November 30th 2011 6:01 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Praise God for the wonderful day on yesterday. Last night was special with so many of our neighbours coming into our building to have supper with us. It was a wonderful day. I love what God is doing in our midst.

Today I'm studying, teaching Bible, working on a members house, and preparing for tonights service. It's going to be a wonderful day in the service of the King.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 29th 2011 6:13 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Wow what a wonderful day on yesterday. I praise God for traveling mercies down to CT to preach in chapel at New England Bible College. I had a 55 knot headwind going down but a 55 knot tailwind coming home so it worked out. The chapel was a blessing. God moved in power and great glory on our hearts as the Word of God went forth. Bless His Holy Name.

I came home and did some work around the house the rest of the day.

Today I'm studying, teaching, working on a members house, and having a neibourhood supper tonight. We have invited all of our neighbours from around the church to come and eat with us tonight. I want to share with them about our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for me tonight.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 28th 2011 5:43 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful and powerful day that has gone down in the history books. The Lord be praised for the good services on yesterday. I preached both messages on the church God used to start other churches. God granted liberty and power as the Word went forth.

Today I'm studying this morning and then flying down to preach chapel at New England Bible College. Lord willing I will be back a little after lunch and then work some on the house. I'm looking forward to a very powerful day in the service of the King.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

How do you like that?

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 27th 2011 7:36 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a wonderful day on yesterday. We ate breakfast in the morning (thank you dad for cooking for all of us and your helpers) and then went out sharing the Word of God in Kennebunk. It was a blessing to have right at 50 people out. What a joy as a pastor to see so many come out. Praise the Lord for what He is doing here in Sanford Maine.

In the afternoon my wife and I worked around the house. In the evening we had a family from church come over. It was a blessed day. Praise God!

Today I can't wait to go and worship the King! He is worthy of our praise. Are you prepared today to go and worship the Lord Jesus Christ? Let's spend some time alone with our God and prepare our hearts to see what He has in store for us today at the House of God! What a Mighty God we serve!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Putting packets together this morning. Had right at 50 out for soul winning and Bible distribution. Wow! What a great time!

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
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My girl Elisabeth out with me handing out Bibles! What a joy.

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 26th 2011 7:39 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

My day was blessed on yesterday. I had a good study in the morning. Then I flew a cancer patient down the Boston Logan as you can see from the picture. In the afternoon I worked a few hours on the Martells house. In the evening I went on a family date and then visited Henry Millette. Pray much for him as we are believing God that he can have surgery next week.

Today I'm studying this morning. After that we have breakfast prepared by some of the men of the church in the fellowship hall and then going soul winning and Bible distribution in Kennebunk. Were asking God to give us some fruit in our next town. What a joy it is to give out the Word of God. This afternoon we will be working around the house and getting ready to have a church family come over and eat with us and have a discipleship time. I'm excited about all that's going to take place today.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Took a cancer patient to Boston Logan today on an Angel Flight. Im lined up on runway 22r for takeoff. Beautiful day.

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 25th 2011 5:44 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I had a wonderful thanksgiving with my family yesterday. We spent the whole day together and really enjoyed ourselves. We went out in the afternoon and got our two live trees in Kennebunk. It was a blessing to share the gospel with the owner of the buisness. He said that he was raised catholic in Newburyport Ma. I talked to him about the falacies of infant baptism and how Jesus Christ is the Saviour not infant baptism. I will go back. It was a wonderful oppurtunity.

Today I'm studying, flying a patient down to Boston Logan and working doing demo on a house up the street. My boy and I are working together.

Tonight I spend some good time with my family again. What a blessing to have Elisabeth at home to spend time with all of us togther.

Keep the faith my Brethren. It will be worth it when we see Jesus!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Its family night at the Bells!

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

Wow! What a great night of dedication of church bus after service!

November 24th 2011 8:01 a.m.

Greetings in the Glorious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Happy Thankgiving to all!

We had a powerful service last night. God moved and helped us and encouraged us.

As you can see by the pictures we dedicated the bus and went driving around town on it. We sang, shouted, and prayed over it. Glory to God. Last week we had 46 on our bus and we plan to see this ministry continue growing!

Ya'll have a good day.

Love you.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Bus singing packed to capacity last night! Well Glory!

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

Happy Thanksgiving! The bus dedication last night

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 23rd 2011 6:15 a.m.

Greetings in the Wonderful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

"Thanks to God and my redeemeer thanks for all He doth supply!"

What a song that is. I love it. I'm just walking around the house this morning as I do every morning thanking God for His many blessings.

May we always have an attitude of gratitude not just during Thanksgiving.

Some of meanest people I know are complainers. They just are not thankful people. They whine and cry about everything. Hey! Let's be thankful people.

Today I'm studying and spending time with my wonderful family. I also am going to work some on a house I have been remodeling for a family in our church.

I can't wait till church tonight. Well Glory to God its going to be good!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 22nd 2011 6:04 a.m.

Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus Never fails.
I'm trusting Him for everything in life, but most of all my soul. He has saved my soul and changed my life. To Him be all the Glory praise and honor.

Yesterday was a very profitable day in the Lord. I worked around the house, taught Bible, went and visited Henry, and had staff meeting with our wonderful staff God has given us. In the evening I worked in my woodworking shop and spent time with the family.

Today I teach the Bible, work on a church members house and disciple. It's going to be a wonderful day! Well Glory!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 21st 2011 5:41 a.m.

Greetings in the Glorious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Well Glory to God. We broke our all time attendance record again on yesterday. We had 123 for Sunday school. Whoopee!!! Every soul we count is precious in His sight. During the Sunday morning message I preached on church planting and how it is God's will that we spread out and start other churches. It was a good time.

In the evening I enjoyed preaching on how the church that God used to start other churches had the Hand of God upon them. That is what makes the difference. I want that for my life.

Today I'm teaching and working around the house. This afternoon is staff meeting and tonight I'm visiting a family in our church. Praise the Lord for all He is doing.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 20th 2011 7 a.m.

Greetings in the Great and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a powerful day on yesterday. I got up early and flew back to Maine. It was a great flight. It took me 2.2 hours to get there and 3.3 to get back. I had a 45 knot headwind the whole way back. Still better than driving 8. What a wonderful meeting in Nova Scotia. I appreciate the good work Bro. Grooms is doing there in Amhurst N.S.

In the afternoon I worked some at the church and studied some also. Our meeting last night was huge. We had almost 200 there with a wonderful spirit in the meeting. At the invitation we had 2 young girls get saved. What a blessing to see this happen. Two more the devil doesn't have! Well Glory!

Today is church all day. I'm praying for powerful services and a mighty move of the Holy Ghost in the meetings today. Our new church service is this afternoon in Jackman. Anyone want to go with me and sit as a church?

I'm excited to see what God is going to do in the meetings!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Great flight to Nova Scotia. Powerful meeting! This picture taken flying over New Brunswick

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 18th 10:45 p.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name from Nova Scotia

Wow what a meeting today. I had the privilege of preaching twice today. God granted liberty and power. The flight over was a blessing. Customs was easy.

Pray for the jubilee tomorrow night at Calvary. The meeting starts at six. See you there?

I will be flying out in morning. Pray for traveling mercies.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 18th 2011 5:44 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I'm preparing now to fly out to Nova Scotia. Pray that we would have a good meeting today and that souls would be challenged in the areas of church planting and revival.

I love Pastor Jamey Grooms and the ministry there in Amhurst and I'm looking forward to God feeding my soul.

Remember Saturday night Jubilee tomorrow night at 6. Bro. John Barnes is coming over from N.H. to preach for us. It's going to be a wonderful time in the Lord.

I will update you more as I travel today.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 17th 2011 5:42 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a powerful day on yesterday. I'm loving teaching the Bible to our young people daily. God is moving and I can see that He is helping us all as we study the Bible together.

After that I came home and spent some time alone in my study. The quietness was very nice. I love to study the Bible.

I went and worked for a few hours on the house I am helping with.

In the afternoon I made some visits and studied more.

Dad and Mrs. Tammy invited us over for supper. That was a blessing.

The evening service was huge. I preached on the Judgement seat of Christ. One came forward to make public their salvation. God indeed is stirring hearts and souls.

Today I'm studying this morning and working the rest of the day. Also I will be preparing for a trip to Nova Scotia tomorrow. I will preaching twice in a church planting conference. I can't wait!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Benjamin receiving most valuable player award in golf! He also won the state championship in golf and was awarded for that. Good stuff!

