December 6th 2011 6:39 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a mighty God we serve! What a wonderful and glorious day on yesterday! It was a blessing to be able to minister and love on so many men and woman of God at our church. I praise the Lord for the privilege of hosting the New England Baptist Preachers Fellowship. We had close to 100 there and God moved in power and glory as Pastor Fuller and Pastor Faulk preached. I thank the Lord for how He touched my heart on yesterday. The ladies of our church we so wonderful. It for sure made their preacher proud to see them working to feed all of them steak, chicken and lobstah! The young people were a great encouragement as they helped to serve. Thank you young people for such a great job!

In the afternoon we had a wonderful staff meeting at 3:30.

Coming home I got a call that the Jordans had been in a bad car wreck. Amy and I were already planning to go to Maine medical to see Henry so we headed straight up there. Thanks be to God that they are going to be o.k. The car is totalled. Kyle has a broken vertebrae, Saige was released but is bruised and banged up and we don't have the final word on Mrs. Tammy yet. I will let you know.

Today I'm studying, visiting, and working some around the house. Also I'm going to get some school supplies in Saco today.

I love you all and thank you for praying for me.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell


Pastor Ken Parrett said...

Prayed for the meeting yesterday ... glad to hear how the Holy Spirit of God moved!

Just connected with Bro. Faulk on Twitter yesterday...

Bro. Ken Parrett
Joshua 1:8,9

Will said...

Bro. Bell,

Thank you for an amazing meeting yesterday! It was a great blessing to be there and experience the Holy Spirit moving in the services. The fellowship with other pastors and their families was great as well - what a great turnout!

I was particularly impressed with your Christian school students and the presentation they put on. Keep up the good work with them!

The food was unbelievably fabulous! You and your church family out-did yourselves with such a scrumptious spread!

It's a lot of work to put on a meal, a presentation, and services like that, and we appreciate it very much!

May the Lord richly bless you, your family, and your ministry!

Love in Christ,

Will Hepworth
Assistant Pastor
Bow Baptist Church
Springfield, Vermont