Is a ministry out of the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine. Mark 1:38 is our theme verse. "And He said unto them, let us go into the next towns......" God is calling us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Next Towns!!!!!
June 30th 2010 7:22 a.m.
I had a wonderful meeting with the fire Marshall on yesterday. I have to fix one thing and then we should get our permit to proceed. Praise the LORD!
We had over 30 people at the building yesterday. It was a blessing to see all the work getting done.
Today will be much of the same. We are working hard to get the building completely stripped and ready for windows and siding. God is able and HE is enabling us do the work.
Oh yeah last night we had a huge night at Bible school with around 130 for total attendance including our workers. It's growing every night and getting kind of crazy actually. But it's a good crazy. We started around 5:30 yesterday morning and I laid my head down on the pillow at 11 last night. Not a bad day for someone that doesn't have a job!
Thanks for your prayers.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 29th 2010 5:45 a.m.
Praise the Lord for a tremendous day of work at the site. We took down two chimneys completely. We have one more to go and that should happen today. We quit working around 2:30 to get ready for Bible School. We ended up having around 80 for our first night. Continue to pray for the attendance to grow and for the kids to be receptive to the gospel message. It's amazing to see really how little they know about the Word of God. The Lord has put us here to be able to give them the wonderful gospel message.
Please pray for me at 10 this morning. I have a critical meeting with the state fire marshal in Augusta. I am praying that today I can get the state permit to continue with our building plans. God is Able and we are trusting Him to work out all the details.
We have around 25 visitors from N.C. They have already been a blessing and I know will be all week as we work together on the building and Bible School.
Thank you for praying for us and the ministry here.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 28th 2010 6:18 a.m.
What a tremendous day on yesterday. God moved in the services! I preached on the sin of being lukewarm in the morning. It was a good time. Last night I preached on Showing ourselves friendly. It was a great day with God moving in power and helping us. Last night I took the graduates out to eat to honor them for their accomplishment.
Today we will be working all day on the building. We have plenty to do and I'm thrilled about all that God is going to do as we work. Tonight is the beginning of Bible School. Oh that many kids will come out and we can see them saved and their lives changed for the Glory of God.
What an exciting thing to see God move in our midst. May the Lord continue to meet the needs of our church as we go forward. We need at least 100,000 more to finish the building.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 27th 2010 7;05 a.m
Are you a grateful Christian or a griping Christian. It will change your life in one way or the other. Just start right now thanking God for everything and let me know how it goes. It works!!!
Are you the type of person that praises the Lord or are you constantly whining?
Try praising the Lord all the time and let me know how it goes! It works!!!
Are you "one of those" that says it will never happen? Try believing God and having faith in the One who never fails! It works!
It's going to be a good day today because God said so. Doesn't matter the circumstances HE said it and that settles it.
Look up Jesus is coming soon!
Pastor Bell
June 26th 2010 7:27 a.m.
My day yesterday was tremendous. I started out early in my study with prayer and devotions. I had a meeting with the electricians around 8 and then started working on the side of the building. At 10 I looked at a house for staff housing. I continued to work till 12. After lunch I went and had my flight physical in Dover. I came back and worked till 4:30. I came home and cut a little wood and then was out on a date with my sweety. Praise the Lord for a prosperous day
I plan on studying this morning and then at 10 we are going soul winning. It's going to be exciting to give out the gospel and see kids saved and lives changed. This afternoon I'm going to work at the airport some and straighten things out a bit. What a joy to be able to be busy for Jesus!
Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day in the work of the LORD! We actually have the ability to go and worship the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS! Well Glory!! Let's pray for mighty things to be accomplished!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 25th 2010 6:03 a.m.
I had a great day on yesterday working hard at the site. We took three loads of metal out of basement. Also the big genie lift came and we started ripping off the siding on the high parts of the building. Praise the Lord for a good day at the job site. Last night was a great service with the Lord moving and blessing in the service. The International singers did a tremendous job singing. I had great liberty preaching out of Daniel 5 on the handwriting is on the wall. Praise the Lord for all HE is doing.
Today will be much of the same. We will be working hard at the site. The Lord be praised for how HE is moving and helping us! Please continue to pray for the Lord to help us and for miracles at our site. We are walking by faith and trusting the Lord for everything!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 24th 2010 5:50 a.m.
What a wonderful Saviour we have in the Lord Jesus. It's so good to be saved and know it. I praise the Lord for how HE is moving in our services and work at the church.
We had a good day yesterday at the sight. It took a while to get to rolling but we ended up getting quite a bit done. We are still ripping off the siding and should have it done in a few days.
Today we have a lift that is arriving. We will use this for a month to do all the high stuff. I want to be safe and have no one hurt on the job. When you get up to around 30 feet high it hurts when you fall.
Last night my wife and I got on the motorbike (no wings so hey it's all I got) and rode up to a revival to hear Ronnie Simpson preach at Barters Island Baptist. It was a good service and we ended up providing the special music. We got back in around 11. What a great day and great time.
Continue to pray fervently for us. We need a major move from God in many areas. God knows!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 23rd 2010 6:15 a.m.
What a glorious day I had on yesterday. God moved in power and glory on the work session at the site. Thank God for those from Calvary and Victory that came and helped us rip and tear.
Today we will do much of the same. I'm excited about all that is going on.
Tonight I plan to go to a revival meeting in Barters Island. Anybody else want to go with our family?
Oh yeah, our transmission is o.k. on the van. Can somebody say Glory!!!! The fluid heated up and blew it all out the overflow. After putting 6 quarts in it everything is fine now. Well Glory!!!!
A friend called me yesterday and he said he wants to give me 5,000 dollars toward a down payment on a work truck. What a mighty God we serve!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 22nd 2010 5:45 a.m.
Yesterday was an official family day. We spent the whole day together up in the white mountains. While up there our family took a preachers family out to eat and encouraged them. What a blessing it is to love on other people and encourage their kids.
My wife and kids loved shopping at the outlet stores in Conway. Benjamin and I threw Frisbee most of the day.
One of the most exciting things we did was go up Mt. Washington on the auto road. It was WILD!!! All the girls were screaming and I laughed the whole way. Hey! We even got the bumpah stickah! It was cold on the top. About a mile from the top our transmission that has been acting up for about two years decided it was time to die. We coasted down and almost lost our brakes. After stopping four times we finally made it. Then we ended up coasting another 8 miles back down to Bartlett N.H. to a gas station. Thank the Lord for Triple A and the church van and my dad. We finally made it back in around 11.
So here's the short story. About a month or two ago my engine blew in the suburban with 250,000 miles on it. 2) Two weeks ago today I put the plane down in the field. 3) A week ago my boy almost cut his hand in two and had to have surgery. 4) Yesterday our van died, but we got the bumpah stickah! So for now the motorcycle still runs and I have good feet. To say the least we need prayer because we really don't know what we are going to do but God does and He's good all the time. What a joy to be in the middle of His will and experience all of these things happening at one time!
Please pray!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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June 21st 2010 5:46 a.m
Do you just gloss over that introduction? Oh yeah that's the way he always starts his blog entry's. Oh Brother and Sister, this is the greatest name their has ever been or will ever be. "That at the name of Jesus"! Glory to God for HIS NAME!!!
What a wonderful day we had on yesterday. We had good services all day long with great liberty and power on the meetings. It was encouraging to see the church full and the spirit high in the meetings.
Today I will spend all day with my family and enjoy each others company. Tomorrow we will be back on the job site working hard and seeing what God is going to do next! Please continue to pray for financial blessings and the touch of God on our services here. What a joy to serve the Lord!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 20th 2010 6;03 a.m.
What a mighty God we serve. What a joy to bring you glad tidings of great joy everyday about our Saviour. HE is wonderful and I bless HIS NAME for being so good to me!
Yesterday was tremendous with getting the wings back on Cherokee Six. Great job complete. Now I have to remove the engine and ship it out next.
In the afternoon I did some visiting and helping out a neighbour that couldn't mow their yard. It's so exciting to be a part of what God is doing in touching people's lives.
Of course today is Fathers Day and I thank God for my earthly father and my Heavenly Father! It's going to be a good day of worship as we go to the House of God and see what the LORD has for us!
See you there?
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 19th 2010 6:23 a.m.
Now yesterday was something. I left at 7 and drove to Augusta to retrieve the plane. We never got the wings off until 3. After loading them up we got back to the hanger at 5:30. I got a quick shower and then drove back up to preach at Church Hill at a Servants Conference. I got back in around 10:30. It was a good and prosperous day.
Today I am studying, visiting, and putting the wings back on the Cherokee Six. I'm excited about this day!!
Tomorrow is going to be wonderful. Just think, we get to go worship the KING!!! Well Glory!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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June 18th 2010 5:25 a.m.
As you can see from the picture progress is being made. It's been an exciting week with alot being accomplished. Were continuing on with work every day. "Oh God give me supernatural strength to finish the project!"
Today is airplane day. I go and retrieve N5583J from the farmers yard. Please pray that everything goes smoothly.
Tonight I have the privilege of preaching to a group of servants at Church Hill Baptist in Augusta. It's going to be an exciting time. So I will go up early this morning and get the airplane and come back and pick up Amy and go back to Augusta tonight to preach. Wears me out thinking about it!! Not really it's a joy!
We had another church send 5,000 dollars to help on the project. "Oh God you know our needs please send in the funds for the renovation for the school, and the airplanes repair. I believe you and I know you can and will!"
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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June 17th 2010 5:10 a.m.
I had a verrrrrrry busy day yesterday starting out early in the morning in Augusta meeting with the state fire marshal. That meeting went well. I came back to other meetings local. I worked some at the work site to. The Lord is blessing and alot of things are happening for which I am very grateful.
Today will be much of the same. I plan to spend all day there working hard on several projects. Pray for the touch of God on our lives.
Please continue to pray for the aviation ministry. Even though I am in some what of a parenthesis in this ministry I still need to raise around 10,000 for different maintenance issues on the planes. God has never failed me and I don't expect Him to start now. I trust him totally! Therefore I am praying and asking you to pray that all will work out for His Glory.
Also pray for our school. This is a huge undertaking and we don't even have the teachers book yet. This is a 5,000 dollar proposition for all grades. It also will come in but it just weighs heavy on my dear wife. I assured our family last night in our devotions that our God is faithful! It will be exciting to see how it all comes together!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 16th 5:48 a.m.
Wow, what a powerful day on yesterday. So much is getting done at the work site. I am giving God the Glory for how HE is moving and working in our lives on this project. More rails went up yesterday on the porches. Most of the siding is off of the east side of the building. It will not be long now until new siding will be put on.
My boy got cut yesterday in an accident. We know that God does all things well and I praise HIM for protection. Though he only had 10 stitches and cut his ligament in two he could have cut his wrist and bled to death. Thank you Jesus for protecting him! Please pray that God would have mercy and he could get this fixed so it doesn't hurt his piano playing.
The ordination service last night was a huge blessing. Bless the Lord oh my soul for how the Lord moved in our midst. The church was packed to capacity and the Spirit of God moved in power and glory. I am grateful for Dave Blaisdell and the privilege of ordaining him. May God continue to use him for His honor and glory.
Today I take off in a few minutes toward Augusta. I have a meeting with the fire Marshall. Please pray that everything goes well. We would like to get our permit today or within a week or so.
Glory to God!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 15th 2010 5:16 a.m.
Today is a big day in the life of our church. We are ordaining our associate pastor to the work of the ministry. The key ingredient is that he is ordained of God and he has proved that to our church. So tonight we will formally ordain him to the ministry. These are exciting days in the life of our church and we give God the Glory for how HE is moving in our midst!
Also today work continues on the building. We are asking God to raise up more funds so that we might be able to continue with the renovating of this huge building. To say the least it's exciting to live by faith. We know our God is going to move it's just waiting to see how HE is going to.
Yesterday was a huge day at the work site. We got so much accomplished and it's such a blessing to be smack dab in the middle of it.
Pray hard for us as we continue.
Oh yeah, I'm meeting with the fire marshal on Wednesday morning in Augusta. Also we are retrieving the rest of the airplane on Friday. Thanks for everything. God is good all the time.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 14th 2010 5:46 a.m.
What a wonderful day we had on yesterday. I feel like a spiritual glutton. We had six messages in the morning from the Crown College boys. The Lord moved in power and glory on the meeting. Praise the Lord for His goodness.
In the evening it was also a blessing. We had good crowds all day both morning and evening. The Lord is doing great things for which I praise His Holy Name!
This week we will work all week on the building again. I am excited to see the progress and how God is putting all things together. Were blessed beyond measure and for that I praise His Holy Name.
Keep looking up Jesus is coming soon.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 13th 2010 6:34 a.m.
I had a powerful and tremendous day on yesterday. A large crew worked hard all morning to totally gut out the third floor. What an amazing day! We were finished at 12:30 and then off to the wood pile. The guys from Crown helped out and we ended up stacking around 10 chords of wood. All I can say is bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name! These guys were worth their weight in gold to me. Thank you Crown College quartet!
Today is going to be an exciting day with them singing and Dr. Crighton preaching the Word of God. I'm looking forward tonight to the message as I get to preach the Word of God and feed the people. May the Lord do a glorious work in our midst today.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 12th 7:04 a.m.
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I worked in the morning at the annex site and then down at the hanger making a repair. I then rode the motorbike up and took of the prop of the Cherokee Six. The tail is off and the prop is off and this week we will take the wings off and bring it back. Praise the Lord for all the Lord is doing through this. To God be the Glory!! In the evening we stacked 2 chords of wood in about 15 to 20 minutes. Thank you crown quartet!
Today I'm headed off to the work site to work all morning on the third floor. We plan to work most of the day. God is moving!
I wouldn't miss tomorrow! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in our midst! Well Glory!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
June 11th 2010 6:33 a.m.
Do you know 100% sure that you are on your way to heaven? You can! The Bible teaches us, 1Jo 5:13 "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God."
Someone might ask me in the light of the aircraft incident the other day if it scared me. I was concerned for my family and friends but not at all concerned for myself. You see many years ago I trusted in the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary. Jesus Christ saved my soul and now I don't have to worry about death. I have the peace of God that passes all understanding because I know the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Wouldn't you like to be saved today and know for sure that your on your way to heaven. Please contact me to discuss this. I would love to show you from the Word of God how you can know that your sins have been forgiven.
My day was blessed on yesterday. I worked most of the day on the building. Thank God for the work crew that Lord has sent us. In the afternoon I dropped in at the airport to check on the cardinal annual. I praise the Lord that it will be up and running soon and I will have a airplane to fly and do our missions with around the region.
The Cherokee six will begin to be taken apart today. Several of us will go up and take the tail apart beginning the process. Praise the Lord for the help of my friend Loren Harmon and his services.
We also have a group arriving today from Crown College. It's going to be an exciting weekend. Praise the Lord for all HE is doing!
See you on Sunday at Calvary Baptist Church 68 High Street at 10:30 for worship service.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell