February 29, 2009 8:02 a.m

Good Morning to all

I pray you are having a great day. I appreciate the LORD blessing me these last several days as I have been away from my computer. This week has been a different one with all the sickness that our area has been experiencing. The Flu has set in and it seems like everybody in our church has had it. After the flu comes this horrible sinus infection and for some has resulted in pneumonia! Yikes, this is some ugly. God's grace has been sufficient for each of us and for that I praise HIS NAME!

Share a thon 2009 was a great blessing to be at. The preaching was powerful, the singing was great, and the fellowship was wonderful. I was excited to be given the opportunity to preach the Word of God on Wednesday night and Thursday morning. The LORD filled me and helped me. Oh how I love HIM and praise HIM for HIS abundant blessings.

Continue to pray for me as I have had a terrible allergic reaction to the antibiotic that the Doc put me on. I am currently on predisone and will see the Doc on Monday. The LORD makes no mistakes and I am trusting HIM through this.

I'm looking forward to great family seminar on today at North Baldwin Baptist Church. Pray that God uses me to challenge families in that area and pray that souls will be saved.

I'll catch up a little more in the days to come.

Pastor Todd Bell

February 23, 2009 12:55p.m.

The LORD blessed in a wonderful way on yesterday at church. I appreciate the Liberty of the Holy Ghost on the meetings. We ended up not having church last night due to the intense snow storm. I will put some pictures to show you how much it snowed. I think we got a good 16 inches or so.

Pray much for me as I will be traveling on tomorrow to N.C. I'm due to preach on Wednesday night in Canton and Thursday at WGCR share a thon. Pray much that the LORD would heal me from sickness. I have been struggling for weeks with this sickness and have begged God to deliver. Pray much that HE would.

The fields here are literally white unto harvest. I pray for souls to be saved and the saints of God to be stirred for revival. God is doing wonderful things in our church and this region and I'm careful to give HIM all the glory!

Winter Carnival 2009 February 22, 10 p.m.

Third Annual Winter Carnival February 22, 2009 9:08p.m.

On Saturday we had an unbelievable time at our annual winter carnival. The Chili cook off was a huge success with Barbara Berard beating me by two points. Hmmmmmmm I'll get over it. The Crazy sled race was absolutely crazy for sure. Cherith won this with Ron having best show. He screwed a pair of skis to an old recliner. To say the least we enjoyed the good Christian fellowship and look forward to many more of these.

Ron Berard with best show with his skiing recliner! What a CRAZY sled!

Cherith with the winning sled!
Barbara Berard getting the grand prize!
Chili time!
Benjamin and Ryan having an absolute time!
Margurite and Anna loving the tube!

Chapel Service in Lisbon Maine Feburary 19, 2009 Update

Greetings in Jesus Name

I sure have enjoyed all that God is continuing to do in our midst here in Sanford Maine. All Glory to Him for His faithfulness in all areas.

Our services last night were blessed of God as I spoke on Personal Revival out of Matthew 7. I appreciate the Spirit of God filling me to be able to preach. Their would be no preaching was it not for the fullness of the Holy Spirit. This preacher is aware of that each and every time I go to the pulpit. Continue to pray for us as we reach others with the gospel here in Sanford and this region.

The video is a recent trip I went on with one of our missionaries. It's not a mistake that you hear music in the background. This missionary must keep under the radar in what he says in his testimony. I was able to fly him up to a meeting and be part of a Christian school chapel. It was a blessing and I appreciate the LORD allowing us to have a part.

I thank God for each of you and your prayers and support for our ministry here.

Pastor Todd Bell

A day of fellowship at the slopes Feburary 18th, 2009

Praise the LORD for an opportunity to get away for a few hours last week with a missionary we support, my son and a man from our church. We all enjoyed ourselves immensely and praise God for the fellowship that we had in the gospel.

Pastor Bell

February 14, 2009 8:55a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

The LORD has blessed us with a great week here on the mission field of Maine. I have had a great time doing the work of the ministry. Most of my days are field with time alone with the God of Heaven in prayer and study in the mornings and then visiting through out the day. It's such a blessing to be able to share the gospel with people. Almost weekly we find that we share the gospel with people and it's the first time they have ever heard. This is a blessing to be entrusted with so great a message that can transform their lives. Pray much that the seed of the Word of God would find a lodging place in their hearts and they would get saved.
Our services on Wednesday were blessed of God. The Spirit of God filled me to be able to deliver my heart and soul to the people about revival in the home. What a great time of learning that we had together. I am continuing to pray that God would give us strong homes that can make a difference in our church and community.
Last night I preached in Georgetown MA at a fellowship meeting of several churches in the area. Once again the LORD was gracious and helped us to deliver the message of the gospel. What a thrill it is to be able to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ!!
I'm preparing now to go to Sratton Maine and preach tonight and tomorrow morning. I am expecting my God to move in power and glory in the meetings. Pray much that HE will use me in a special way.
I am grateful for each of you that follow what God is doing here and pray for me. I do not take any of it for granted and know that at the judgement seat you will be rewarded accordingly by our God.

