March 13, 2009 6:23 a.m.

Good Morning

I praise God for the good day that HE gave me on yesterday. I got some supplies I needed to wire some things on the wood boiler early in the morning. After that I had a couple of meetings that eneded up taking most of the day. I appreciate the oppurtunity to meet and discuss some things with individuals of the church. The LORD be praised for the oppurtunity to preach the Word of God and Pastor people.

Last night I had a time of discipleship with another family in the church and that turned out real well. What a blessing it is to teach the Holy Scriptures and share with others what we have been entrusted with.

Wednesday night proved to be a great time at the hanger with some 18 people showing up and helping out. I have enclosed some of those for all of you to look at.

Keep praying for us and God's will about another place to worship (bigger!).


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