April 1st, 2009 6:00 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful Wednesday the LORD has blessed us with. I have enjoyed this morning reading the book of Galatians. I am so grateful that I have placed my faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and I know I'm on my way to heaven. Glory to God and Lamb forever!!!

My day was blessed on yesterday. I had the joy of serving the God of Heaven in several different capacities. "And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you" the writer told the Corinthian church. I happen to feel the same way. I spent most of the day studying for Bible Institute and also working at the hanger. The LORD be praised for what HE continues to do.

In our Bible institute we are studying this week in Galatians. Read with us if you like as we daily read through the book and survey the wonderful truths found therein.

Today will be filled with work at the airport, studying for tonight, visiting and soul winning, and maybe a meeting in Auburn Maine and possibly Augusta. Pray much for our services that the Spirit of God would grant liberty and we would be able to go to meeting. I'm already looking forward to it with great anticipation.

On a side note, I'm working on a day and a half with my wood boiler since being filled. I am very satisfied with how it is working. It's keeping our house toasty and in turn heating all of our water that we use. Praise the LORD for this wise investment.

Oh yeah, pray much for Wings as Eagles ministry as they are going to have to replace one of their engines on the piper chieftain at the tune of 35,000 dollars. Pray all the monies come in for it.

Love all of you.

Preacher T. Bell

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