Is a ministry out of the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine. Mark 1:38 is our theme verse. "And He said unto them, let us go into the next towns......" God is calling us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Next Towns!!!!!
Powerful time at church tonight
July 29th 4:01 a.m.
I am preparing to head off to preach in Osh Kosh Wisconsin. Please pray that I will used of God during these days. Also we will be a part of the airshow there at the airport. I'm looking forward to an exciting time!
Powerful services last night with a full crowd and a good spirit in our midst. Oh God send revival!
Talk some more later and will send pictures later of the plane were praying about.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 28th 2010 5:42 a.m.
What a wonderful day we had on yesterday. As you can see from the picture we got one section of the front finished. Lord willing today we will get another section complete. It was very hot on the front of the building standing on the shingles with the reflection off of the white vapor barrior but the Lord helped. It is suppose to be a blistering 92 today so we will see.
This morning I have a site plan review meeting at 9. Pray for me that all goes well with all of the departments in town discussing this project.
Tonight is church! Glory! I'm thrilled to possibly be able to preach tonight. I don't remember when I have preached on a Wednesday. We have had guests for weeks that have come in on Wednesdays. I'm looking forward to a great time!
Thank you for your prayers. I know God is moving and we must see some financial miracles soon or? HE is never late and I trust HIM to work out everything! Bless HIS NAME!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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July 27th 2010 5:08 a.m.
What a beautiful morning it is. Finally it has made it down into the 50's. Now that is some good sleeping weather.
Yesterday was blessed with staff meeting early. Then my wife and I had another meeting with a grant writer at 11. After that we went visiting and then back to the farm where I cut four loads of wood.
In the evening we had around 30 people that went out soul winning and handing out John/Romans. What a joy it was for us all to go out together in the neighbourhoods of our town. Whoopee! We all came back to my house for a time of prayer seeking God for revival. God is good all the time! We are believing God to move in our fall revival!
Today I will work all day at the building putting up siding. It's going to be an exciting day! Their is so much to do and so little time to do it so I must get at it.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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July 26th 2010 6:55 a.m.
What a powerful day we had on yesterday. God encouraged us through the services with the singing, testifying, and the preaching of the Word of God. Praise the Lord for all HE did!
Today we have staff meeting in the morning, another meeting around lunch, a little work in the afternoon, soul winning tonight and cottage prayer meeting at 8:30 for revival. I'm thrilled about the opportunities to be able to serve the LORD!
I'm excited about all that God is going to do this week. Please pray that souls will be saved and baptized and we can see a mighty move of God in our midst.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 25th 2010 8:31 a.m.
I'm expecting that the God of Heaven is going to pour out His power on the service today. I am anticipating a mighty move of God. Oh God send the power of the Holy Ghost on our meetings!
We worked hard yesterday and got the west side finished. Also we completed all the windows. We started on the front to. Things are progressing well.
In the afternoon we went and look at some dividers. A man donated them to us. That was a blessing.
After that I cut a load of wood. My family went golfing in the evening. It was a great day.
I'm thrilled to be able to preach today! Please pray for mighty miracles to take place.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 24th 2010 7:32 a.m.
We had a prosperous morning on yesterday. We got all the windows in on the front of the building plus three in the back. We plan on finishing those today. Further we did some siding on the west side and plan on finishing that today. Progress is being made everyday and for that I praise the Lord.
I came home at lunch and worked the rest of the day on my yard and trying to get that big tree cleaned that you see on the blog. It is huge! Alot of work for all of us but hopefully today we can get the rest of it.
I'm excited about studying and preparing today for the Lord's Day on tomorrow! Wow what a joy to be entrusted with the Word of God and to be able to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ! I'm praying for souls to be saved! I'm praying that God would continue to stir our hearts for revival! Pray with me!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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July 23rd 2010 6:19 a.m.
What a tremendous day on yesterday. So much was accomplished for which I am very grateful. The east side of the building has been completely sided now. You can see the picture and video below this blog.
Today we will work a half day at the job site. I have so much to do around the house it's crazy. I had a tree fall in the back yard that probally has three cords of wood in it.
