Greetings in the Marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
My heart is overwhelmed with the goodness and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have no sad stories about the ministry. It is with great joy and delight that I can write about what the God of Heaven did in the meetings on yesterday. All day long we enjoyed the liberty of the Holy Ghost. Freedom was what the Lord brought in the services on yesterday. I preached three times in the services with the Lord working as the Word went forth. Some people have succumbed to the summer time spirit but not us. We had CHURCH yesterday and that's the way it needs to be.
We must be ever so careful as to watch ourselves in the summer that we do not backslide. People still die and go to hell in the summer. Souls still need to be reached in the summer. Saints still need ministered to in the summer. Songs of Zion still need to be sung in the summer. This is no time to slacken or soften this is a time to charge the gates of hell and rescue the perishing. May the God of Heaven do a work in our hearts to that extent! Well Glory!
Today I'm studying this morning and seeking the face of God. Then I'm going to play a few holes of golf. After that I'm working on my deck. I also have visits to make and lives to touch. It's going to be a great day in Christ. Whoop! SHOR!
I like my signs I have at the church that my wife made up for me. One says YES and the other that the young people made up says SHOR! Don't you just love being excited about serving the Lord? What a joy!
You be careful now that you stay on track for Jesus! Don't grow cold and indifferent to the things of God! Stay after Jesus! It will be worth it!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Philippians 4:6,7
Mark 1:38
(What about your neighbor or the next towns?)
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