Happy Thanksgiving Day

The time is 6:26 a.m. on this Thanksgiving day. I am praying for each of you and asking God to give you an wonderful day as you worship and praise the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is worthy is our thanks on this wonderful day.
I had a glorious time preaching last night at our Wednesday night service. The Power of God was present to be able to preach the Word of God in liberty. I bless the LORD for what HE has done in our local church. He for sure has given us a good group of people that are desirous of serving HIM! Last night I chose the text in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I will put my outline down so you can get a hint on which direction I went.
I. Giving Thanks in Circumstances "In"
a. Trials
b. Testings
c. Tempatations
II. Giving Thanks Continually "Every thing"
a. Grace
b. Goodness
c. Glory
III. Giving Thanks with Conviction "For this is the Will of God"
It will change.......
a. Our outlook
b. Our outcry
c. Our outcome
Obviously its hard to develop the thought with this short blog but you can listen to it on our sermon page http://www.calvaryofsanford.org/sermons.html at our web site.
It looks like I have been typing for about five minutes now and I must go and check the fires. I've had them going since six this morning but the woods a little damp because of the rain we got the other day. Their running a little slow but I do notice the temperature has come up to 65. Won't be long now until it's warm.
I do THANK GOD for everything HE has done and continues to do in all our lives. HE is a great God and Greatly to be praised. Why not try to praise HIM Greatly today as you go throughout your day.
I love and thank God for each of you.


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