Greetings in the Powerful and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Oh what a Saviour!!! Glory to God for His blessings in our lives this week in conference here in S.C. The Lakeside Baptist Church of Clearwater S.C. has been the place to be these last several days. The smile of God has been on the meetings. Over 35,000 scriptures were put together, messages were preached, songs were sung, slides were viewed, and fellowship was enjoyed. Thank you Pastor Tad and family for a fine place to stay and the joys of being in the Missionary Conference.
I'm getting ready to pack and head off to the airport. Pray for safe travels for me today. I can't wait to get back and see what more our God is going to do on the mission field of Maine and beyond. Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Is a ministry out of the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine. Mark 1:38 is our theme verse. "And He said unto them, let us go into the next towns......" God is calling us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Next Towns!!!!!
March 30th 2011 6:34 a.m.
Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
It's wonderful to get up in the morning and know that you are a child of God! It's exciting to think that the God of Heaven would use the likes of each of us. I'm so thrilled that God has called our family to Maine to preach the Gospel and evangelize the lost. We may not win them all to Christ but we can inform them all. May the Lord of Glory help us to be faithful to the cause.
My day was blessed on yesterday. I was at the church in the morning putting Bibles together. Then a kind person in the church bought all the preachers shoes. After that all the missionaries went golfing. In the afternoon I prepared for the evening slides and message. The Lord helped me last night as I preached on the Lord's prayer request. Oh God send forth labourers into the harvest fields of the world.
Today we have morning service at 10. Before that we will be putting Bibles together. We should get done this morning with all of the 35,000 Hungarian Bibles. This afternoon it's suppose to rain so we will wait on that. Tonight is the last service. We have had a wonderful time but can't wait to get back to see my family.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
It's wonderful to get up in the morning and know that you are a child of God! It's exciting to think that the God of Heaven would use the likes of each of us. I'm so thrilled that God has called our family to Maine to preach the Gospel and evangelize the lost. We may not win them all to Christ but we can inform them all. May the Lord of Glory help us to be faithful to the cause.
My day was blessed on yesterday. I was at the church in the morning putting Bibles together. Then a kind person in the church bought all the preachers shoes. After that all the missionaries went golfing. In the afternoon I prepared for the evening slides and message. The Lord helped me last night as I preached on the Lord's prayer request. Oh God send forth labourers into the harvest fields of the world.
Today we have morning service at 10. Before that we will be putting Bibles together. We should get done this morning with all of the 35,000 Hungarian Bibles. This afternoon it's suppose to rain so we will wait on that. Tonight is the last service. We have had a wonderful time but can't wait to get back to see my family.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 29th 2011 6:28 a.m.
Greeting in the Strong Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. My boy and I put Bibles together in the morning. Pastor Tad took all the missionaries out for lunch. After lunch we went to Sam's and he gave all the missionaries 400 dollars to spend in Sam's. I was able to get a gift certificate for much needed tires for $475 dollars. Thank you preacher! After that he took us all to Joseph A. Banks to get 12 suits for all the missionaries. What a blessing it was for him to buy my boy and I a new suit. Wow this church is really spoiling us. In the afternoon we were able to get in 9 holes of golf in. In the evening we had a tremendous service with missionary stories and slides. I preached to all the kids in Junior church. What a glorious time the Lord gave me.
Today we will be putting Bibles together, visiting, shoe shopping, golfing, and then tonight I will be preaching and showing a few slides of what our great God has done the 15 years our family has been in Maine. Just for kicks it has rained the whole time I have been here. Wow! God knows!
Thank God for all of you and your love for our ministry.
We love you!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. My boy and I put Bibles together in the morning. Pastor Tad took all the missionaries out for lunch. After lunch we went to Sam's and he gave all the missionaries 400 dollars to spend in Sam's. I was able to get a gift certificate for much needed tires for $475 dollars. Thank you preacher! After that he took us all to Joseph A. Banks to get 12 suits for all the missionaries. What a blessing it was for him to buy my boy and I a new suit. Wow this church is really spoiling us. In the afternoon we were able to get in 9 holes of golf in. In the evening we had a tremendous service with missionary stories and slides. I preached to all the kids in Junior church. What a glorious time the Lord gave me.
Today we will be putting Bibles together, visiting, shoe shopping, golfing, and then tonight I will be preaching and showing a few slides of what our great God has done the 15 years our family has been in Maine. Just for kicks it has rained the whole time I have been here. Wow! God knows!
Thank God for all of you and your love for our ministry.
We love you!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 28th 6:19 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a powerful day we had on yesterday. I was up early and grateful that Pastor Tad had a real nice treadmill. We went to church early and got things ready for the day. I was in the joint Sunday School class preaching to around 60 or 70 young married couples and college kids. It was a wonderful service. In the morning Dr. Charles Keen preached and did a wonderful job. The special music was exciting. Pastor Tad is doing a great job at the Lakeside Baptist Church of Clearwater S.C. In the evening I gave testimony, we watched a video about China from Missionary Wong, and Dr. Keen preached another powerful message. Here's a few notes I took yesterday.
1) One of the reasons we don't get the Word of God out like we should is because the Word of God doesn't mean anything to us! Wow!
