February 28th, 2010 6:39 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!!

What a wonderful day we have before us. I'm excited to see all that God is going to do in and through the services at our church. If your in the area please come out and be a part of it. Sunday School is 9:30 and church is 10:30. I'm looking for God to do supernatural things.

We just got our power back a little bit ago. I have been off line now since Thursday. I thank the Lord for the generator that has helped.

Our annual couples retreat was a huge success. I praise the Lord for around 30 couples that came out and made this year a wonderful time. Bro. Cal Fuller preached to us and it was a great blessing.

I must go and prepare for the morning.

Have a glorious day and don't forget to pray for us.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 25th 6:06 a.m.

Greetings in the Magnificent Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

It is raining so hard here. We are suppose to get 2 to 5 inches of rain just today. What an easy winter we have had so far.

My day was blessed yesterday as I spent all morning with the Brook Suttles family encouraging them and answering questions about the ministry. The rest of the day I spent in personal study and message preparation for the evening service. The Lord seemed to settle in on our meeting last night and I so praise His Name for how He helped me to share the Word of God about the Fear of the Lord. I am enjoying the study that we are having on Wednesday nights. Sometimes I wish we could cover more ground but we are going forward so praise the Lord for that.

Today I will be in my study all day getting things together for school. I also will be preparing for some upcoming special meetings that I will be preaching next week. I'm looking forward to a powerful day of ministry.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 24th 2010 5:43 a.m.

Greetings in the Glorious Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

What a way to open up the blog everyday. It never gets old to me talking about the mighty Name of our Saviour. I know for me when I go to prayer daily I spend a good amount of time worshipping the Lord and concentrating on His Name! It's a wonderful spiritual exercise and ends up being a sweet time of devotion.

My day yesterday was filled with hearing preaching and reading the Word of God. Wow! We heard some great messages from the Word of God up to Standish Baptist Church. The Lord moved in power and glory on the meetings. What a blessing to be able to be there.

Today I will spend a good part of the day preparing for the meeting tonight. My wife and I also will be working on our handbook for Sanford Christian Academy. I'm excited to see all that God is going to do this fall in starting a new school. Come prepared and excited to church tonight expecting God to do great and mighty things in the service. I will do my best as the preacher to be prepared and I know the God of Heaven will meet with us!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 23rd 2010 7:05 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong and Wonderful Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

What a powerful day I had on yesterday. We had just a wonderful staff meeting. It's exciting to see all that God is doing in our midst. While at the church I also met with our architect (Doug Nason) to discuss our vision for renovation. Our God is a mighty God and HE is leading us through this process.

After that I took all the Suttles boys on airplane rides and a few of us went and surveyed down the east coast. We need labourers to preach the gospel all up and down the eastern seaboard. You can leave my house and go to the east side of 95 all the way to Boston and it is wide open to go and plant a independent fundamental Baptist Churches. Let's do it!!!!

In the afternoon we all worked up some wood and had a good time doing it.

In the evening we visited some and had some family time together.

This morning I have been busy preparing to go and hear some good old time preaching out of KJV! I'm excited to get my soul fed. Also I have been tending to Willy the wood boiler. He's a little mad at me because I have been giving him to much "green" wood so I had to clean him out. Oh well! I'm not scared of him! It's going to be a great day in the worship of the KING!! Glory!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 22nd 2010 5:46 a.m.

Greetings in the Matchless and Mighty Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

Wow, where do I start!

We had a tremendous weekend with so many guests here. The Brooks Suttles family showed up on Thursday. They are praying about coming to this area and starting a work for God. How exciting it is to see God answering prayers in this area of calling labourers.

On Friday the New England Baptist College quartet showed up also. It was a great weekend with them.

On Saturday 42 of us went out soul-winning. We invaded neighbourhoods with the Gospel message. Glory to God for all that was accomplished.

The Saturday night jubilee in the evening was a huge blessing. Great singing and powerful preaching make for a wonderful combination!! Glory to God!!!

Our services yesterday were very powerful. We had the quartet sing and preach for Sunday school. Five of them preached for around 7 minutes a piece. How thrilling to see God touch them and help them to preach. The morning service was packed and the spirit was high. I preached on the doctrine of sanctification.

In the afternoon Bro. Brooks Suttles preached a great message out of Acts 6 on the island. God moved in power there as we all enjoyed the fellowship of the gospel in the island service. Keep up the good work Schoppes!

The evening service was a great blessing as I once again preached on sanctification. We had a good crowd and some good singing once again. The Lord is doing great things and HE is worthy to be praised.

This morning is staff meeting and then Brooks and I will be off to survey some more areas for the gospel. What a joy and delight to be in the center of God's will trying our best to see some people saved and lives changed. Please pray for me that I can lead someone to Christ this week. I long to see people saved!!

As you pray continue to pray, pray also for God's will about a building for us. We are praying fervently that HE would move and show us exactly what to do.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

New England Baptist College Quartet packing Bibles

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February 20th 2010

Greetings in the Strong and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I'm excited about the day that God has before us. I have been up early preparing in prayer and study already. I'm looking forward to super soul winning Saturday. Then I'm taking the guys from New England Baptist Bible College tubing this afternoon. Then we will hurry back and prepare for the youth meeting tonight. I'm sensing big things for the meeting tonight. Would you not pray that the power of God would fall on our meeting and multitudes of lives will be changed for God's glory and honor? And I know you will.

What a delight to report daily on what our Great God is doing in our midst.

Continue to pray for the Brooke Suttles family as they seek God's will. They are with us during these days.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

160 lbs of dog!

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February 19th 2010 7:50 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty and Strong Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

What a wonderful day we had on yesterday. I was busy in the morning with the Marshall family fellowshipping and getting them on there way to Boston.

In the afternoon my wife and I worked for hours on the handbook of Sanford Christian Academy a Ministry of the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine and home of the Calvary Cavaliers, Soldiers of the Cross!! Now that's a mouth full!!!

In the afternoon also the Brook Suttles family came. We had a good time of fellowship with them. Then we were off to church to pack John and Romans to distribute on our Super Soul Winning Saturday. What a delight to see so many people out.

My day today is filled with meetings and visiting. What a joy to serve!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Packing John and Romans for supersoulwinning Saturday

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February 18th 2010 6:00 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

What a powerful day we had on yesterday. I was busy till around 11 in my study. I appreciate the Lord meeting with me daily. I enjoyed my Bible readings through 1 Samuel in the morning. I spent most of the afternoon with the Marshals. We went to the Portland head light and out to eat. What a wonderful time we had and it's been good to fellowship with our friends.

In the afternoon we prepared for the Wednesday night service. I don't know what anybody else thinks but the Holy Ghost just absolutely moved in power and glory in the meeting. The rejoicing, tears, worship, and message touched my heart. God is moving in power and glory and I am careful to give Him all the praise for it.

Today I will study, visit, and have a few meetings with town officials. Also we change families today. The Brooke Suttles family will be coming to stay with us for the next several days. I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with him and his family these next several days.

What a mighty God we serve!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 17th 2010 5:44 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. The morning in the study was great. Then I cut and split some wood. I spent the rest of the day with my friend Bro. Tad Marshall. The teaching seminar was a huge blessing for all of us on last night. The truths that were brought out were priceless and they in turn will help us to be better teachers for God's Glory and honor.

Also on yesterday I went to town hall and started the process of checking into what we have to do if we decide to renovate our building. I have meetings the rest of the week on that. Please pray for God's will to be done.

Today I'm excited about studying the Word, visiting some, preparing for tonight's service and fellowshipping with the Marshals. It's going to be a good day!!

Praise the Lord for His many blessings.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

One of my young fans. I love Tyler Marshall!

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February 16th 2010 5:51 a.m.

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

All praise the HIM who is worthy. What a wonderful Saviour is the Lord Jesus Christ. HE is so precious to me. If salvation was all I could praise HIM for I would still have enough to praise HIM forever. But HE has done so much more for me. His daily provisions and blessings cause rejoicing in my soul. Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name!

I had a good staff meeting yesterday morning. I praise the Lord for Bro. Dave and the good job he is doing to help relieve the load of the ministry.

I also enjoyed my study time in the morning. I'm loving reading through Judges this week. It encouraging to me to see that people really haven't changed any since then. It helps me in leadership to see this. May God help us to be consistent in our walk with him.

Bro. Dan Reed came over in the afternoon and we chopped wood for a while. I appreciate his help. What a blessing he was. Miss Eleanor ran the handle on the splitter.

Pastor Marshall arrived this morning around 2 a.m. I let his family in the house and then finally got back to sleep.

