May 3rd 2014 7:33 a.m.

Greetings in the Jesus Name

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart"

This is the way we are to conduct ourselves as Christians.  The Christian life is a life of trust.  It starts out that way when we trust Jesus Christ to save us from our sins.  It continues that way with every twist and turn of life.  We trust Him!  He never fails!  He's an on time God!  Bless the Lord.

I taught Bible yesterday and spent the rest of the day with my dear wife.  I did have a few other appointments but most of it was spent by the side of her.  Today will be much of the same other then having chaplaincy duty at the hospital where she's at (smile) and soul winning visitation!  What a joy to tell others about Christ.

I'm praying toward a powerful day in the Lord on tomorrow.  Please help me pray that we see people saved and lives transformed by the Glory of God!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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