August 14th 2010 6:54 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

WOW!! What a week of work. I think we averaged almost 12 hours of day of labor and it shows. We were able to get the building completely wrapped with metal among other things as you can see from the picture. All the soffit material is up and the building looks wonderful. Praise the Lord for the good week.

Today I will catching up on some of my home stuff. You could almost hay my yard. Another tree is down that I need to cut up also. I'm looking forward to this and also studying and visiting today. Praise the Lord for this day to serve!!

I'm thrilled about the prospects of tomorrow. We are having a baptism and by the Grace of God an old fashioned meeting. Whoopee! Pray that souls are saved and saints of God stirred.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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