I'm excited about today as I serve the Lord. I'm studying, visiting, working in the wood and preparing for tonight's teacher training seminar. It's going to be exciting to learn some more from another Man of God.

Glory to God!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 15th 2010 6:56 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a tremendous day we had on yesterday at the Calvary Baptist Church. God moved in power and glory all day long. The Spirit of God filled the church house and let us all know that HE'S with us on this journey of faith.

Please continue to pray for wisdom for all of us as we press forward for His honor an glory.

Today I'm looking forward to studying this morning and working around the house and at the hanger today. Their is so much to do everywhere I turn. What an exciting life to live for Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers for our ministry.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 14th 2010 4:35 a.m.

Greetings in the Wonderful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a wonderful day it is. I'm excited to see what the God of Heaven is going to do in the church services today. We are looking for powerful services and lives to be changed through the preaching of the Word of God.

My day was blessed all day yesterday as I studied in the morning, then went and spent some time with Alec Kindred mentoring and fellow shipping. You can see by the pictures that we flew over to the ice runway. That is very neat but it was also as slippery as I have ever seen. After that Abigail and I went soul winning. We had some good contacts. I came home and got ready and went to a sweetheart banquet and then was back at 9. A good long prosperous day for Jesus.

Come today prepared to see God move in power and glory on the services. Their is no telling what He will do today. I'm looking forward to preaching the Word of God and fellow shipping with the saints.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Ice Runway wicked cool

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Ice runway

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Mt Washington in distance

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February 13th 2010 7:36 a.m.

Greetings in the Magnificent Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

My day was very blessed and busy on yesterday. I started out in my study early. After that I flew to Nashua to meet a school administrator. We looked around the school and chatted awhile about our plans to start a school this fall. After a short lunch I flew from Nashua to Islesboro to spend some time mentoring Bro. Bill. We had a wonderful time together. I then flew back home for a meeting at 4:30 with a real estate guy. At six we had the Young at Heart banquet and then called it a night.

I still stand amazed at how much an airplane allows you to pack so much in a day. I redeemed six hours of the day by flying and actually accomplished alot more besides redeeming time. Was it not for the plane I would have never even planned to do what I did on yesterday. What a great tool to use for God's Glory!!! Amen and Amen!

How exciting it was to see 28 "young at heart" out last night for the banquet. They almost needed some supervision during their games. What a great bunch of people. Praise the Lord for a real good time.

Please continue to pray for us about God's will for a building. Everywhere we look the doors are closed for us so I am going to make a decision soon about what to do.

I looking forward to studying and soul-winning today. Were anticipating a great day on tomorrow with "I love my church Sunday"! What a thrill!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Portland Head Light!

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February 12th 2010 6:55 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong and Powerful Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

By the good Grace of God I would never want to offend one of those little ones so therefore I am choosing to do the opposite. I'm choosing to pour my life into the little ones and see them grow up to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

That's what Mrs. Amy and I did yesterday when we took most of the school aged kids down to see where the late George Whitfield preached. This was the tour of tours. Thanks to Pastor Rob John for a tremendous tour. The kids were excellent and we all will never forget what the Lord did for us. Thank you young people for a good day!

I worked at the airport and went shopping to end the day. It was a great day of service.

Today I will be studying this morning and then flying up north to mentor and then down south to look at a Christian school. In the afternoon I will make a few visits. In the evening we plan on a special evening with the young at heart at our church. I'm excited about the day that God has planned for us. Well Glory!

If you desire to keep following what God is doing this is where you will find most of the information. I got tired of facebook. It seems like a bunch of idle chatter to me. No offense but I just don't have time for that at this point in my life. So much to do and so little time to accomplish it all.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 11th 2010 6:47 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a blessing it was to labour hard in the study yesterday. I will say I enjoy it but it is work to stay at it. Their is so much to do to ready ourselves for things that are upcoming.

Our services last night were blessed of God as I preached on the Fear of the Lord. May we all realize that this is the beginning of knowledge. It is lacking in so many people today. I know that I want to live in the fear of the Lord everyday. It keeps everything in perspective in our lives.

Today I take all the school aged kids on a historical tour to Newburyport to see where George Whitefield preached. Also we will go and see the crypt will he is buried under the pulpit. I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with all the kids. I can't wait till we start our school where we can daily invest in their lives. May the God of Heaven help us to raise up an army of Calvary Cavaliers!!

