Greetings in Jesus Name
The scriptures teach us that Jesus rose a great while before day and prayed. I find it so refreshing to do the same. As I type this out at 5:30 my heart was stirred around 4:30 this morning to get up and meet with the Lord. I love the quiet time of the mornings that are without interruption. Do you have a time you meet with the God of Heaven!!!
Our ministry is in the process of closing the deal on the Piper Lance. We are raising funds to finish the purchase of the plane. Yesterday I had dear friend say that he would loan us the rest of the funds and then I could pay him back as quick as possible. This was a big answer to prayer! It's always exciting to see how the Lord is going to work when we step out and trust Him. Would you help me pray about where the next church plant is going to be? Our desire now and always has been since coming to Maine 18 years ago is to plant a church in every town in Maine. With God all things are possible.
I don't always know who reads these posts but let me challenge you not to be lazy. I'm amazed at how many pastors don't regularly witness to people. I'm amazed that the same ones have no vision or desire to see other works started. May the God of Heaven arrest our souls to the realization that people are dropping off into hell every day and we must reach the lost. I would love to take the time to just write down all the people I have talked to this week just in casual visits. As I ride around town running errands the Spirit of God prompts me to stop and visit with people. It WORKS it WORKS!! May HE help us all to be soul conscience!
So have you won anybody to Christ. Are you training anybody in discipleship. Nobody wants to talk about this. They say it makes me uncomfortable. It's about time we get uncomfortable for the sake of others. We need an old fashioned Holy Ghost revival that causes such a change in us as God's people that we see people saved all over this region. We need a great out pouring of the Spirit of God to awaken us! May the God of Heaven do it now!!! Glory!
Please pray for our services tonight that they would be powerful! Many have already made other plans and are not going to attend a mid week service. This tells us where your at spiritually. Make a change and repent and find a place to worship. Ask the Lord to soften your heart and get back where you need to be! Lets get at! The night is coming when no man can work.
Along with studying and seeking God this morning I plan to install our new wall mount air conditioners at the church today. I can't wait to see what the Lord will do. It's so exciting to serve HIM!! Glory!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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