February 11th 2014 6:17 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Well Glory to God and the Lamb forever.  My day yesterday was filled with witnessing and soul winning.  I was able to pray with two drunks on the streets of Sanford.  What a blessing to show these guys the love of Christ.  Its even more of a blessing to know that our God can work miracles.  Also had the privilege of talking to more!  What a joy!  After I finished cleaning up the snow I put in another pellet stove at our other staff house.  We are praying that this saves us some on the heat cost as we are doing our best to be a good steward of what  God has entrusted us with.  In the evening we went on a family date and was able to talk to even more people.  Wow this is what it's suppose to be like.  We called it a day around 9.

Today I'm studying this morning, teaching, getting pellets for pellet stove and preparing to go and preach tonight a couples banquet in Concord N.H.  Should be a tremendous day.  Pray for me as I preach tonight that I would be a blessing to the Granite State Baptist Church and their good preacher Pastor Chamberland!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

My tractor Johnny the John Deere said to me that I had a good load on him!!! :)

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