2) We may not win everyone but we can inform everyone! Good!
Today we are working at the church putting together Bibles. Also we might go golfing but I don't know that for sure because it's raining. It's rained here since I arrived. Oh well God knows and He doesn't need my permission about the weather. It would be nice to be able to see the sun though (smile).
I understand the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine had great services on yesterday. Praise the Lord for two fine assistants that kept things rolling. Praise God for all He is doing in our midst there. Benjamin said, "the people are so nice down here and friendly but I still love Maine." I do to. We are changing people's lives one at a time. I love the challenge of starting churches in such a hard area. The God of Heaven be praised!!! Glory!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a powerful day we had on yesterday. I was up early and grateful that Pastor Tad had a real nice treadmill. We went to church early and got things ready for the day. I was in the joint Sunday School class preaching to around 60 or 70 young married couples and college kids. It was a wonderful service. In the morning Dr. Charles Keen preached and did a wonderful job. The special music was exciting. Pastor Tad is doing a great job at the Lakeside Baptist Church of Clearwater S.C. In the evening I gave testimony, we watched a video about China from Missionary Wong, and Dr. Keen preached another powerful message. Here's a few notes I took yesterday.
1) One of the reasons we don't get the Word of God out like we should is because the Word of God doesn't mean anything to us! Wow!
2) We may not win everyone but we can inform everyone! Good!
Today we are working at the church putting together Bibles. Also we might go golfing but I don't know that for sure because it's raining. It's rained here since I arrived. Oh well God knows and He doesn't need my permission about the weather. It would be nice to be able to see the sun though (smile).
I understand the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine had great services on yesterday. Praise the Lord for two fine assistants that kept things rolling. Praise God for all He is doing in our midst there. Benjamin said, "the people are so nice down here and friendly but I still love Maine." I do to. We are changing people's lives one at a time. I love the challenge of starting churches in such a hard area. The God of Heaven be praised!!! Glory!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 27th 2011 7:12 a.m.
Greetings in the Marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I got up early and had sweet fellowship with the Pelkeys. At 6:45 Pastor Fuller picked me up and took me to the Millinocket airport. After scraping all the snow and ice off the airplane and windshield I flew back to Sanford. I spent some time with my family in the morning and then was off to Soul Winning and Bus visitation. We had a wonderful time. Nobody was saved but we sure got the Gospel out. At lunch I took my beautiful Cherith out for lunch. She turned 13 yesterday. In the afternoon Benjamin and I flew out of Portland down to Augusta Georgia. These were indeed the bumpiest flights I have ever been on commercially. Praise the Lord that we finally made it around 9:30. After fellow shipping with my good friend Pastor Tad we were off to bed.
Today I have had a good morning already. Just got finished walking and praying about two miles. I feel right at home here. I'm excited to see what God is going to do today. I can't wait to hear Dr. Keen preach. I'm also speaking to a couple Sunday school classes today. May the God of Heaven use me for His glory today as I serve Him here in Clearwater S.C.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I got up early and had sweet fellowship with the Pelkeys. At 6:45 Pastor Fuller picked me up and took me to the Millinocket airport. After scraping all the snow and ice off the airplane and windshield I flew back to Sanford. I spent some time with my family in the morning and then was off to Soul Winning and Bus visitation. We had a wonderful time. Nobody was saved but we sure got the Gospel out. At lunch I took my beautiful Cherith out for lunch. She turned 13 yesterday. In the afternoon Benjamin and I flew out of Portland down to Augusta Georgia. These were indeed the bumpiest flights I have ever been on commercially. Praise the Lord that we finally made it around 9:30. After fellow shipping with my good friend Pastor Tad we were off to bed.
Today I have had a good morning already. Just got finished walking and praying about two miles. I feel right at home here. I'm excited to see what God is going to do today. I can't wait to hear Dr. Keen preach. I'm also speaking to a couple Sunday school classes today. May the God of Heaven use me for His glory today as I serve Him here in Clearwater S.C.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Its still winter in Millinocket
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
March 25th 2011 6:41 a.m.
Greetings in the Powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I had a tremendous day on yesterday. The Lord be praised that I was able to build the teen room. It is approximately 12 by 23. I love to build things but most of all, lives.
We celebrated Cherith's Birthday last night with some Mexican food. You should have heard the song they sang to her. It was so good. Of course her face was wicked red. I love my kids!
Today is chapel day. Pray for the power of God to move in our meeting. This afternoon is a basketball youth rally. Tonight I fly to Millinocket to preach at a northern preachers fellowship. It's going to be a wonderful day!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a tremendous day on yesterday. The Lord be praised that I was able to build the teen room. It is approximately 12 by 23. I love to build things but most of all, lives.
We celebrated Cherith's Birthday last night with some Mexican food. You should have heard the song they sang to her. It was so good. Of course her face was wicked red. I love my kids!
Today is chapel day. Pray for the power of God to move in our meeting. This afternoon is a basketball youth rally. Tonight I fly to Millinocket to preach at a northern preachers fellowship. It's going to be a wonderful day!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 24th 2011 5:47 a.m.
Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I was very busy yesterday working at the church and here in my shop. Last night our service was a great blessing. We had a good number out for the Wednesday service and the Lord Jesus Christ encouraged us as preached on the Fruit of the Spirit is Joy!
