Greetings in the Glorious Name of my Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ
Wow what a wonderful day we had on yesterday. Their was great power and liberty in the services. I preached out of Acts 26 in the morning about Paul standing before Agrippa and giving his testimony. Agrippas response was like so many today, "almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." At the invitation two adults, a husband and wife walked the aisle and were gloriously saved! Amen! Hallelujah!! In the evening the Lord helped me to preach out of Colosians 3 on the home. The God of Heaven helped us all day.
Mrs. Amy is making slow improvements but is in intense pain because her inner systems are coming back on line. Thats probably not worded correctly but its all I can think of (smile). Our family ate together in the hospital room after church last night and enjoyed our fellowship together. Please continue to pray for her. The Lord be praised through all of this!! We trust HIM!
Today I'm studying this morning, making my radio broadcast, spending time with Mrs Amy and other office duties. Also our young people are going to sing in Massachusetts at a pastors fellowship. This afternoon I'm taking them on a tour of Boston. Tonight our choir is singing and I am preaching a revival meeting for my good friend Pastor Michaels at the same place. Please pray for traveling mercies and the bus to run good. It's going to be a wonderful day in the LORD!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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