February 26th 2014 6:22 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful morning I've already had!  I had a good night sleep here at the Hampton Inn in Brevard North Carolina. I enjoyed walking on the real nice treadmill that's wide I don't have to worry about falling off.

I took off out of Portland at 6 AM yesterday morning and arrived in Charlotte around 1030. It was a very uneventful flight and I'll praise God for modern means of travel like airplanes. I hurried over to W GCR radio station to be part of sharathon 2014. Services were very uplifting the songs were edifying and I bless the Lord for what he did in my life. Also on yesterday I was able to meet the videographer and take him up flying and also be interviewed for a new video that's been put together about wings with the word and Anchor Baptist aviation. It was a nice ride as we took off out of the country airport here in Pisgah Forest and flew over to Asheville regional Airport.

This morning I'm meeting with another young man of God and I'll be having meetings most of the day and then flying down to South Carolina this afternoon to preach tonight for my good friend Pastor Tad Marshal. Thank you for praying for us and believing in what God has called us to do what a joy to serve the King of Kings and Lord of lords!!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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