Today I will work at the church all day trying to get the teen room ready. Tonight the Berards are taking us out for Cheriths birthday. I'm glad I'm saved and serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Well Glory to God!!! Amen and Amen!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I was very busy yesterday working at the church and here in my shop. Last night our service was a great blessing. We had a good number out for the Wednesday service and the Lord Jesus Christ encouraged us as preached on the Fruit of the Spirit is Joy!
Today I will work at the church all day trying to get the teen room ready. Tonight the Berards are taking us out for Cheriths birthday. I'm glad I'm saved and serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Well Glory to God!!! Amen and Amen!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 23rd 2011 5:26 a.m.
Greetings in the Majestic Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Glory to God! It's wonderful to be saved and know it! It's glorious to be in the Will of God! I'm so glad that God saw fit to call me into the ministry. I love working for Him!
My day was very encouraging yesterday. I was busy most of the day in my shop. The Lord blessed me and I enjoyed working and fellow shipping with Him! In the evening someone had given me a gift certificate so I took my family on a date. We had a wonderful time together. Praise the Lord for His blessings!
Today I will be studying and preparing for the evening service. I'm looking forward to God doing some great and mighty things in our meetings. Have you noticed that modernism and liberalism have played down the mid week worship service. Not at Calvary! Were still going wide open for Jesus on Wednesday nights. Last week I preached, gave an invitation, and afterward had a lady want to know how to get saved. She came back Sunday night and got saved! Well somebody say Amen! Also I will be visiting and working in my shop today.
Thank you for your prayers for our ministry. I know God is working and He is going to provide for us in His time.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Glory to God! It's wonderful to be saved and know it! It's glorious to be in the Will of God! I'm so glad that God saw fit to call me into the ministry. I love working for Him!
My day was very encouraging yesterday. I was busy most of the day in my shop. The Lord blessed me and I enjoyed working and fellow shipping with Him! In the evening someone had given me a gift certificate so I took my family on a date. We had a wonderful time together. Praise the Lord for His blessings!
Today I will be studying and preparing for the evening service. I'm looking forward to God doing some great and mighty things in our meetings. Have you noticed that modernism and liberalism have played down the mid week worship service. Not at Calvary! Were still going wide open for Jesus on Wednesday nights. Last week I preached, gave an invitation, and afterward had a lady want to know how to get saved. She came back Sunday night and got saved! Well somebody say Amen! Also I will be visiting and working in my shop today.
Thank you for your prayers for our ministry. I know God is working and He is going to provide for us in His time.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 22nd 2011 5:40 a.m.
Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I went to the school to start out with and saw all the kids. I love the kids at the school and appreciate the opportunity to serve them. I worked the rest of the day in my wood working shop. At 3 we had a two hour staff meeting. I had a good supper with my family in the evening. Also after supper a family from Waterboro came over and we had sweet fellowship as we talked about the ministry of flying. Praise the Lord for another pilot in the area that could possibly help out some. We called it a night around 10.
Today I will be working at the school, in my shop, counseling, and visiting. I am praying toward a powerful day in the Lord. I am so grateful to be saved and serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lord's.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I went to the school to start out with and saw all the kids. I love the kids at the school and appreciate the opportunity to serve them. I worked the rest of the day in my wood working shop. At 3 we had a two hour staff meeting. I had a good supper with my family in the evening. Also after supper a family from Waterboro came over and we had sweet fellowship as we talked about the ministry of flying. Praise the Lord for another pilot in the area that could possibly help out some. We called it a night around 10.
Today I will be working at the school, in my shop, counseling, and visiting. I am praying toward a powerful day in the Lord. I am so grateful to be saved and serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lord's.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 21st 2011 5:20 a.m.
Greetings in the Precious Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ
And He giveth his beloved sleep! Praise the Lord for the good nights rest. It's wonderful to be able to sleep and rest the soul and the body. But now I'm up and ready for an exciting day in the ministry.
Yesterday was just absolutely splendid. God moved in power and great glory on both meetings. We were full both services. We had a lot of visitors come out. Last night one of the ladies walked forward and got saved.
I flew a team of six up to the island in the afternoon. Pastor Dan preached a great message. It was a wonderful flight and a powerful service.
Today I'm busy with the school, visiting and soul winning, staff meeting, and working in my wood working shop. Praise the Lord for the joy of serving Him!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
And He giveth his beloved sleep! Praise the Lord for the good nights rest. It's wonderful to be able to sleep and rest the soul and the body. But now I'm up and ready for an exciting day in the ministry.
Yesterday was just absolutely splendid. God moved in power and great glory on both meetings. We were full both services. We had a lot of visitors come out. Last night one of the ladies walked forward and got saved.
I flew a team of six up to the island in the afternoon. Pastor Dan preached a great message. It was a wonderful flight and a powerful service.
Today I'm busy with the school, visiting and soul winning, staff meeting, and working in my wood working shop. Praise the Lord for the joy of serving Him!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 20th 2011 5:28 a.m.
Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. In the morning we had soul winning and bus visitation and also cleaned the church. We had over 20 people out. Well Glory to God! We are expecting a bus full today.
