Greetings in the Strong and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I had a powerful day on yesterday. Early in the morning I studied the Word of God. Wow what a great time I had. God opened my eyes to some great truths out of Romans 6,7, and 8.
After that I flew and had a tea with Pastor Christner. We had good fellowship. Then I flew over to Augusta to fellowship with Pastor Wiley and Pastor Jones. What a great time we had together.
In the afternoon I spent some time at home and then went visiting last night. I was in three homes and had a wonderful time of visiting.
Today I will study this morning. Preach on my radio broadcast (I said preach yesterday because I have always dreamed to be able to preach daily and I have now for over four years on the radio) and then fly to some places meeting with preachers about some things that are a burden to me that I want to discuss. In the evening Pastor Jamey Grooms will be here preaching for us and I can't wait. We are going to have a tremendous time.
Thank you for praying for me. God moved and answered some prayers on yesterday.
As you pray please pray for the Cessna 402 we are rebuilding. I got bad news on the engines. We need alot of money. God knows!
Please continue to pray about our new building. We are praying and waiting for the money to finish it before spring and to be fully in it by the fall of the year.
Thank you.
A Servant for Jesus Christ
Pastor Todd Bell