Our youth choir singing Bow the Knee

Greetings in Jesus Name

I wish you could have been in church last night. This picture was taken while the youth choir was singing bow the knee. Glory to God and the Lamb forever for what the Lord did in our hearts. You talking about a powerful message and song! Wow! Their wasn't a dry eye in the house as they sung. Thank you Jesus!

I had a good time preaching last night also. I preached out of Ephesians 3 on For this cause I bow my knees! Well Glory to God! What a mighty God we serve. We had a tremendous crowd last night and a great spirit in the meeting. Praise the Lord for how He continues to move.

Today I'm changing hats and becoming the maintenance man at the church. I have a lot of things to fix and clean up so I am looking forward to it. I love to work for Jesus!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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