Tonight is family night. I plan on doing something fun with them.
Keep praying for us. We need so many miracles!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 22nd 2010 7:10 a.m.
What kind of vision do you have for your life? What kind of vision do you have for your family? What kind of vision do you have for your church? What kind of vision do you have for your job and buisness? "Where there is no vision the people perish" are the words that are heralding forth from my heart today! I see many being saved in our church and this region! I see many young men surrendering their lives to preach the Word of God! I see many young ladies marrying those young men and having families that are sold out to the Lord Jesus Christ and His work! I see our new building totally complete with all the modern amenities! I see it being used as a tool to reach the lost for Christ! I see our ministry flying a turbo prop airplane into the regions beyond full of gospel literature! I see teams going on those planes that are full of the Holy Ghost that will make a difference in the towns we go to! What a mighty God we serve!!!
Our services were special last night. Bro. Doom preached a great message and Mrs. Doom testimony was powerful. To God be the Glory for all HE did! It looks like we are also starting a book store now. This will be fun to see all that God does through this ministry!
Work continues on the building. We put up a bunch more siding up yesterday. We may finish both sides of the building today. How exciting to see it all coming together. The rest of our windows are in and they will be delivered today! Well Glory! Please pray that God would give us 10,000 for our new school and another 100,000 for the building! Oh God I ask you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to send in the funds for us to finish this great building that we are working on for your honor and your glory in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen and Amen!
Tonight we go to some friends house that are visiting from Haverhill Ma. This will be a enjoyable time of fellowship and food.
Next week we start cottage prayer meetings seeking God for revival!
Keep at it Jesus is Coming soon.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 21st 2010 6:23 a.m.
It is the Will of God for each of us that have named the name of Christ to be filled with the Spirit. Can you imagine a church that is packed with people that are filled with the Spirit. Let's get serious today, who is it or what is it that is controlling you? We cannot be filled with the Spirit if their are other things in our lives. I meet so many people that are filled with worry, doubt, fear, anger, bitterness, ugliness, etc..... and you can tell when you talk to them that they are not filled with the Spirit. What's it going to take for all of us to realize that the work of God will not go on in power and glory unless we are all filled with the Spirit. May each of us experience a fresh filling today and be cleansed by the Blood of Christ!
Work continues on the building. Benjamin and I were on the lift all day yesterday. To God be the Glory alot is being accomplished. We have people working on the ground and up in the air. Today will be much of the same.
I'm excited tonight to have Dr. Bob Doom with us for the meeting. I'm looking forward to a powerful service together. I'm asking God to pour out His power on the service. The choir should be ready to sing and special singers ready as we prepare our hearts for a fresh outpouring of His power!
See you there?
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 20th 2010 7:44 a.m.
What a great day I had on yesterday. It was a blessing to be able to play this great course. I played fair but it is a hard course with alot of trouble. I think I shot around 85.
Today I will be working at the building all day putting up siding. I'm excited about all that God is going to do today. Tonight I play in the men's league and then go out for soul-winning visitation afterwards. It's going to be my usual busy day but well worth it.
Please pray for the acquisition of our staff house. Alot of paperwork and stuff to do to make it happen. We are praying for a smooth transition.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 19th 2010 6:17 a.m.
What a great day we had on yesterday. We were packed out both services with a tremendous spirit there all day. God moved as I preached out of Ezra and Haggai about the building program. It's exciting to be smack dab in the middle of it. No one was saved or baptized but we did have a wonderful day. Please be in prayer that we could have a good week of building and soul winning and see some people saved and baptized.
Today I'm excited to be able to play in a Pro/Am at the Sugarloaf golf club up in the mountains. This course is rated in the top 50 in America. I can't wait. It's going to be so much fun!
Please be in prayer for the financial stuff of our building and our new school. We must have a big amount of money for both of these ministries within two weeks. Only God can do it and HE knows how much we need. I have watched HIM do this my whole life and I am expecting HIM to do the same. In the meantime I am going to sell the excavator also to try to raise some money for things. Planes and hanger maybe next! Land to. Pray!
