A Super Saturday to All

The LORD JESUS CHRIST be praised for HIS blessings on me. We all have so much to thank HIM for!!!!! It's good to give thanks and totally changes your outlook on everything. You can know in your heart of hearts that you are in the Will of God when you are giving thanks. Let's all be a thankful people and watch our God continue to pour out HIS blessings on us as we serve HIM!
I enjoyed my prayer and study time yesterday morning. The LORD was speaking to me out of Genesis. In our Bible institute at church we are studying through this book. I am enjoying the daily reading and studying about Abraham. He was such a faithful man of God. Of course he messed up in a major way many times but yet "He believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness." May God help us not just to believe Him for salvation but also for daily service. We all need to be people that will step out in faith and just say, "For I believe God".
The bulk of the rest of the day was spent making cabinets in the wood shop. I am swamped with projects to do in there. Some of the projects are money making others are donated stuff. I love to woodwork and when I can without having my schedule full and running over I like it even the more.
My family and I went out on a date last night to our local steakhouse. After that we went grocery shopping. It's always good to grocery shop after you are full. Saves money on the grocery bill. We did pretty good to get out of there for less than $200 dollars. Benjamin and I got into a contest and I guessed 198 and that's exactly what it was. The store has some kind of promotion that when you spend at least $50 dollars you get 10 cents off of your gas bill at Irving. So we payed $1.57 a gallon for fuel last night. Not bad but only a $5.00 savings. I know they got us somewhere else in our grocery bill but it did feel good getting gas that cheap.
After all of that we retired around 9:30 for a full day. Continue to pray for us. I covet the prayers of God's people as we continue to serve HIM here in this mission field.


Greetings on this Faboulous Friday

I pray your day was as good as mine yesterday. The LORD indeed blessed in every aspect of our day. I had a good time of study and prayer yesterday morning. After that I went and got our lunch at a local meat store. We had fillet Mignon, sweet potato casserole, asparagus, and twice baked potatoes. Now that was real traditional meal, but it was good and I praise God for His blessings on us that allowed us to eat like kings. Also I spent some time at the Fitzgerald's measuring a table and looking to put in a window for them. Yesterday afternoon was filled with running the chain saw and wood splitter. Benjamin, Miss Eleanor, and I prepared a truck load of ash. Ash is a great wood to burn. It had been laying there for quite some time and I decided to work it up. After that I went and did the chores at the barn with Elisabeth. I'm sure she was thankful because we did three hours worth of chores in one hour. She also got to ride her new horse while I was there. The Berards invited us over for hamburgers on the grill last night for supper. I praise God for the fellowship of the saints and time of discipleship that we can have together. A full day of service in the Lord's vineyard!!!
Thank you for your continued prayers for our family as we serve HIM here in this needy area.


Happy Thanksgiving Day

The time is 6:26 a.m. on this Thanksgiving day. I am praying for each of you and asking God to give you an wonderful day as you worship and praise the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is worthy is our thanks on this wonderful day.
I had a glorious time preaching last night at our Wednesday night service. The Power of God was present to be able to preach the Word of God in liberty. I bless the LORD for what HE has done in our local church. He for sure has given us a good group of people that are desirous of serving HIM! Last night I chose the text in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I will put my outline down so you can get a hint on which direction I went.
I. Giving Thanks in Circumstances "In"
a. Trials
b. Testings
c. Tempatations
II. Giving Thanks Continually "Every thing"
a. Grace
b. Goodness
c. Glory
III. Giving Thanks with Conviction "For this is the Will of God"
It will change.......
a. Our outlook
b. Our outcry
c. Our outcome
Obviously its hard to develop the thought with this short blog but you can listen to it on our sermon page http://www.calvaryofsanford.org/sermons.html at our web site.
It looks like I have been typing for about five minutes now and I must go and check the fires. I've had them going since six this morning but the woods a little damp because of the rain we got the other day. Their running a little slow but I do notice the temperature has come up to 65. Won't be long now until it's warm.
I do THANK GOD for everything HE has done and continues to do in all our lives. HE is a great God and Greatly to be praised. Why not try to praise HIM Greatly today as you go throughout your day.
I love and thank God for each of you.


Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the bloggers in the blogsosphere a Happy Thanksgiving. This week on my radio broadcast (you can get that by clicking on the title of the post) I have been preaching on an Attitude of Gratitude. We have so much to be thankful for and "it is good to give thanks" the Word of God declares. Keep being a thankful person and you will be a blessing to all those around you.
I have been busy with cabinet making, visiting and counseling all week. The LORD has been gracious and I do bless His Name for how He has helped me. I'm looking forward to preaching the Word of God in just a few hours.
Tomorrow it's just going to be a wonderful day with my family as I take my wife out to eat for Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to spending the whole day together with them.
Thank you for your love and prayers for me as I continue to preach the Word of God in this very needy area.


A Marvelous Monday

I enjoyed Monday all day long. I was able to share the gospel with several people throughout the day. It's always wonderful to be able to experience the filling of the Holy Ghost as you boldly proclaim the Word of God.
Also on yesterday I worked of some cabinets in my woodworking shop. The LORD has been gracious to me in allowing me the opportunity to be able to work with my hands. It's such a joy to put things together and see them work. I praise the LORD for His goodness in this area.
Last night was spent fellowshipping with a couple of our friends. Thank you for your care and concern for our ministry and family.
Don't forget the Born Again Christian lives with an Attitude of Gratitude every day of their life.


A Wonderful Lord's Day

Sunday was a wonderful Lord's Day. I so much appreciate the goodness of our God in blessing in every respect. I had a great time teaching and preaching the Word of God four times. I thank the LORD for enabling me with the Power of the Holy Ghost to be able to have the strength to continue on.
The island service was great yesterday. I sense the LORD JESUS CHRIST moving in a special way on the island. I know as the LORD helps us all to be faithful and especially their preacher, Bro. Bill great things are in the future. My landing approach yesterday was among the top three of all time. It was verrrrrrrrry rough but the LORD was gracious in helping us make it down safely.
Last night was an unusual service. About 10 minutes into the service about 15 people walked in. They had experienced a tragic accident with their father. The accident happened on Saturday when a space heater caught their father on fire. He come in the house and the daughter in law put the fire out but it was too late. I spent some time in the service ministering to these people and praying over them asking God to comfort and help. I'm sure glad the LORD has put us in this town to reach people with the Gospel. It never ceases to amaze me how many hurting people their are to minister to. May the LORD help us to be faithful.
I have a special burden for a pastor friend of mine. Would you pray with me about this. I love each of you and thank God for what HE is doing in and through our lives.


Praise God for His Blessing

I so much appreciate the LORD JESUS CHRIST helping us these last two days. I have had such a great time in the LORDS work. It is such a blessing to be able to teach the truths of the Word of God to hungry souls. On Friday I spent most of the day with my oldest kids flying up to Fryeburg Maine looking at a horse. After that we went to Gorham Maine to look at another horse. Praise God Elisabeth found her a horse. It is a beautiful dapple gray quarter horse. Also on Friday I had a great discipleship lesson with a family in our church. The Lord blessed as I taught them for over two hours.
Today I studied this morning and then went soul winning for around two hours. The God of Heaven moved as we were able to talk to alot of people and share the gospel. Didn't bring in any fish but did get alot of bites. I studied the rest of the day until supper. We had some of our friends come over for fellowship from Baldwin. The Lord gave us sweet fellowship around a meal at applebees.
Pray much for me tommorow as I preach four times and fly. Pray for us to have traveling mercies and for the power of God to rest on me as I mininster for Him!!!!


Coldddddddddd on top of Mount Washington as we flew to Fryeburg Maine!

Thursday 11/20/08

I don't know how you could be any more blessed than I am. I am so grateful to God for how HE continues to move and work in our lives. I'm careful to give HIM all the Glory for what HE has done and is doing, and is going to do in the days to come. I Had a good time taking the kids to Christian school this morning. After that spent some time in the office and then flew down to meet with a Pastor friend of mine in Manchester N.H. The LORD wants each of us to be like Himself and like Barnabas of old, a son of consolation. That's exactly what I got to be today and in turn got encouraged myself. After that I flew down the road just a little bit to Nashua and had my Bi-annual flight review with Pastor Joe Johnsick. I so much appreciate him investing time in me to train me and keep my flying skills in such a way to Honor and Glorify the KING! After passing the flight review I flew back to Sanford to help get ready for the ladies meeting tonight here at the house. It looks like over 20 ladies are out for the meeting. I know my wife will be a real blessing as she teaches the Word of God. Missionary Momney is here in our apartment tonight to. Our church took him on for support last night for $150 dollars a month. The LORD be praised for another missionary that we are able to support. The picture is myself and Pastor Joe after the flight review. I pray you are enjoying keeping up with what God is doing here in this region and praying much for us. I do covet your faithful and fervent prayers on our behalf.


Wednesday 11/19/08

Had a good time of study and exercise this morning and then went down to Chester CT. It was about a two hour flight in the Cessna 150. The RV 8 that I went and looked at was exciting. Mr. Cook has done a wonderful job in the work thus far. Pray with me about God's will in regards to the 18,500 dollars to purchase it. I will use this plane for our encouragement and mentoring ministry around New England. All four hours of flying today was in moderate turbulence in the little plane. To say the least my head is still swimming. It wasn't fun but it did redeem four or more hours vrs. driving. Tonight's service was a great blessing. We took on another missionary tonight. Bro. Momney is going to Israel. It was a great time together with the saints. I enjoyed his message and then I spent some time talking about faith promise and what it means to give. The Lord be praised for a great day!!! Who will go to "Woostah" Massachusetts with the gospel? Say a prayer and ask God to send forth labourers into His harvest as you look at the picture.


Tuesday 11/18/08

I would call this day a terrific Tuesday. Of course everyday is a wonderful day when your in the service of the King. My day started out at 5:30a.m. getting the kids off to school and exercise and devotions. Also in the morning I had a wonderful time studying and preparing to teach Bible Institute. I thank God for our Institute that is out of our local church here. The Lord Jesus is blessing in a wonderful way as I teach these to be the leaders that HE would have them be. Then I flew up to Augusta to have some sweet fellowship with Pastor James Wiley. God is doing a great work in this church in Augusta and HE is using His man Pastor Wiley in a glorious way. After flying home I made some visits locally and then fellowshiped with the family some. I just got home from teaching in Bible Institute. The Lord Jesus Christ blessed in a wonderful way and I do bless His Name for this and what HE continues to do. Thank you for your support and prayers for us as we serve Him. Pray much that God would give us the funds to buy an RV 8 to use in our ministry around the Northeast. I need something fast and economical to get around this region. I thank God for the Cessna 150 but it is slow but hey, it's better than walking or riding a horse. I'm not complaining just envisioning something that will help us redeem more time.

Our new N #. All american airplanes start with this letter and our's stand for Mark 1:38

A couple of pictures of our Bible Institute students. Currently 10 of us are studying the Word of God together!!

My good friend Pastor James Wiley who is doing a wonderful work in Augusta Maine. Praise God for the time that we had together today!!

Monday 11/17/08

Praise the LORD for a Marvelous Monday. I studied some this morning and then went to Lowe's and picked up a couple windows for the old farm house. I spent the rest of the afternoon replacing those. After supper I enjoyed studying the Word of God and watching the missions conference at Trinity Baptist Church in Asheville N.C. I thank my God for a good day off. I'm looking forward to a busy day tomorrow in the service of the KING!


Sunday 11/16/08

I praise the LORD for how HE blessed on Sunday. Sunday school was a thrill as I taught the young people on the Will of God. After that I preached on Patience out of James 5. We are to be patient unto the coming of the LORD!! We all had a quick lunch and then came back for a 1p.m. service. The God of Heaven once again poured out His power on the service to help us have a great meeting. In light of the LORDS soon return we should be busy doing some things. I preached on some of those things in the afternoon service. I got in the car and drove up to Augusta to be part of a counsel for ordaining Bro. Pelkey at 4. I praise the LORD for another Baptist preacher that has been ordained into the Gospel ministry. At 6 I preached a short charge. After laying our hands on this man and praying over him I made my way back to Sanford. What a great and glorious day in the service of the King.


Friday 11/14/08

What a fabulous Friday the LORD blessed me with. I enjoyed studying in the morning and having some telephone conversations about the ministry of reaching others with the Gospel of Christ. After that my family and I spent the rest of the day together enjoying each others company. We visited with the Johnson's at there print shop in Kittery Maine. I personally enjoyed this aspect of our day as we are praying about getting the gospel out in the printed page all over this region. After buying some groceries we came back home and got ready for the Fitzgerald's to come over for discipleship. They are a blessing with their seven kids. We started discipleship study and had a great time seeing what the Bible has to say about the marks of discipleship. I finally made it to my recliner at 9p.m. A very productive day as is most days here on this mission field. I praise the LORD for HIM calling me to this area to minister to these people. I love New Englanders and pray that the LORD will continue to help me to win more of them to Christ.


Thursday 11/13/08

The Lord indeed blessed me with a wonderful day. I had a good time of study in the morning. The weather broke enough to fly up to Bangor and pick up Gerald Fieldier who is an evangelist. I took him back down to Manchester where he was going to stay with an area pastor. I flew back home and prepared for Discipleship. It was a blessing to be able to teach Ron and Barbara in the Word of God. Discipleship is God's plan and program for the local church. We are commanded to go and teach all nations. I praise the LORD for a good day serving Him.

Wednesday 11/12/08

I started the day today at 5:30 a.m. After having my personal devotions I made the drive up to Standish to preach in the morning chapel. The LORD blessed in a special way with His power and Glory. I so much appreciate the filling of the Holy Spirit to be able to preach the Word of God. After chapel I changed my clothes and started building the ramp you see in the picture. Pastor Wilkins and his men started it and we were able to almost finish it. Should get it done on tomorrow Lord willing. I wouldn't have been able to do it without of the help of Henry and the other Brother in the picture. I changed my clothes back and taught two other courses in the afternoon. After coming home I studied frantically and prepared for the evening service. Once again the God of Heaven blessed in a glorious way at the meeting. I preached on Brokenness and enjoyed the liberty of the Holy Spirit as I proclaimed the Word of God. The Great God of Glory showed Himself mighty in my life all day and I do praise His Name for what He continues to do. Do forget to click on the title for a audio update of what God is doing also.


Tuesday 11/12/08

I praise the LORD for the good day on Tuesday. I took Josh to the airport or better yet he took me up on his last flight of the trip. I believe he has learned alot while he was here and I appreciate the time I had with him. After that I taught some classes at the Christian school where my kids go. I have put some pictures up of that adventure that I have had this week. Actually it has been very profitable and I praise the LORD for how HE has helped. Then I came back and studied for Bible Institute. Once again the God of Heaven showed himself mighty on our behalf. Just a great day all around for His Glory and Honor!!!


Monday 11/10/08

I thank God for a good day on Monday. I flew with Josh for an hour in the Cessna 150. Also I studied and prepared to teach two classes at Standish Christian Academy. The LORD blessed in a glorious way as I shared the Word of God with the kids. I am grateful for the oppurtunity to preach and teach the Word of God in this area. It thrills me all the way to my soul to see what God is doing in this region. It's my hearts desire to see so many more people saved and churches started all over the Northeast and Cananda. Last night I took 19 veterans out for a special meal to honor them for their service to our country. Praise the LORD for a wonderful day. Don't forget to click on our title for a daily audio devotion. This week I am preaching on being stirred up. Their will be more pictures to follow.


Sunday 11/10/08

The Lord Jesus Christ be praised for the good day that He granted unto us on yesterday. I preached a missions conference at Berean Baptist Church in Newport N.H. I enjoyed being with Pastor George Barbour and the good folks at this church. May the Lord increase their missions giving in a great way.
Our Sunday night service was a blessing back at Calvary. I'm encouraged at what our God continues to do in and through this local church. Continue to pray as we reach our town and the surrounding towns with the glorious gospel message.
Special thanks to the Berean Baptist Church for the John/Romans for the town of Jackman Maine and Islesboro Maine. Our church looks forward to distributing those soon.


Saturday Activities

I praise the LORD for the good day that HE granted unto me on today. I was able to fly with my friend Bob Hart to St. Johns, New Brunswick, then to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and then back to Bangor, Maine and Pittsfield Maine. We delivered Evangelist Gerald Fieldier to Yarmouth for a week of meetings. I appreciate the watchcare of the LORD. Every approach was down to minimums with Yarmouth one quarter mile visibility and a runway visual range of 1200 feet. It was thick but the LORD helped us to see the lights at Minimum Descent Altitute. I'm excited about tommorow as I preach in New Hampshire at a Missions Conference. I will update you on it soon. Don't forget to click on our title for our daily audio blog. Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

Bro. Gerald Fieldier relaxing as we are taken him across the atlantic to Yarmouth Nova Scotia.

A beautiful site to behold!!!! We were at 6,000 feet over the atlantic about 20 miles south of St. Johns New Brunswick!!

To God Be the Glory

The title for our update today describes just exactly what the God of Heaven did on last night. I praise the LORD for all the churches that came out to the meeting to help us rejoice in our fourth anniversary service. Special thanks to the New England Baptist Bible College for singing and Pastor Townsley for preaching a wonderful message. May the King of Kings and Lord of Lords continue to raise up labourers in this area to wins souls and start other churches. Around two hundred and fifty were in the meeting last night.

Friday Night Jubilee Anniversary Celebration!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Tonight is our 4th anniversary here at Calvary. We have officially been organized for four years, it is amazing how time flies! All in the local area are welcome to attend services tonight where the college choir from New England Baptist Bible College will be singing and Bro. Townsley will be preaching. Service starts at seven and there will be supper served after! Come join us as we celebrate God's goodness to our church!

A Marvelous Wednesday!!!!

Words cannot describe how good our God has been. Glory to His Name for how HE blessed in the meetings and encouraged each of us. Thank you for your prayers. Pray now that our faith promise will increase and we can support more missionaries!!
Bro. Earl Malpass one of our missionaries to Alaska
An altar of prayer, praying over our missionaries and asking God to Bless and use them!!
Bro. Josh just after our morning flight. He is doing good and learning alot.


A Terrific Tuesday

The Lord Jesus Christ blessed me with a wonderful day on yesterday. As you can tell I was very busy with different activities. I was able to fly with Josh for an hour and also fit in nine holes of golf with one of the missionaries. What an exciting time the LORD has given us this week. Don't forget to get an audio devotion and update by clicking on the title of the update. Thank you for your prayers and love for my family as we continue to make a difference in this region.

Pastor Bell reminding the people of Calvary Baptist Church that no matter who wins the election that God is on the throne and HE is worthy of praise!!!!!!

Friends from town that I took to Beverly Massachusetts for lunch. Had a great flight and a good time of fellowship.

Final approach landing on Runway 27 in Beverly Mass.

Towns on the seacoast of Massachusetts and New Hampshire that need the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!

Welcome to Maine. This is the bridge that crosses the river from New Hampshire to Maine. The first town that you see there is Kittery. When you study Baptist History you learn that Hezekiah Smith preached the gospel there many hundred years ago. May God continue to send forth labourers to this state and region with the glorious gospel of Christ. Pray for me as I continue to start churches all over this region and spread the Good News that Jesus Saves!! Amen and Amen!!

Missions Conference 2008

Last night was a great night of mission conference. The LORD blessed in every aspect of the service. I so much appreciate the sweet Spirit of God moving and working in our hearts. Stay in prayer that our Faith Promise will increase and we will give more than we have ever give before to get the gospel out.

Brother Cal Fuller preaching up a storm!

Bro. Kevin Smith and family blessing our hearts with singing!

Bro. Kevin Smith sharing his burden for Saint Lawrence Island Alaska!

A Great LORDS Day!!!!

The Lord Jesus Christ be praised for all that was accomplished on yesterday. I was thrilled to be able to preach on the Grace of Giving to Missions on Sunday Morning. We almost had a full house of people as the Word of God went forth. The Lord is doing such great things in our local church and I bless His Name and give Him all the Glory for it. The missions conference has gotten off to a huge jump start. It's seems to me that every time you do something special for missionaries the Lord just gives the church an extra blessing. That's what has happened at our church thus far. It's such a thrill to be part of a local church that wants to make a difference in our state and around the world. Remember to click on the title of the broadcast to go to our daily audio update. And please brethren, "Pray for Us!"

A Glance at the street we park on for church. This is a great testimony to the community that our God is up to something at Calvary Baptist Church!!

Training our future song leaders in the church service on Sunday Morning!!

Pastor and Mrs. Amy enjoying worshipping our God on Sunday Morning!!

Our friend and companion!!
My mom and dad with the grand kids!!