February 7th 2014 9:49 a.m

 Greetings and Jesus Name

Praise the Lord for what a wonderful day I had on yesterday!  So much was accomplished in the work of the ministry.  I picked up two pellets stoves for two of our homes. Im trying my best to see energy costs brought down.  Last night I had discipleship mentoring for a man of God in our church it was wonderful!  The Lord is doing great things in Maine.

This morning I've been studying and seeking the Lord I'm preparing now to go to preach chapel at 11:10.  I just came back from my shop and sprayed the last coat of polyurethane on the pulpit!!!
The pulpit will be delivered tomorrow and preached from Sunday morning.

We have a game tonight in Wisscasset and hope to see you.

Tomorrow morning is prayer breakfast and preaching time for the men of the church see you at 8 o'clock in the fellowship hall.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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