Keep praying for us! We covet your daily prayers for our ministry here.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 10th 2010 7:18 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

It's a cloudy day here in Maine and were looking forward to receiving maybe an inch of snow. We have had a very mild winter. I have not started my snow blower for over a month.

We had a good institute last night as I taught on Soul winning. I appreciate all of those that are involved and what God is doing in our midst. I believe our church is poised to see great and mighty things in the future.

My day yesterday was encouraging to be able to go and spend some time with Pastor Faulk. He's a great guy and I like being around people like that. We took him six missionary boards. The C177 flew excellent. I'm enjoying that plane while ours is in Haiti.

Today I will be studying and visiting most of the day. Also I plan on working on the school handbook and getting it ready to print. I can't wait until tonight when we get to go to the House of God!

Paul writes about his situations of life that he went through in Acts 20 and comes to this conclusion "But none of these things move me." Is not this the way we ought to be as we serve the LORD! Unmoved by the details of life that would normally discourage us. May the God of Heaven help us to be faithful to the task He has called us to.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Pastor Faulk and his new mission boards!

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February 9th 2010 7:08 a.m.

Greetings in the Glorious and Precious Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

I had a tremendous day yesterday serving the Lord. After the time in my study I went to 9 a.m. staff meeting. That is always a blessing to share with the leaders of our church and pray together.

After that I spent some time at the airport adjusting a rudder on the Cessna 177.

I took my friend out to eat and then back to the house for woodcutting. I spent the rest of the day working on details of our new Christian school that will start in the fall.

Today I will be working on the handbook for the school, studying and preparing for institute tonight, and possibly flying to Nantucket to survey that field of service. Their is so much to do in the Northeast. What a thrill to serve!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Praise the Lord for the Brethren in Islesboro. We had a wonderful service on Sunday afternoon. To God be the Glory for what HE is doing!

February 8th 2010 5:40 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong Name of the Saviour of the World the Lord Jesus Christ

What a powerful day I had on yesterday! It was evident that the Lord was moving in and through the services from the start. I praise God for a good number in the morning and evening service. I had a good time flying up to the island in the afternoon. The Lord Jesus Christ manifested Himself in the services to all of us in a encouraging way. Bless the Lord for everything He did.

I'm excited about staff meeting this morning and then the work of the ministry all through out the day. Their is one thing for sure, the work of God never ends and their is always opportunities to talk to people about the wonderful gift of salvation. So many people are hurting and need prayer and help. What a joy to be called of God to go and minister to them.

Please keep praying about God's will in regards to a building for us to meet in and start the school in. I preached last night on little children. I am pumped about what God is doing in putting things together for the school. Pray fervently for us as we put together the handbook and start advertising for prospective students.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Peaks Island Maine

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February 7th 2010 7:27 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

What a glorious morning the God of Creation has given us today. The sky is a beautiful blue, the wind is whistling through the trees and its a cool 12 degrees. What a wonderful day to go to the House of God and worship as a body of believers.

I am thrilled today with what God is going to do in and through the services. Please pray as the Gospel is preached that souls would be saved. Pray also that their would be no obstacles that would hinder the working of the Holy Ghost in our services.

Pray for our other services that are going on in our chapels across this region. Pray for the island service this afternoon. Lord willing I will be going up and being a part of that service today. Pray for our work in the Ukraine that God would help and fill the Isbell family with His power.

Thank you for being a part of this ministry.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 6th 2010 8:27 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

I'm a little late checking in this morning because yesterday was a busy day. I got up a little before 5:30 and was in the office studying and working on ministry stuff until 9:30. Then I vacuumed the downstairs for Mrs. Amy. After that Mrs. Amy and I flew to Manchester to fellowship with the Pastor Fuller and his wife. We flew back around 2 changed clothes and got on the road about 2:40. We arrived in Southington right on time at 6 because of traffic. We then drove to the retreat. I had a wonderful time preaching the Word of God. We took off around 9:30 and made it back home at 1 a.m. I praise God for traveling mercies. A quarter of mile from the house I fell asleep and the Lord woke me up as I was headed for a telephone pole. I learned a valuable lesson! I'm getting old and sissified! To God be the Glory for His protection.

