Greetings in Jesus Name

It was a joy to work at the ministry in the morning yesterday.  I have always loved to work in and around the church even if it means cleaning on my hands and knees.  What a privilege to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.  After I finished up the cleaning I went and had lunch with Paul Davis in Lynn Mass.  What a blessing he is.  He is doing a great job there and I praise the Lord for his faithfulness.  In the afternoon I took my wife on a date and visited in the hospital in Portland.  It was a great day in the Lord.
Today I'm studying this morning, and then visiting and working around house.  I need to go and get a wood splitter and get ready for Monday and Tuesday where we split my winters wood.  Thank the Lord for Crown college helping me.  Also I may fly to Bangor today to visit a church.  We will see how the weather does.  Pray for me.  I have a lot of burdens that I need to see God move in!  He's faithful!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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