty that HE granted in the meeting.

The afternoon service was a highlight of my ministry here yesterday as the yard was packed with people, a sermon out of Acts 8 on Baptism and 10 that went into the pool for baptism!  Glory to God for what He continues to do!

Today I'm reading this morning, then working on a leak on my house and making visits in the community.  Should be an exceptional day in the Lord!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

July 4th 2014 7:19 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of The Lord Jesus Christ

Galatians 5:1 (KJV)
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

When I think of July 4th I think of the liberty and the indedpendance that we enjoy as Americans.  My heart is stirred this morning for this great text of Scripture.
What can we learn about the Spiritual Liberty that we have as Christians from this text.
1)  This is liberty that comes through Christ
**  Multitudes of people are tangled up in so many things in life.  To be straightforward their lives stink and seemingly have no direction.  Their homes are out of order, they hate their jobs, and living everyday is a chore.
**  Please be assured that Christ can make you free!  This verse teaches us that He has!  I personally have experienced this freedom that comes from not only knowing Christ as my personal Saviour but serving Him with all my heart!  Their is no greater joy then to be totally committed to His work here in this great state of Maine and to see so many churhes established!  Glory to God!
**  Have you experienced this liberty through Christ?  If not why not?

2)  This is liberty that we need to Stand Fast in

  • to stand firm

  • to persevere, to persist

  • to keep one's standing

    **  So many people are wishy washy about their faith.  They are in one day and out the other.  They are in one Sunday and then you cant find them for serveral Sundays.  They are happy one minute and then angry the next.  They want to serve God one day the next they don't care.
    **  All of us that are God's Children are to stand firm and perservere in the liberty that we have in Christ!  How bout we do just that.  Quit being so weak and lets get at it as Christians!

    3)  This is Liberty that we have not always enjoyed

    **  The word therefore is there for us to understand that something has happened in the past.
    **  That something that has happened in the past is their previous experience.  These people were under the heavy yoke of another religion that brought them into bondage. They needed to be reminded to not go back to such an awful life.
    **  Maybe their is someone reading this post today that is not enjoying the Liberty that you can have in Christ because of the bondage of religious exercise!  Be delivered today through Christ.  Let Him set you free!  Come to a place where you can shout the victory through HIM!  Whoopee!!!

    4)  This Liberty is something you can lose

    **  He says and be not entangled again.  I have watched people that have been set free in Christ go back to the old lifestyle that they were delivered out of.  I have even seen many in church live in the bondage of performance based acceptance.  That is such a life of bondage.

    **  We should do what we do because of who we are in Christ not because someone is forcing us to do it.  We all should practice what this verse says so we can enjoy the freedom that we have in Christ.

    **  Dear God in Heaven grant this to be true in all of our lives as believers and Lord those that do not know you as Saviour may they be saved before it is eternally to late!!!

    Conclusion:  If you have any questions or would like for my wife and I to visit you to discuss further the great truths that are to be found in Christ please contact me @ tbell@metrocast.net

  • July 3rd 2014 5:12 a.m.

    Greetings in Jesus Name

    Praise the Lord for such a good day on yesterday.  I was busy in my study in the morning and running errands till lunch.  After lunch I worked on the deck project for a few hours while Craig put deck furniture together.  In the afternoon I also studied and prepared for the Wednesday service.
    What a blessing it was to go to church last night.  The service was full of people and the power of God.  The God of Heaven helped us all as I preached out of John 14.  Praise the Lord for the good spirit in the meeting.  Afterwards we spent some time fellowshipping in the our hall with Tim Martell.  Our church welcomed him home from Afghanistan.  What a joy it was to see him in church with his family again.  What a powerful day.
    Today I'm up early studying and seeking God.  After studying I'm going to finish up the deck work and then head toward the fire pit job.  In the evening I'm going to do some soul winning and visiting in the community.  What a joy it is to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  It never gets old.  Theirs so much to do!  Glory to God!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell