May 14th 2012 5:35 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Wow what a day on yesterday.  We had great attendance in all the services and a sweet sweet spirit in the meetings.  I preached in the morning and the afternoon on the healing of Peters mother in law.  The Lord showed Himself mighty in the meeting.  In the afternoon we had our greatest attendance ever in Jackman with me being there.  17 people were in the meeting.  Well Glory to God!  The weather was a little iffy but God was gracious.  I appreciate Todd Sprague going with us.  It's always a blessing to have another experienced pilot with you to watch.  We started to shoot the approach into Greenville and was able to get under a layer and make it into Jackman.  What a blessing!  The evening service was well attended also.  We probably had close to 100 there!  Whoopee!  I preached on what kind of name will you be known for out of 1 Kings 12.  Jeroboam will always be remembered as the man who made Israel to sin.  God help us not to live in such a way as for that to be our title.

Today I'm teaching Bible this morning and welcoming our intern.  We also will be working around the house.  I fly this afternoon and tonight we will spend time with the family.  It's going to be a tremendous day in the ministry.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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