The LORDS day activities

I am praising the LORD this morning for all the Lord did on yesterday. Wow!!!!!! What a day. The Power of God was so real yesterday morning as we got in an old fashioned testimony meeting with crying and shouting and praying and singing. I bless the LORD for all he did at church. And then last night was tremendous at Church Hill Baptist in Augusta. Our church took around 50 people and made the trip all the way up to our state capitol to back the church planters conference. The Lord be praised that over 12,000 dollars was raised for these four missionary families that were part of the meeting. I would have to write a book to tell you what all God did. I bless His Name for His goodness and Grace. I have included a few pictures of our day. Some are looking at the islands that need the LORD. Others are of the bus ride. One of the cockpit is for my friend Dave Crispell. It may be a little blurry but the GPS says I was doing 198 Knots an hour. Just rubbing it in a little. I pray all of you have a wonderful day. Oh yeah, just a hint the preacher is getting older today. You guessed it 39!!!

1 comment:

Judy said...

How wonderful to see how the Lord is using you to do His work. Keep on Keeping on for the Lord. We are so proud of you and celebrate your birthday today. Wish we could be there but we will see you soon. Love,
Mom and Dad