In the afternoon I studied and worked at the church.
In the evening we had Saturday night jubilee. It was for sure a jubilee. We had around 150 people out for a glorious time. Bro. Barnes preached a tremendous message on Be of good cheer. We had a great meal afterwards. It was a powerful day in the service of the King.
Today we worship our wonderful Lord all day long. I can't wait to see what He is going to do in and through the meetings. This afternoon I plan to fly up to the island. Pray that we would have a powerful day and that souls would be saved and the saints of God stirred in revival.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. In the morning we had soul winning and bus visitation and also cleaned the church. We had over 20 people out. Well Glory to God! We are expecting a bus full today.
In the afternoon I studied and worked at the church.
In the evening we had Saturday night jubilee. It was for sure a jubilee. We had around 150 people out for a glorious time. Bro. Barnes preached a tremendous message on Be of good cheer. We had a great meal afterwards. It was a powerful day in the service of the King.
Today we worship our wonderful Lord all day long. I can't wait to see what He is going to do in and through the meetings. This afternoon I plan to fly up to the island. Pray that we would have a powerful day and that souls would be saved and the saints of God stirred in revival.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 19th 2011 6:59 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour!
What a wonderful chapel service we had on yesterday. God moved as I preached on "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." In the afternoon I took the kids to the gym and worked on bookcases. In the evening I spent time with my family.
Today is soul winning and bus visitation. I am looking forward to God doing great and mighty things throughout this day. Also we will making sure everything is ready for Saturday night Jubilee!!! Well Glory!!! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the meeting. Come on out for an old fashioned Saturday night youth rally and worship service!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful chapel service we had on yesterday. God moved as I preached on "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." In the afternoon I took the kids to the gym and worked on bookcases. In the evening I spent time with my family.
Today is soul winning and bus visitation. I am looking forward to God doing great and mighty things throughout this day. Also we will making sure everything is ready for Saturday night Jubilee!!! Well Glory!!! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the meeting. Come on out for an old fashioned Saturday night youth rally and worship service!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 18th 2011 7:11 a.m.
Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I was busy at the school in the morning. In the afternoon I worked with Bro. Matthew as he painted at our house. I also spent some time visiting. In the evening I fellowshiped with my family. Praise the Lord for the good day.
Today is chapel day in our school. I'm thrilled to be able to preach the Word of God to the young people. We are asking God to give us a power packed morning.
This afternoon I plan on starting to make bookshelves for a lady in our church.
Tonight is discipleship with a new family.
Praise the Lord for the joy of serving the KING!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I was busy at the school in the morning. In the afternoon I worked with Bro. Matthew as he painted at our house. I also spent some time visiting. In the evening I fellowshiped with my family. Praise the Lord for the good day.
Today is chapel day in our school. I'm thrilled to be able to preach the Word of God to the young people. We are asking God to give us a power packed morning.
This afternoon I plan on starting to make bookshelves for a lady in our church.
Tonight is discipleship with a new family.
Praise the Lord for the joy of serving the KING!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 17th 2011 6:27 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a powerful day I had on yesterday. The Lord moved in power and great glory as I visited in Boston at Beth Israel. Praise the Lord for the opportunity to minister to people.
Last night we had a wonderful service. The building was packed and the Spirit of God moved and helped us as I preached on church planting. We had two visitors. One of them had many questions and I praise the Lord I was able to share the Glorious Gospel with her after the service. Get this! I was in a pizza place a few months ago and her boy came in and ask how much the pizza was. He didn't have enough money and it bothered me, so I told the lady here is the money make him a pizza. It touched the boys heart and he went home and told his mom. She came in the church a few days ago two months later now and tried to pay my wife. Mrs. Amy said no! My husband did that because he loves kids. What he would really want is for you to come to church. She came last night and raised her hand for salvation. Isn't it wonderful to live for the Lord Jesus Christ and let him use you? Well Glory to God!!
Today I'm busy visiting and wood working in my shop. I have some projects that I must make. I'm careful to give God the Glory for what HE is doing in our midst.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a powerful day I had on yesterday. The Lord moved in power and great glory as I visited in Boston at Beth Israel. Praise the Lord for the opportunity to minister to people.
Last night we had a wonderful service. The building was packed and the Spirit of God moved and helped us as I preached on church planting. We had two visitors. One of them had many questions and I praise the Lord I was able to share the Glorious Gospel with her after the service. Get this! I was in a pizza place a few months ago and her boy came in and ask how much the pizza was. He didn't have enough money and it bothered me, so I told the lady here is the money make him a pizza. It touched the boys heart and he went home and told his mom. She came in the church a few days ago two months later now and tried to pay my wife. Mrs. Amy said no! My husband did that because he loves kids. What he would really want is for you to come to church. She came last night and raised her hand for salvation. Isn't it wonderful to live for the Lord Jesus Christ and let him use you? Well Glory to God!!
Today I'm busy visiting and wood working in my shop. I have some projects that I must make. I'm careful to give God the Glory for what HE is doing in our midst.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Just finished visiting in Boston on T headed to wonderland. What a joy to minister to people.
