June 15th 2014 6:05 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I don't understand why people say that visiting and soul winning does not work.  Every time I go out I meet so many people and it's so exciting.  Yesterday was another one of those days.  Bless the Lord for what He did as my wife and I went out and talked to people!  Glory!  How exciting is this.
In the afternoon I went and got a wood splitter in Ossipee.  Also me and Mr Intern worked on the deck for a little.  In the evening I spent some quality time with the man who started Jehovah Jirah ministries.  That was a wonderful time in the LORD!  I called it a night around 9.
Today I'm studying, seeking the Lord, and going to the House of God to Worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  Can somebody say AMEN!!!!  Whoop!! Glory!  Hallelujah!!!  By the way the Devil is a liar.  He says you don't miss anything when you miss church!  He's a liar and shame on anyone that believes him.  Those 9 kids that got saved Wednesday night, would they have got saved that night if they were not there??????  Be faithful.  Don't believe the lie of the devil especially in the summer.  Get yourself out to the House of God and give O smutty face a knuckle sandwich!  Enough said!!!
Also this morning we welcome Crown College and Dr.  Crighton.  Can't wait to see what God is going to do in our midst!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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