I love Wednesdays but then again........

Wednesday, Janauary 14, 2009 5:57 a.m.

Yes I do love Wednesdays because we get to go to church but then again I actually love everyday. I praise GOD for the call to be in the ministry. The scriptures declare,"And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;." Daily I get up with the thought of what a joy it is to be in the ministry. I actually do not have to go to work!!! Ha!!! That was suppose to be funny.

Yesterday was spent in my study in the morning and then to the woodworking shop the rest of the morning. Most of the rest of the day I helped Bro. Antonia's put all his stuff on two trucks. That was kind of fun but messed with my study time for Bible Institute so I called it off. We will get at soon and be back to studying together but until then I want to be ready and prepared and felt as though I wouldn't be after that day yesterday. Maybe I'm getting a little weaker in my old age (39 old hmmmmm).

Also last night I had to go back down to the airport and move planes and get another ready to go to Portland to get the transponder fixed. Mrs. Amy went with me so we had a little date and that was fun.

I finished off the night back in my shop and delivering some cabinets to Ron's. A very busy day but prosperous in the Work of GOD! I have found from being in the ministry that it's more than just studying your BIBLE. I love to do this but their are a whole lot of other things that must be done to keep everything going. My wife will probably say to me, "yes like taking down our Christmas sign on the barn." O.K. I heard that, I will get right to it. Theirs like four feet of snow out there in the paddock but I will get to that today.

Pray much for our service tonight that it would be a home run for Jesus!! Oh yeah I haven't forgot the pictures of the airport. Their coming today because Mrs. Amy and I have to take the plane to Portland and pick up some things for her ladies meeting tomorrow night.

Do you enjoy keeping up with what God is doing in our lives?????

HE is so good and I do praise HIS NAME. I just noticed that it takes me about 10 minutes a day to type down these few things. Still typing around 70 words a minute. Not that bad for a mountain boy from N.C.

Love you all


1 comment:

Judy said...

We sure do enjoy keeping up with your lives thru the blog. I wonder if I can still type 70 words a min./hmmm Busy day for you yesterday but productive. Praying for your service tonight. We love you!
Mom and Dad