Pastor Todd Bell

A Real Shakey View of the Methodist Church were praying about!

I realize the quality is not real good but this is a view from the air of the property we are praying about. Actually if you go to google earth (16 Grammar Road Sanford Maine) you can get a better picture but I thought it was worth a try. The wind was blowing 290 degrees at 20 gusting to 30. It was just a little bumpy!!


Sunday February 8, 2009 6:38 a.m.

Good Morning to each and everyone of you. The LORD has blessed us with a good nights sleep and our family is looking forward to going to the House of God and worshiping Him this morning. What a joy and delight it is to enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. I'm excited to see what God is going to do today. I believe lives will be touched by the power of the Holy Ghost as the Word of God is preached. He's worthy of our praise!!

I have continued to stay very busy in the work of the ministry. It is such a delight to share the gospel with people. It is a constant work that we are involved in. I'm glad God called us to the frozen north to reach Mainers with the Gospel. What an honor to be used of Him!

I'm looking forward to baptizing around 10 or more people soon. Now that's going to be a thrill for our church. I wish you were all here to witness this.

Have you ever noticed how it doesn't do you any good to complain. Further when you study the Word of God you find that God doesn't have anything good to say about complaining. We are positive in our walk with God because He is so good all the time. Why not just pause where your at and throw both hands in the air and praise Him. The Bible declares we are to lift our hands unto the Lord. That's not a suggestion that's a command. God people should not be addicted to cigarette's and alcohol, t.v., or the Internet we should be addicted to praise!!! Amen and Amen!!
We should walk around saying I must praise Him because He is worthy. Oh thank you Jesus for all you have done for me!!! I think you see the picture. May the LORD help us to be faithful in this area.

I'm still excited about the meeting with the Methodist on Thursday night. This is an effectual open door that the LORD has put before us. Continue to pray the God's will be done. You talking about stirring you up. I am thrilled to the bone. Whoopee!!!!!!!! Glory!!!!!!!!!! Did I hear someone say Amen!!!!!

I love each of you.


Thursday Febuary 5th, 2009 7:06 a.m.

Good Morning to each of you. It's currently -14 outside but absolutely beautiful as I look out the window at God's wonderful creation. I lift up my hands in praise to Him this morning for His goodness and grace.

The last several days have been jam packed with activities. The first part of this week has been spent at a revival meeting at Standish Baptist Church. The Lord indeed blessed at these meetings. I am so grateful that God has blessed us with such a wonderful church. We took 32 people with us on Monday night to the meeting. How encouraging that is to me as the preacher to see the excitement of those that went.

Last night the Lord granted unto us a sweet time at the House of God. How thrilling it is to preach the Word of God and see the hunger in His people to learn and grow. I praise the Lord for what He continues to do.

Today along with studying, visiting, and discipleship I plan to install the drawers on a set of cabinets I have made over the last several months. I give God all the glory for the wisdom that He has given me to work with my hands. What a great God we serve that gives us gifts to use for Him.

Pray much for me tonight as I meet with the trustees from the Methodist church in town to discuss options that may be available for our purchase of their campus. We are so thrilled to see what God is going to do. We have a vision to build a church here that has 500 people in it that are sold out and serving God to the fullest. It remains to be seen what God can do with a group of people like that. I must say I want to be one of those individuals.

"Brethren pray for us"

Pastor Todd Bell

Landing at Alton Bay New Hampshire on the ICE

February 2,2009

I'm Overwhelmed with God's Goodness

February 2, 2009 7:22a.m.

As I write this blog this morning my heart is overwhelmed with how good GOD has been to each of us. I realize it has been a while since I updated everyone. God is doing so much each and every day that it's very hard to take time to type it all out.

For example on yesterday the Spirit of God moved into our service in a special way and dealt with all of us in the area of total surrender. Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!!!! I know this does not describe what happened but it's hard to put into words. I never got to preach as the Holy Ghost was moving in and through the services speaking individually to the people. Many testified of total surrender and how GOD had granted them the victory in that area. What a joy and delight is was to experience this.

We had a missionary with us last night going to Maple Ontario. It was exciting to be in the service and hear his message and see his presentation.

I have something that I want all of you to pray about. On Thursday night at 7p.m. I am going to meet with the trustees of the Methodist church in town. Pray with us that GOD would make it plain for us if we are to move forward with the purchase of this property. We are passionately seeking GOD'S will in this regard.

Also before I sign off, I had an interesting experience on Saturday as I landed the Cherokee Six on the ice at Alton Bay N.H. I will get a video of this for all to see. It was rather exhilarating.

I covet your prayers for our family as we continue to serve the LORD here in this region.

Love you All