Serving the Saviour with a Smile
Pastor Todd Bell
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July 17th 2010 6:19 a.m.
I am very much aware that I love the LORD because HE first loved me. I'm glad I am saved and on my way to heaven. The blessings and benefits of the LORD are to many to number so I just bless HIS NAME for everything this morning as I type this out.
For we walk by faith and not by sight. The LORD has never failed me or never been late. We are trusting HIM to bring in the necessary things for this project. What a joy it is to see HIM move and bless.
Today is a work day at the church. Also I plan on catching up on things around house and studying for Sunday. I cannot wait to preach the Word of God. We have had so much company all summer and many of them I have let preach. This is a good thing it's just time for the preachah to preach so I will be preparing for that. Will I see you tomorrow at church? Or today?
God Bless each and everyone of you that pray for this ministry.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 16th 2010 6:16 a.m.
What a great day on yesterday. I had several meetings in the morning. God is indeed moving and we are trusting HIM for a house and so many other things. The rest of the day was spent working on the door opening on the east side of the building. I finished it up around 3 p.m. I came home and cleaned up and then went to the hanger and worked there till 9 p.m. I appreciate all of those that showed up to help out with hanging out at the hanger night. We had a good crowd and got alot accomplished. Our devotions were encouraging as we looked at Proverbs 29:13 the dangers of having no vision. Thank the Lord for this tool of the hanger and airplanes that we can use for the Glory of God!
Today we work on the roof at the church. Also we will be working on my wood pile some. I excited about everything that is happening but it is alot of weight on one person. Would you please pray for me that God would keep me encouraged through this whole process. One of the biggest weights is the financial side of it all. Please pray that God would supernaturally provide for the continuing of this ministry. Thank you!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 15th 2010 7:29 a.m.
What a wonderful day on yesterday. We worked some more on the roof. After that we cut out another hole for a door. We will do much more of the same today. Also we spent quite a while looking at staff housing. The Lord is going to show us which one to buy I know HE will.
The service was special last night. God moved in power and glory on the meeting with Bro. Rousseau preaching. He did a great job. I praise the Lord for the good spirit that is in our church.
As you pray please pray for many more people to get saved and become a part of our church. Seeing people saved and discipled is what it's all about. Oh that God would rend the heavens and send ole time conviction on this whole area that sinners would realize their lost and get saved.
Tonight will be "hanging out at the hanger". Nobody told me they were coming so I guess it will just be me and my boy and John and his boy?
Have a glorious day.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 14th 2010 7:49 a.m.
What a great day we had on yesterday. It was a blessing to work all day on the roof. We are almost half done and should be done with the rest today Lord willing. Work continues everyday and alot is being accomplished. Please continue to pray for us.
I'm excited about tonight. I love to go to church and see the hand of God move in our midst. I'm looking for a powerful meeting. Please don't come with a ho-hum attitude. HE'S worthy of our praise. Come with a shout on your lips and a spring in your step and let's see what our God will do in the meeting tonight!
See you at the work site or at church tonight!
I forgot to mention that the Rousseus came back to help. What a blessing they are. Praise God for all the help we are getting on this building. And also thank God for Bro. Fuller and the work crew he brought. Glory to God and Lamb forever!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 13th 2010 5:28 a.m.
I'm excited about this day. We will be busy all day at the job site with siding roofing and carpentry work. Please pray for us that alot would be accomplished today.
We are saying bye to Amy's parents today. We have enjoyed their company and praise God for them.
Pray much for little Abigail. She goes in for a liver biopsy this morning. Mrs. Amy and her will be staying overnight. Please pray that her liver is not damaged from the Wilson's disease.
So much is going on around this ministry on a day to day basis. I covet your prayers! As you pray please pray that God would show us which house we need to purchase for staff housing.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 12th 2010 12:48 p.m.
Just made it back. Thanks for praying! God is soooooooooooo good! Three minutes at both border crossings. I dropped them off at midnight and got them settled with their luggage and then drove back to Burlington settling in around 3 this morning.
I plan on working today at site. Lot's to do!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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July 11th 2010 6:57 a.m.