I'm excited about studying and visiting today. What a joy it is to prepare for the day tomorrow and to get the gospel out!

Praise God for answered prayers for our missionaries in the Ukraine. Our God is doing great things for which I praise HIM!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Downtown Hartford

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February 5th, 2010 5:58 a.m.

Greetings in the Wonderful and Matchless Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

We had a very exciting day yesterday watching dads house be delivered and put onto the foundation. How wonderful it was to see the progress. "A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul."

As you can see in the picture a friend has let me borrow a Cessna Cardinal. What a fun airplane to fly. It's a quick little thing also. I went and spent about an hour and half with the instructor. I appreciate the kindness of my friend and him helping out the ministry while the Cherokee Six is in Haiti.

My heart is full as we wait and see what God is going to do about a building for us. I showed our building yesterday to a potential buyer and it shows again on Monday. Get your moving shoes on I see "the cloud"! (Welllllll, shout Glory!!!!)

The ladies meeting last night was a huge success. Around 20 ladies were out and Amy said she had a wonderful time teaching on Miriam. Praise the Lord for this ministry of our church.

Today I am going to fellowship with a pastor friend after I study this morning. I also plan to witness to some people today and share the gospel. This afternoon I'm going to fly or drive down to Hartford and preach for a singles valentine banquet. I may come back tonight or tomorrow. Please pray for the Power of God to be on me tonight as I preach. I desire to be a blessing to all.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

My friend said being the six was in Haiti I could use His Cardinal. Nice huh!

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February 4th 2010 6:31 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

What a wonderful day I had yesterday studying, soul-winning, visiting, and preaching last night. I praise God for the opportunity that HE has given me to serve Him here. I also was busy on the phone alot coordinating different aspects of flights that need to go to Haiti. Please pray that I can do that this morning.

Today my mom and dad are happy as finally their house will be put on the foundation. What an exciting day that we have waited and longed for. I appreciate all the Lord has done to allow this to happen.

Our services last night were a huge blessing. I am loving preaching through Proverbs. Their is so much wisdom to be gleaned from the Word of God and HE is helping us and strengthening our faith.

The choirs had a good practice last night after service. What a joy to lead such a great group of people.

Please pray about our future building projects. I am showing our building today. We are hoping to move to a bigger facility soon and get ready for the fall school year. So much to do so little time!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 3rd, 2010 5:47 a.m.

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

It's a wonderful Wednesday and I'm excited about all that God has in store for us today.

Yesterday was a good day of getting back into the groove of things. I wasn't back to 100% yet but I did work hard all day. It was topped off last night with a great time at Bible Institute. I'm enjoying teaching on soul winning and the class is a huge blessing. I'm praying that God will raise up an army of soul winners in our church that we could literally lead 1,000's to Christ. Praise the Lord for the excitement of the congregation in this area.

Today I will study and visit most of the day. I'm so honored that the Lord would call me into full time ministry to serve Him. What a joy and delight it is to give my all to HIM!

Please be in prayer about the building that God wants us to have as a church. As we pray about starting a school in the fall their is so much to do. I do need God's wisdom. What a thrill to think about all that God is doing and to think that He has us all right in the middle of it. Praise the Lord!!!

Please come prepared to go to meeting tonight. Their is no telling what God is going to do in our services. Glory!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 2nd 2010 5:50 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong and Mighty Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

I'm up and at it this morning early. Hopefully the stomach flu was only one day. I know that it was a rough day. I don't remember when I have laid in the bed all day like that. I praise God for His faithfulness to heal and help.

I will be catching up on alot of study and preparation today for Bible Institute tonight. When your sick it's hard to study so therefore I didn't get much done on yesterday. I think I read a few chapters and mustered up enough strength to make my radio broadcast but that's it.

Please pray God's will be done in regards to our building. I did get a message from the owner of the building were trying to get. I'm asking God's will to be done like all of you are to. It's exciting to see just exactly what He's going to do.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at Bible Institute tonight. For those that read this from all over the country just write me if you need me for anything. Let's continue to bear one anothers burdens.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

February 1st 2010 5:43 p.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

Sorry for the delay today but it's my turn to have the stomach flu. I went from 110% yesterday to about 8% today. Yikes!!! Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.

Our day was huge on yesterday. Great crowds, wonderful spirit in the meetings and just an exciting day.

Please pray for me to get better. I'm praying for all of you.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell