I enjoyed my prayer and study time yesterday morning. The LORD was speaking to me out of Genesis. In our Bible institute at church we are studying through this book. I am enjoying the daily reading and studying about Abraham. He was such a faithful man of God. Of course he messed up in a major way many times but yet "He believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness." May God help us not just to believe Him for salvation but also for daily service. We all need to be people that will step out in faith and just say, "For I believe God".
The bulk of the rest of the day was spent making cabinets in the wood shop. I am swamped with projects to do in there. Some of the projects are money making others are donated stuff. I love to woodwork and when I can without having my schedule full and running over I like it even the more.
My family and I went out on a date last night to our local steakhouse. After that we went grocery shopping. It's always good to grocery shop after you are full. Saves money on the grocery bill. We did pretty good to get out of there for less than $200 dollars. Benjamin and I got into a contest and I guessed 198 and that's exactly what it was. The store has some kind of promotion that when you spend at least $50 dollars you get 10 cents off of your gas bill at Irving. So we payed $1.57 a gallon for fuel last night. Not bad but only a $5.00 savings. I know they got us somewhere else in our grocery bill but it did feel good getting gas that cheap.
After all of that we retired around 9:30 for a full day. Continue to pray for us. I covet the prayers of God's people as we continue to serve HIM here in this mission field.