Just think with me today, this is the day that our Saviour arose from the grave! Our Saviour is alive! I was witnessing to a Hindu not to long ago and ask him if his God was alive. He had nothing to say. Christians have so much to say about our Saviour! He lives He lives I know my Saviour lives!
I worked hard at the church yesterday. I was able to get the entry way floor down. Praise the Lord their is no more hole going down to the cellar. I also counseled an individual some in the afternoon. When I got back I worked up some wood for Willey the wood boiler. After a nice supper with my family I studied the rest of the night. It was a good day. Oh yeah I got called out at 2:30 this morning because the police had reports that somebody was in our new building. Nobody was! It was a good time to be around four police officers. Praise the Lord that HE orders our steps.
Today I'm excited about preaching. In the afternoon we are going to a service to rejoice in God's goodness of another church being chartered. This is a granddaughter church to our first church we started in East Millinocket. Praise the Lord for all HE has done and is doing. This afternoon I am to drive a missionary to Montreal. Praise the Lord for the opportunity to serve Him in this capacity. Pray today that souls are saved and the saints of God are edified!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 10th 2010 8:20 a.m.
What an exciting week we have had. I sit here in my study this morning rested and revived with all that God did in and through the ministry this week. Whoopee!!!!!! Glory!!!!!!
Today I plan to study and work at the church. I cannot wait until tomorrow. I am praying that the services will be packed to capacity with a mighty move of the Holy Ghost on the meetings. Let's pray that the God of Heaven will send the power on our services and we can see old time conviction in our services.
I stand in awe at the might of our God and his blessings on us all as we serve HIM! I can't believe that I get to do this full time now for over 20 years. I'm glad I don't have to work!! AMEN!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 9th 2010 7:17 a.m.
We had a wonderful day on yesterday. We worked hard till around 1:00 and then went golfing. Praise the Lord for a good week of work. Today we will do just about the same thing other than starting work around 9.
It's exciting to see the progress. I'm careful to give God the Glory for all that HE is doing. Praise the Lord!!! Bless the Lord oh my soul!!!
Some of the workers are leaving this morning. The rest of them will leave tomorrow. It's been good!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 8th 2010 5:43 a.m.
As you can see from the pictures we are making hay while the sun is shining. Wow weeeee!!!! It's been hot but we are getting alot done. I wish I had the rest of the windows but we ran out and the windows are two weeks out. Oh well they will be in soon. Today we plan to work a short day. More siding will go on and we will finish wrapping the building. It's been a good time and I am thanking God for the good week thus far. Please continue to pray that God would be pleased as we work for HIM!
Our service last night was a wonderful blessing. The singing was encouraging the preaching was spectacular. Pastor Tad preached a tremendous message. I know it fed me and touched my heart! Praise the Lord for him and his church. What a joy to be part of the Gospel ministry.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 7th 2010 5:54 a.m.
What a joy and delight it is to work for Jesus Christ. Even though it is very hot outside the Lord has been blessing and we are getting alot done on the building. As you can see from the picture we are making great strides!
Today will be much of the same with the only change being we are starting the siding. Hopefully we can get a good amount finished today and it will look sharp on the outside then for sure. Please continue to pray for strength and wisdom as we proceed.
I'm excited about tonight. May the God of Heaven move in the services at our church as we worship him. What an encouragement it is to have Wednesday services. Were asking God to move in power and glory upon the meetings.
I will upload some more pictures today and let you notice the progress.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 6th 2010 5:14 a.m.
I want to send a big happy birthday to my boy today. He turns 15. I am so proud of him and I am grateful that God gave him to my wife and I. Praise the Lord for how HE is using him.
You talking about hot up here in Maine. We touched 93 on yesterday. It's suppose to be hotter today. It really drains you at the job site but we just keep working anyway. We started at 6:30 yesterday and worked till 6:30. It was a good day. We should be putting windows in the front of the building today. Work does continue everyday so please pray for us that God would give us the strength that we need to do the job. I will get some more pictures today.
