July 7th 2014 5:24 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I wish I could put into words what the Lord did in our hearts yesterday but at this time I can't.  I can say Bless the Lord!  Hallelujah!  Glory!  I love the LORD!  Thank God I'm saved!  I'm glad I heard the voice of God and heeded His call!  What a joy!

The morning service was blessed beyond measure yesterday morning as the singers sang and I preached out of the Sermon on the mount.  Praise the Lord for the liberty that HE granted in the meeting.

The afternoon service was a highlight of my ministry here yesterday as the yard was packed with people, a sermon out of Acts 8 on Baptism and 10 that went into the pool for baptism!  Glory to God for what He continues to do!

Today I'm reading this morning, then working on a leak on my house and making visits in the community.  Should be an exceptional day in the Lord!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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