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 16th 2011 5:57 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Praise the Lord for the good day on yesterday. I taught the Bible, studied the Bible, worked on siding, went to an awards banquet, worked on a house and visited last night. It was a tremendous day.

Today I can't wait till tonight. I love going to church to feed the sheep. I'm looking forward to sharing the Word of God with the people at Calvary. Also today I will be teaching this morning and studying and preparing for tonight. It's going to prove to be a good day in the Lord.

Pray much for Henry Millette. I was there to see him last night in the hospital. It's going to be a long hard recovery but God is able.

Here's a book for some of you to read. Now remember the Word of God first but this one will light your fire Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret. I'm loving it!

Have a glorious day!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 15th 2011 5:40 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I had a wonderful day on yesterday. I studied in the morning and then taught Bible in our Christian School. After that I put in two windows on the house I'm working on. Also I made some visits and was able to talk to a couple of men in our community. I pray they get saved soon. In the evening I rested with my family.

Today is much of the same. I love the work of the ministry and the excitement that it brings from doing exactly what the God of Heaven wants you to do.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

A good tailwind in the Cherokee six

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
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On my way to afternoon service over mountains

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

One of our bus captains on carnival day Sunday afternoon!

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 14th 2011 5:50 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Praise the Lord for the good day on yesterday. God moved in power on the meeting as I preached on Blind Bartimaeus in the morning and out of Joshua 1 in the evening. I appreciate the good attendance in both services. It's exciting to see the Lord move and help us.

The services in Jackman were a blessing also. The Lord gave us good travel in the plane up and back. It's a blessing to see what God is doing there!

Today I'm studying and reading this morning, teaching Bible, siding a house and visiting tonight. I can't wait to see how God is going to move and bless in my life today.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 13th 2011 5:59 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I can't wait to see what our Great God is going to do in the services today!

This is the Lord's day. This is the day the Lord hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it.

I'm praying for souls to be saved and the saints of God stirred. May their be a revival spirit in our midst.

Yesterday I studied most of the day. I did fly down to Boston to pick up Pastor Fuller from Florida. It was a good flight.

I spent the evening with my wonderful family.

Praying effectually today for God to move!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 12th 2011 6:24 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Thank you to those who prayed yesterday.

God is moving. We had an open door. It's amazing how prayer works everytime!

I'm feeling some better today. I went to the Dr.s yesterday and he did a chest x-ray to see if I had pnemonia. It came back negative. Praise the Lord for that.

We lost both of our games last night but I was so proud of our young people. They are doing good and we are going to win some games. I'm excited to see their maturity and how they handled themselves.

Today I'm studying, working around the house, flying to Boston to pick up a preachers family and spending time with my family. It's going to be a good day.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Work for the night cometh when no man can work

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 11th 2011 6:07 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Today were off from school.

Tonight we have our first game.

Please pray for our ministry fervently. We need a miracle.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 10th 2011 5:58 a.m.

Greetings in the Powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

This morning I lift up hands in praise to our God. He is good all the time! Bless His Holy Name!

The service last night was a great blessing. God moved in power as I preached a message on Helping your Brethren out of Joshua 1. I am loving this study. I praise God for His Word.

Today I'm spending some time with a guest that is here from N.C. and then working some on another house putting siding up. It's going to be a wonderful day!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 9th 2011 5:55 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I love Wednesdays! I love going to church on Wednesday nights! Wow! I can't wait to see what God is going to do! Pray my Brethren pray!

Yesterday was wonderful. I taught in the morning and then worked on siding most of the day. In the evening I spent time with the Principee's. I'm working with them to get them ready to be sent out maybe even next summer. We had a good study.

Today, I'm studying, teaching, visiting, working and going to church tonight. Glory to God for the privilege of serving.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 8th 2011 5:41 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I was busy in the morning with Bible class. Then I installed vinyl siding on a house. In the afternoon I flew down to Boston Logan to drop off the Fuller family. They had a family emergency and needed me to take them down. In the evening my Dad and Mrs. Tammy took us out to the Olive Garden.

Today I'm studying this morning, teaching this morning, putting siding on the rest of the day. It's going to be a good day.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Took Pastor Paul Fuller and family to Boston today. Beautiful sites!

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 7th 2011 5:01 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter Elisabeth! She's doing so good in college and I am proud of her. Keep up the good work sweety!

We had a tremendous day yesterday. Services were packed with people and the Spirit of God moved in power as I preached two more messages out of Joshua. I am loving this series. It's so applicable to where we are at today. I love the Bible!

Today I'm studying this morning, teaching Bible at school, siding a house and then taking Pastor Paul Fuller down to Boston to catch a flight to Florida. Tonight I'm fellowshipping with my wonderful family. God is soooooo good!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Flying back from Jackman

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 6th 2011 5:47 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a joy to write to you on this LORDS Day! Our Saviour is alive! Glory to God! Every Sunday we rejoice in the fact that we can live with resurrection power. Their is no other way to carry out what our Lord has commissioned us to do without this supernatural power.

My wife and I worked all day at the church yesterday. I changed hats and put on my maintenance hat and was filled with joy as I finished the long list. Praise the Lord that it's finally finished.

In the afternoon I presure washed the Super Bus. It goes to the paint shop this week.

I spent the evening with the Ricket family. What a good time we had in the Word of God!

Today is church all day. I can't wait to see what our Great God is going to do today. I'm preaching this morning in Sanford, this afternoon in Jackman, and then back for our choir rehearsal and evening service. It's going to be a great blessing! Oh for the power of God to fall on me and the services. I'm praying for a great day!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 5th 2011 6:53 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I had a wonderful day on yesterday. I worked in the morning and then off to chapel. Pastor Dan preached a great message on Surrender. After that I had lunch with the school. In the afternoon my wife and I flew up to Turner to see the kids play ball. They did a wonderful job. Our teams have huge potential. I can't wait to see the regular season this week. In the evening we caught up on groceries and church stuff.

Today I'm studying this morning and then working at the church all day doing maintenance projects! It's going to be exciting. Their actually are not enough hours in the day to do everything. We need a maintenance man at the church but can't afford one sooooooo (smile) it's me.

Oh yeah, I got an e-mail yesterday about the Cessna 402. It will be back home in two weeks! Glory to God!

I'm selling the Cherokee Six, Cessna 150, and buying an RV 3 to scoot around in. In the meantime Jim and I are going to build an RV 8 for future use in my small missions. Isn't this exciting?!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 4th 2011 6:15 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

As you can tell I was busy yesterday with flying.

When I got back I checked on my house I'm working on and installed a door handle.

After that I went visiting with Mrs. Amy and we had a good time.

In the evening I rested.

Today I'm working on siding the house, chapel this morning, scrimmage game tonight in Turner. It's going to be a wonderful day!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

Great memories Mt Katahdin

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

Four people I took on an angel flight to Northern Maine yesterday.

A Servant of Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

November 3rd 2011 5:37 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I praise God for the good day on yesterday. I taught Bible class and then worked a good part of the day building decks and picking up shingles.

The service last night was a great blessing. We had a packed house and a good spirit in the meeting. Wow what a joy to pastor and build churches. I'm preaching through Joshua and having the time of my life.

Today I'm flying up to Presque Isle Maine on an angel flight. I'm coming back through Houlton to finish a steeple for Pastor Ammons and then back home for soul winning tonight. It's going to be wonderful!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 2nd 2011 5:46 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I had a wonderful time in Bible class yesterday.

I also roofed the rest of the day and got the roof finished. My bones and muscles are telling me that this morning but praise God it's finished.

Today I'm preparing for service tonight. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the meeting. Whoopee! Glory to God that we get to go to church tonight! I'm also working on my neighbours house doing carpentry work.

It's a joy to serve Jesus!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 1st 2011 6:09 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty and Strong Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I got up around 5 yesterday. Spent a little time in my study.

We left at 6:10 to fly out to Hartford. I dropped off Elisabeth and Aaron and their was no power at the airport so it was suppose to be closed but I didn't know that soooooo.? Any way we made it through the snow banks when I put the plane in four prop drive (smile).

At 8:15 I flew to Long Island New York to preach in chapel at IBC. It was a wonderful time! The Lord moved in power and glory and helped me!

At 11:45 I flew home and got back in at 1.

In the afternoon I checked on a building project and had staff meeting. Praise God for our staff.

In the evening we had a harvest celebration and preached on the Harvest truly is plenteous.

It was a wonderful day.

Today I'm teaching Bible and roofing a house. It's going to be a Great day in the work of the ministry!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell