March 29th 2012 5:28 a.m.

Greetings in the Gracious and Loving Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I was up early in my study. Then I went and taught Bible class. After that I visited in town some and bought some locks to fix the nursery. Then I was off to the airport to work on the plane. We are chasing a flucuation on the RPM's on the right engine. We ended up taking the governer off and sending it off to get it looked at. In the afternoon I studied. Last night we had a tremendous service as I preached out of Judges 2 on Changing a Generation. The Lord did a work in our hearts. We had a full alter at the end of the service and three coming forward to be baptized. What an answer to prayer that these have taken that step of obedience. Choir practice was the last thing we did before coming home. We are learning a new song for resurrection Sunday! It's going to be good!

Today I'm studying, chopping wood, visiting, and working at the church. I also am going to look at another building down the street. We need a miracle in our finances. First we need to be debt free. I'm praying for 1,000,000 dollars. We could be debt free plus purchase another building that would give us a gym, more school space and a parking lot. Please pray with me for this amount.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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