July 4th 2010 5:36 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I'm excited about this day and what it represents in our lives. Independence is not something we should take for granted. For many years before 1776 preachers suffered because of the state church that was the establishment of that day. Thank God for those that stood up for freedom so that we might have the opportunities that we have today to preach the Word of God.

My day was very eventful on yesterday. I finally flew an airplane! I took about 10 people on a ride in the 150 in the morning. I must say it was a little different!! As soon as I started flying I was looking for a field to land in or the interstate. God is good all the time and HE helped me. Remember we do not live our lives in fear but we allow our lives to be ruled by faith! In the afternoon I worked on our float that we are putting in the parade. It was a great blessing to be able to get it ready. I studied a little in the evening.

Today I am thrilled to be preaching all day. Please pray that we can see souls saved and power of God on our services. The Lord is doing some great things in our midst!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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