January 4th 2014 7:12 p.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful day.

Ministry is what it's all about!  I think an outline of the day is in order.

1)  Up early in the study reading the Word of God and studying till 10.

2)  Ministering to a hurting family and preaching the funeral of a man from our church 11.

3)  Comforting those that morn till 2

4)  Two counseling sessions 2 to 3.

5)  Make hospital chaplaincy visits till 4.

6)  Another time of counseling with many from our town (can't explain publicly but God worked amazingly) to 6:30

7)  Feed my wood boiler 7.

8)  Put pajamas on and study some more and have tacos with family rest of night.

Just another 12 hour day of ministry.

Look folks it's worth it!!!  Stay at it.  Souls are dying men are crying win the lost at any cost!!!!


A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell
Philippians 4:6,7

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