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
March 16th 2011 6:25 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
My day was blessed of the Lord on yesterday. I was sooooooo busy with the work of the ministry. I just love to minister to people. I visited several people and got to hand out alot of gospel literature. Praise the Lord for the privilege of sharing the Word of God. I flew up to Portland to take Bro. Byron Foxx out to eat and Pastor Stoeber. That was a sweet time of fellowship. In the afternoon I met with a parent for about an hour about their child. At three we had a two hour staff meeting. In the evening I spent some time with Barbara and Ron. Praise the Lord that she is doing better. In the evening we went grocery shopping and called it a day around 9:40.
Today I plan on studying, visiting, and making a trip to Boston to visit Mrs. Jo Ann who is having brain surgery. Tonight is our midweek worship service. Well Glory to God!! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the meeting!
Keep praying about our building. We sense the Lord moving but we do continue to wait patiently!
God is so Good!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
My day was blessed of the Lord on yesterday. I was sooooooo busy with the work of the ministry. I just love to minister to people. I visited several people and got to hand out alot of gospel literature. Praise the Lord for the privilege of sharing the Word of God. I flew up to Portland to take Bro. Byron Foxx out to eat and Pastor Stoeber. That was a sweet time of fellowship. In the afternoon I met with a parent for about an hour about their child. At three we had a two hour staff meeting. In the evening I spent some time with Barbara and Ron. Praise the Lord that she is doing better. In the evening we went grocery shopping and called it a day around 9:40.
Today I plan on studying, visiting, and making a trip to Boston to visit Mrs. Jo Ann who is having brain surgery. Tonight is our midweek worship service. Well Glory to God!! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the meeting!
Keep praying about our building. We sense the Lord moving but we do continue to wait patiently!
God is so Good!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 15th 2011 6:28 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I had a wonderful day of travel yesterday. I got to witness to several people. The Lord be praised for this!
I went to a fellowship meeting in the afternoon. It was a blessing and I praise God for all He did in my heart.
Last night our church backed a revival meeting at Westbrook. It was a blessing to be a part of this. Bro. Foxx preached a powerful message.
Today I'm back in the saddle here at Calvary and can't wait to see what God is going to do! I love the ministry!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a wonderful day of travel yesterday. I got to witness to several people. The Lord be praised for this!
I went to a fellowship meeting in the afternoon. It was a blessing and I praise God for all He did in my heart.
Last night our church backed a revival meeting at Westbrook. It was a blessing to be a part of this. Bro. Foxx preached a powerful message.
Today I'm back in the saddle here at Calvary and can't wait to see what God is going to do! I love the ministry!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 14th 2011 5:29 a.m.
Greetings in the Great and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a powerful day I had on yesterday as I preached on church planting. I ended up preaching four messages challenging this church in Virginia to be faithful to Gods commands to go and start another church. God blessed with great freedom to declare the Word of God.
Our church in Maine has been ask to fully constitute this church down here the Bluestone Independent Baptist Church. Its history is somewhat marred and the pastor wants things done recently and in order. We will be discussing this when I come home. In essence our church will be the mother church of a church in Virginia and soon be the grandmother church also of another church in Virginia.
I should be back by 1 today. I look forward to seeing each of you tonight at Westbrook. What a joy to be busy about the Fathers buisness.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a powerful day I had on yesterday as I preached on church planting. I ended up preaching four messages challenging this church in Virginia to be faithful to Gods commands to go and start another church. God blessed with great freedom to declare the Word of God.
Our church in Maine has been ask to fully constitute this church down here the Bluestone Independent Baptist Church. Its history is somewhat marred and the pastor wants things done recently and in order. We will be discussing this when I come home. In essence our church will be the mother church of a church in Virginia and soon be the grandmother church also of another church in Virginia.
I should be back by 1 today. I look forward to seeing each of you tonight at Westbrook. What a joy to be busy about the Fathers buisness.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 13th 2011 7:39 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I had a wonderful day of travel yesterday. I was able to witness to several people in the airport. Its always a blessing to share the gospel.
Pastor McGuire picked me up and took me to the preachers room. I studied all afternoon. In the evening we went and looked at where they are going to plant another church. How exciting is this! We spent several hours together discussing church planting.
Today Im scheduled to preach three messages. Please pray that the God of Heaven would grant freedom and power as the Word of God goes forth. What an honor to be a preacher of the Gospel. I don't deserve this but I thank God or the call.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a wonderful day of travel yesterday. I was able to witness to several people in the airport. Its always a blessing to share the gospel.
Pastor McGuire picked me up and took me to the preachers room. I studied all afternoon. In the evening we went and looked at where they are going to plant another church. How exciting is this! We spent several hours together discussing church planting.
Today Im scheduled to preach three messages. Please pray that the God of Heaven would grant freedom and power as the Word of God goes forth. What an honor to be a preacher of the Gospel. I don't deserve this but I thank God or the call.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 12th 2011 5:49 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
I had a great day yesterday. Chapel was a blessing with the Lord moving in the service. I love those kids at school. They are a blessing to our hearts and we want the best for all of them.
In the afternoon I spent some time with Bro. Easterbrook as we discussed different things about the ministry.
In the evening I went on a date with my family.
Today I fly out to VA to be part of a conference preaching on Church Planting. Pray for me that I would have traveling mercies and be a blessing to all I come in contact with.