The parade yesterday was a huge blessing. We have never been received so well! Our literature was gone halfway through with people reaching out their hands wanting some of it. Wow!! The kids did great and the float was a success. Thank you Mrs. Amy for a good job putting it together. (she is an amazing lady!)
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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July 5th 2010 5:13 a.m.
What a powerful day on yesterday. God moved in our meetings. I praise the Lord for a young man in his 20's walking the aisle and getting saved in the morning service. All of the services were encouraging! We had loads of visitors in the meetings. It's very encouraging to see all that God is doing. The group from S.C. were a blessing last night testifying and sharing with us.
Today we start work around 6:30 this morning. I will break in the middle for the parade. It's going to be exciting to see what God is going to do and the WORD getting out in the parade. Bless the Lord for that in advance!
Please pray for us this week that we will have a powerful week in the LORD!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 4th 2010 5:36 a.m.
I'm excited about this day and what it represents in our lives. Independence is not something we should take for granted. For many years before 1776 preachers suffered because of the state church that was the establishment of that day. Thank God for those that stood up for freedom so that we might have the opportunities that we have today to preach the Word of God.
My day was very eventful on yesterday. I finally flew an airplane! I took about 10 people on a ride in the 150 in the morning. I must say it was a little different!! As soon as I started flying I was looking for a field to land in or the interstate. God is good all the time and HE helped me. Remember we do not live our lives in fear but we allow our lives to be ruled by faith! In the afternoon I worked on our float that we are putting in the parade. It was a great blessing to be able to get it ready. I studied a little in the evening.
Today I am thrilled to be preaching all day. Please pray that we can see souls saved and power of God on our services. The Lord is doing some great things in our midst!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 3rd 2010 5:58 a.m.
At 3 o'clock yesterday 30 feet up in the air I took off the last piece of siding. We have officially removed three layers of siding off of the complete building. Now we start the process of putting everything back together. We are going from destruction to construction!
Our last night of Bible school was a huge blessing. Many decisions were made through the week. I praise the Lord for how well attended it was and the good team spirit that was there!
This morning early I will be getting things together for the building site at the lumber yard. Also I plan on taking some kids on a ride in a airplane. After that I am going to get our float ready for the parade. Then I'm going to finish my yard work around the house. Involved in all of the that will be study and preparation for tomorrows preaching. It's going to be a huge day of blessing and work. No rest for now. But praise the Lord I'm glad HE has give me the energy to stay at it for HIM!
Please pray for us.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
July 2nd 2010 6:28 a.m.
Wow are we getting alot done this week at the worksite. It was very busy yesterday with work going on everywhere. I was at the town office most of the morning filing a major site plan paperwork. I think I ought to be crazy by now but praise God I'm not. Today will be much of the same. We are continuing to work tirelessly to get all the siding off of the building so we can continue the process.
Oh yeah I met two people yesterday that have been a huge help with volunteering. They both said they have put up siding for 15 years and they would be glad to help us with the building. This will be huge come next week. Please continue to pray that it all works out.
Bible school has been such a blessing this year with over 100 each night. Praise God for the good attendance and the blessings of the week. Thanks to all the works that have done a wonderful job!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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July 1st 2010 5:36 a.m.
What a wonderful day we had on yesterday. We were very busy at the work site doing demolition work. It's amazing to see how big this building is and all the work their is to do on it. I promise that I will get some pictures today and upload them so you can see what all we have been doing. I am just so busy with running the job and working my self plus all the paper work side of it that it's just a little hectic.
The Bible School last night was huge! We were packed out with kids and parents from all over the community. To God be the Glory for all He is doing in our midst. I wish you could all be here to see over 100 kids hearing the gospel and having a good time in Bible school.
Today we are going to work hard again at the job site. I also have paperwork to do that is going to keep me real busy. This afternoon I am going to pick up the work truck that I bought. I had some money give to me for this purpose. It wasn't quite enough to pay for the truck but it was a huge down payment. I just had to get a truck to use for the job and for personal uses. All of our vehicles are dying and about every 10 years it's time for another one soooooooo here we go.
It's cool this morning in the 40's. What a beautiful place to serve the Lord! Wish you could come and help us.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell