Greetings in Jesus Name
What kind of vision do you have for your life? What kind of vision do you have for your family? What kind of vision do you have for your church? What kind of vision do you have for your job and buisness? "Where there is no vision the people perish" are the words that are heralding forth from my heart today! I see many being saved in our church and this region! I see many young men surrendering their lives to preach the Word of God! I see many young ladies marrying those young men and having families that are sold out to the Lord Jesus Christ and His work! I see our new building totally complete with all the modern amenities! I see it being used as a tool to reach the lost for Christ! I see our ministry flying a turbo prop airplane into the regions beyond full of gospel literature! I see teams going on those planes that are full of the Holy Ghost that will make a difference in the towns we go to! What a mighty God we serve!!!
Our services were special last night. Bro. Doom preached a great message and Mrs. Doom testimony was powerful. To God be the Glory for all HE did! It looks like we are also starting a book store now. This will be fun to see all that God does through this ministry!
Work continues on the building. We put up a bunch more siding up yesterday. We may finish both sides of the building today. How exciting to see it all coming together. The rest of our windows are in and they will be delivered today! Well Glory! Please pray that God would give us 10,000 for our new school and another 100,000 for the building! Oh God I ask you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to send in the funds for us to finish this great building that we are working on for your honor and your glory in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen and Amen!
Tonight we go to some friends house that are visiting from Haverhill Ma. This will be a enjoyable time of fellowship and food.
Next week we start cottage prayer meetings seeking God for revival!
Keep at it Jesus is Coming soon.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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