The young people leave at 9 this morning to go to a conference in Boston. Bus visitation is at 10. We are looking to break our record tomorrow for church. Glory to God and Lamb forever!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a great day yesterday. Chapel was a blessing with the Lord moving in the service. I love those kids at school. They are a blessing to our hearts and we want the best for all of them.
In the afternoon I spent some time with Bro. Easterbrook as we discussed different things about the ministry.
In the evening I went on a date with my family.
Today I fly out to VA to be part of a conference preaching on Church Planting. Pray for me that I would have traveling mercies and be a blessing to all I come in contact with.
The young people leave at 9 this morning to go to a conference in Boston. Bus visitation is at 10. We are looking to break our record tomorrow for church. Glory to God and Lamb forever!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 11th 2011 6:03 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a Mighty God we serve. God is doing such wonderful things up here in Maine. I bless His Holy Name for how He is moving among us.
I spent the day yesterday pioneering out the work in Jackman Maine. We looked for housing for the family that is moving there. They are the Glenn Easterbrook family. God has put it in their heart to relocate back to where his wife is from. Our plan is to start a mission out of our church in that town and see another church planted for the Glory of God. We drove up yesterday. It was a seven hour drive round trip. The two hour flight is better but the weather was terrible yesterday. The snow on the side of the road up there is around 8 feet tall. It's a different world. I love Mainers and I want to see all of them saved before it's everlasting to late.
We had several open doors yesterday in visiting with the people. It's a blessing to be able to get into people's lives and share the gospel. Please pray for the souls of Jackman Maine to get saved and be a part of the local church we will be starting.
Last night we visited with the Parvis's. We had a good time and praise the Lord for what He is doing in their lives.
It's raining here today. Maybe it will melt all the snow! I'm ready for golf!
Today is chapel day and I'm thrilled to be able to go and preach the Gospel to those wonderful kids in our school. I can't wait to see what God is going to do!! Please pray for power and freedom to preach the Word of God.
Tomorrow I fly out to VA to preach three messages on church planting. These are wonderful days. Get into the boat, let's go to the other side!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a Mighty God we serve. God is doing such wonderful things up here in Maine. I bless His Holy Name for how He is moving among us.
I spent the day yesterday pioneering out the work in Jackman Maine. We looked for housing for the family that is moving there. They are the Glenn Easterbrook family. God has put it in their heart to relocate back to where his wife is from. Our plan is to start a mission out of our church in that town and see another church planted for the Glory of God. We drove up yesterday. It was a seven hour drive round trip. The two hour flight is better but the weather was terrible yesterday. The snow on the side of the road up there is around 8 feet tall. It's a different world. I love Mainers and I want to see all of them saved before it's everlasting to late.
We had several open doors yesterday in visiting with the people. It's a blessing to be able to get into people's lives and share the gospel. Please pray for the souls of Jackman Maine to get saved and be a part of the local church we will be starting.
Last night we visited with the Parvis's. We had a good time and praise the Lord for what He is doing in their lives.
It's raining here today. Maybe it will melt all the snow! I'm ready for golf!
Today is chapel day and I'm thrilled to be able to go and preach the Gospel to those wonderful kids in our school. I can't wait to see what God is going to do!! Please pray for power and freedom to preach the Word of God.
Tomorrow I fly out to VA to preach three messages on church planting. These are wonderful days. Get into the boat, let's go to the other side!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 10th 2011 5:58 a.m.
Greetings in the Strong and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Wow what a glorious day I had on yesterday. The Lord granted traveling mercies as I flew up to the Quebec border to the little community of Jackman Maine. We are praying about starting a church up there. We are asking God to open up the doors that He wants us to walk through. It's so exciting to be a part of His work.
Last night we had a tremendous service. Once again the Spirit of God moved and helped us. I praise God for finally granting freedom to preach the Word of God. The Lord had burdened me to preach on what unbelief causes. It was a good time and a sobering thought. We had two come forward for baptism and several others God was speaking to.
Today we drive back to Jackman because of weather. It's a 8 hour drive versus a 2 hour flight. It will be nice though to see all the communities that need Christ along the way from the ground. When you commit to a place to see a church started there you fly, drive, hitch hike, or whatever it takes.
Tonight we plan to spend some time with the Parvis's discussing different aspects of the ministry.
What a joy to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords'!
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Wow what a glorious day I had on yesterday. The Lord granted traveling mercies as I flew up to the Quebec border to the little community of Jackman Maine. We are praying about starting a church up there. We are asking God to open up the doors that He wants us to walk through. It's so exciting to be a part of His work.
Last night we had a tremendous service. Once again the Spirit of God moved and helped us. I praise God for finally granting freedom to preach the Word of God. The Lord had burdened me to preach on what unbelief causes. It was a good time and a sobering thought. We had two come forward for baptism and several others God was speaking to.
Today we drive back to Jackman because of weather. It's a 8 hour drive versus a 2 hour flight. It will be nice though to see all the communities that need Christ along the way from the ground. When you commit to a place to see a church started there you fly, drive, hitch hike, or whatever it takes.
Tonight we plan to spend some time with the Parvis's discussing different aspects of the ministry.
What a joy to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords'!
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 9th 2011 6:02 a.m.
Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I love to open up my blog with this greeting. Their is power in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Well Glory to God and the Lamb forever.
My day was blessed on yesterday. I was busy in the morning at school and the hanger. In the afternoon I flew over to N.H. to a pastors fellowship. I left there at supper and came home to eat with my lovely family. In the evening dad and I flew up to get Glenn Easterbrook around 8:30. It was a good day of service.
Today please pray for us as we fly up to the Quebec border to the little town of Jackman Maine. We are praying about starting the church up their this spring. Pray that we can reach the souls of this area with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I will fly back this afternoon for service tonight. We have the Dassows (missionaries to peru) with us tonight and also I will be preaching. We are looking forward to a powerful service. We are asking God to move in power and glory on the meeting. I can't wait to see what God is going to do!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I love to open up my blog with this greeting. Their is power in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Well Glory to God and the Lamb forever.
My day was blessed on yesterday. I was busy in the morning at school and the hanger. In the afternoon I flew over to N.H. to a pastors fellowship. I left there at supper and came home to eat with my lovely family. In the evening dad and I flew up to get Glenn Easterbrook around 8:30. It was a good day of service.
Today please pray for us as we fly up to the Quebec border to the little town of Jackman Maine. We are praying about starting the church up their this spring. Pray that we can reach the souls of this area with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I will fly back this afternoon for service tonight. We have the Dassows (missionaries to peru) with us tonight and also I will be preaching. We are looking forward to a powerful service. We are asking God to move in power and glory on the meeting. I can't wait to see what God is going to do!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 8th 2011 6:07 a.m.
Greetings in the Strong Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I visited most of the day. I had some good contacts with lost people and also visited many of the church people. Praise the Lord for the call of God that has allowed me to be an under shepherd.
In the afternoon we had staff meeting. I appreciate the staff that God has given us. It's a blessing to work together as a team. I love what God is doing in the school and the church!!
In the evening we visited together with the family and rested some.
Today I have some appointments this morning with the school. Then I'm going to look at a bus for our bus ministry. After that I'm flying over to a Pastors fellowship. Tonight I'm picking up Glenn Easterbrook who is praying about going to Jackman Maine to help us start a church. After the fellowship I will fly over from New Hampshire back to Portland to pick him up. May the God of Heaven pour out His power on me today as I serve HIM who is all together lovely!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I visited most of the day. I had some good contacts with lost people and also visited many of the church people. Praise the Lord for the call of God that has allowed me to be an under shepherd.
In the afternoon we had staff meeting. I appreciate the staff that God has given us. It's a blessing to work together as a team. I love what God is doing in the school and the church!!
In the evening we visited together with the family and rested some.
Today I have some appointments this morning with the school. Then I'm going to look at a bus for our bus ministry. After that I'm flying over to a Pastors fellowship. Tonight I'm picking up Glenn Easterbrook who is praying about going to Jackman Maine to help us start a church. After the fellowship I will fly over from New Hampshire back to Portland to pick him up. May the God of Heaven pour out His power on me today as I serve HIM who is all together lovely!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 7th 2011 6:04 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Boy oh boy did we have a good time yesterday. God moved in power and great glory on the services. We had a packed house in the morning and evening. The Spirit of God granted liberty all day. Praise God for all that was accomplished!!
Today we are busy with school and ministry. I can't wait to see what God is going to do this day. Their truly is so much to do for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your love and prayer support.
My dad comes homes today. Pray for traveling mercies for him. Bro. Easterbrook flies in tomorrow. We are praying about starting another church this summer. Wow, what a mighty God we serve!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Boy oh boy did we have a good time yesterday. God moved in power and great glory on the services. We had a packed house in the morning and evening. The Spirit of God granted liberty all day. Praise God for all that was accomplished!!
Today we are busy with school and ministry. I can't wait to see what God is going to do this day. Their truly is so much to do for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your love and prayer support.
My dad comes homes today. Pray for traveling mercies for him. Bro. Easterbrook flies in tomorrow. We are praying about starting another church this summer. Wow, what a mighty God we serve!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 6th 2011 7:36 a.m.
Greetings in the Strong and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Wow, what a great weekend we had. God moved in power and great glory and the 30 couples that were at the retreat left refreshed and revived. Thank you Pastor Wiley for the great preaching. I also shared two messages. The Lord Jesus Christ be praised!
We got home yesterday afternoon and hit the ground running with soul winning and bus visitation. We visited all afternoon and God blessed that. We had almost 20 people out for that.
In the evening I took 21 people out for pizza and ice cream. The singing group from New England Baptist Bible College are with us. Also the Parvis family is with us from N.C. We had sweet fellowship.
We came home had devotions together and called it a night.
Today it's time to go worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What a mighty God we serve. Oh to worship Him in the beauty of His Holiness!!! Can't wait to see what God is going to do.
Oh yeah the Cherokee Six is back in the hanger from a prosperous trip to the Bahamas working on a church. Praise the Lord for these tools of the ministry.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Wow, what a great weekend we had. God moved in power and great glory and the 30 couples that were at the retreat left refreshed and revived. Thank you Pastor Wiley for the great preaching. I also shared two messages. The Lord Jesus Christ be praised!
We got home yesterday afternoon and hit the ground running with soul winning and bus visitation. We visited all afternoon and God blessed that. We had almost 20 people out for that.
In the evening I took 21 people out for pizza and ice cream. The singing group from New England Baptist Bible College are with us. Also the Parvis family is with us from N.C. We had sweet fellowship.
We came home had devotions together and called it a night.
Today it's time to go worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What a mighty God we serve. Oh to worship Him in the beauty of His Holiness!!! Can't wait to see what God is going to do.
Oh yeah the Cherokee Six is back in the hanger from a prosperous trip to the Bahamas working on a church. Praise the Lord for these tools of the ministry.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 5th 2011 7:21a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty and Strong Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I praise God for traveling mercies yesterday. Its wonderful to be able to fly on jets fast and fun.
We had a powerful couples retreat last night with two soul stirring messages. The God of Heaven helped me to preach on the filling of the Holy Ghost. Pastor Wiley did a tremendous job on the doctrine of Understanding. He's an able preacher and God used him.
Today we have a three hour morning session and then were finished around lunch. After that we have soulwinning and bus visitation around 2. In the evening New England Baptist College is coming up to sing for us and be in our service tomorrow. Im excited about all God is doing.
Also were looking forward to our friends being here from N.C. the Parvis's. They are praying about helping us in the aviation and school ministry.
Thank you for your love and prayers for our ministry!
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I praise God for traveling mercies yesterday. Its wonderful to be able to fly on jets fast and fun.
We had a powerful couples retreat last night with two soul stirring messages. The God of Heaven helped me to preach on the filling of the Holy Ghost. Pastor Wiley did a tremendous job on the doctrine of Understanding. He's an able preacher and God used him.
Today we have a three hour morning session and then were finished around lunch. After that we have soulwinning and bus visitation around 2. In the evening New England Baptist College is coming up to sing for us and be in our service tomorrow. Im excited about all God is doing.
Also were looking forward to our friends being here from N.C. the Parvis's. They are praying about helping us in the aviation and school ministry.
Thank you for your love and prayers for our ministry!
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 3rd 2011 6:04 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a powerful day I had on yesterday. God was gracious to give me traveling mercies. The weather yesterday would make anyone want to be a pilot. Speaking of piloting I flew the Cessna 150 out of this little airport on yesterday with Pastor Barton. It was a nice ride. Also last night we had pulled pork and fried fish. Wow! You talking about being spoiled! It was a joy to fellowship with so many friends of the Gospel. I heard so many encouraging words of people that listen to our broadcast. Well Glory to God.
In the evening I went to my home church and God gave us a powerful service. I preached on the thought he knows that his time is short out of Revalation. The enemy is out to destroy and we must be careful. Thus church loved on me and gave the ministry over 3000 dollars. God is never late. I love the Lord and bless His Name for His Faithfulness. I was getting concerned with how we were going to pay some bills and HE came through again. Also one of the men in the church gave me a whole set of tools. Wow I feel overwhelmed when the generosity of Gods people.
Today Im scheduled to preach at the 10 o'clock chapel hour. Please pray that God will use me! I love and thank God for all of you! click watch live at 10 this morning.
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a powerful day I had on yesterday. God was gracious to give me traveling mercies. The weather yesterday would make anyone want to be a pilot. Speaking of piloting I flew the Cessna 150 out of this little airport on yesterday with Pastor Barton. It was a nice ride. Also last night we had pulled pork and fried fish. Wow! You talking about being spoiled! It was a joy to fellowship with so many friends of the Gospel. I heard so many encouraging words of people that listen to our broadcast. Well Glory to God.
In the evening I went to my home church and God gave us a powerful service. I preached on the thought he knows that his time is short out of Revalation. The enemy is out to destroy and we must be careful. Thus church loved on me and gave the ministry over 3000 dollars. God is never late. I love the Lord and bless His Name for His Faithfulness. I was getting concerned with how we were going to pay some bills and HE came through again. Also one of the men in the church gave me a whole set of tools. Wow I feel overwhelmed when the generosity of Gods people.
Today Im scheduled to preach at the 10 o'clock chapel hour. Please pray that God will use me! I love and thank God for all of you! click watch live at 10 this morning.
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 1st 2011 6:13 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour!
You better number your days because time is like a freight train. Here we go with another month. "Redeeming the time because the days are evil"
We worked hard yesterday with all the teachers. We got a lot accomplished in staff meetings and different projects. Praise the Lord for how He helped us.
Last night we went to church on the internet with Rudy Smith. It was a blessing.
Today I'm working at the annex building all day building steps. We should be finished today with the steps.
Tomorrow I leave for N.C. to preach. Praise the Lord for His blessings!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
You better number your days because time is like a freight train. Here we go with another month. "Redeeming the time because the days are evil"
We worked hard yesterday with all the teachers. We got a lot accomplished in staff meetings and different projects. Praise the Lord for how He helped us.
Last night we went to church on the internet with Rudy Smith. It was a blessing.
Today I'm working at the annex building all day building steps. We should be finished today with the steps.
Tomorrow I leave for N.C. to preach. Praise the Lord for His blessings!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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