December 17th 2011 7:40 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name on this beautiful Saturday Morning

My day was blessed on yesterday. I was busy in the morning in my office. Then I flew up to pray with the Jordan family. Kyle had to have emergency surgery. I flew back to preach at chapel. I preached on Revival. God gave us a great meeting for which I praise the Lord! I then flew back to Portland and then flew to Northern Maine in a Cessna 414. I'm getting a lot of time in this plane preparing for when ours will be back. After flying back my wife and I then went to see that kids ball game in Turner. Our kids did a great job. We lost both games but I'm still proud of them. Praise the Lord for the oppurtunities to grow through this. We are first year sports so it's tough but God knows. Our boys are 2 and 3 and our girls volleyball are 1 and 5. We got home around 10:30.

Today I'm studying, working around the house, soul winning, and have cantata practice at 7 tonight. It's going to be a wonderful day in the Lord!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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