August 31st 2010 6:09 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Where has time gone! May the God of Heaven teach us to number our days.

I just stepped in from filling Willy the wood boiler. He was hungry this morning. It had been about four days since I filled him with wood. Thank the Lord for the blessings of "free" hot water for our family and friends.

Yesterday was a tremendous day. I was out early on the golf course for a little r and r. After that I was at staff meeting. It was a blessing to be there and see the excitement and everyone working together. I took the staff out for lunch afterwards and we had a good time of fellowship. Then we were off to the races with a new house were looking to purchase for a staff house. Pray that it will all work out and the financing will supernaturally work out. Also our doors got put into the new building. Things are coming together. Continue to pray! We need an infusion of funds to finish the building. In the evening we were over at our friends house from the church the Rice's. What a sweet man of God! The Lord has sent them to us and we are so blessed.

Today it's a busy day in the ministry all day long. I am thrilled that God has called me and so excited to be a part of it all.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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