Greetings in the Glorious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I don't hardly know where to start this blog entry! Bless the LORD!!! After seeing three adult men saved this weekend and have them in church both services on yesterday. I'm feeling just a little bit Bapticostal!! Well Glory to God!! Wow what a weekend. We heard great preaching by Byron Foxx of Bible Truth Music. The Lord indeed blessed in a supernatural way. We experienced great power and liberty on all the meetings!!
Today I'm studying and visiting. I have some special meetings that I would appreciate your prayers about. Please Pray!!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Is a ministry out of the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine. Mark 1:38 is our theme verse. "And He said unto them, let us go into the next towns......" God is calling us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Next Towns!!!!!
March 30th 2014 6:33 a.m.
Greetings in the Marvelous and Matchless Name of the Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour of the World
Wow what a glorious day I had on yesterday. It started early in my study seeking the God of Heaven and reading and studying the precious Word of God. After that we made our way down to the House of God to get ready for Choir Conference 2014 with Byron Foxx and Bible Truth Music. The Lord anointed and blessed all day. Our choirs will be different because of what we heard and was taught. We ended up everything there around 4. After the choir meeting I went to the hospital and visited. While I was there the Lord opened up many doors to share the gospel. One special time was two little bus kids with their dad. I was able to go into a separate room and preach Christ to them. What a joy. I invited Chris their father to come to our prayer meeting we were having at my house at 6. He came and at the end of the meeting ask Christ to save him. Can somebody say AMEN!!!
At 6 we had over 20 men in my house eating together and seeking God in prayer and preaching. What a joy to see so many from the church hungry for revival. This was the third month of our corporate prayer and fasting day seeking God for His Mighty Hand to move in our region. I called it a day around 9:15.
Today I'm studying and seeking God this morning and then we get to go to church today. Well Glory to God!!! Bro Byron Foxx will be preaching all day and we are looking forward to a grand time in the Lord!! Thank you for praying for many to be saved and lives changed through the Word of God!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Wow what a glorious day I had on yesterday. It started early in my study seeking the God of Heaven and reading and studying the precious Word of God. After that we made our way down to the House of God to get ready for Choir Conference 2014 with Byron Foxx and Bible Truth Music. The Lord anointed and blessed all day. Our choirs will be different because of what we heard and was taught. We ended up everything there around 4. After the choir meeting I went to the hospital and visited. While I was there the Lord opened up many doors to share the gospel. One special time was two little bus kids with their dad. I was able to go into a separate room and preach Christ to them. What a joy. I invited Chris their father to come to our prayer meeting we were having at my house at 6. He came and at the end of the meeting ask Christ to save him. Can somebody say AMEN!!!
At 6 we had over 20 men in my house eating together and seeking God in prayer and preaching. What a joy to see so many from the church hungry for revival. This was the third month of our corporate prayer and fasting day seeking God for His Mighty Hand to move in our region. I called it a day around 9:15.
Today I'm studying and seeking God this morning and then we get to go to church today. Well Glory to God!!! Bro Byron Foxx will be preaching all day and we are looking forward to a grand time in the Lord!! Thank you for praying for many to be saved and lives changed through the Word of God!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 29th 2014 6:13 a.m.
Greetings in the Matchless and Marvelous Name of my Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ
What a joy to see the Hand of God on yesterday. I was blessed by the chapel service and preaching ministry of Byron Foxx yesterday morning. The God of Heaven moved in a glorious way! In the afternoon I was able to preach Christ as I was out visiting. I believe the one I witnessed to will be at church on Sunday morning as my guest. Around 3:30 my wife and I drove a couple hours down south to Groton Mass to be in a service of laying on of the hands. Please pray for this family and especially his wife as she is suffering from a disease that is just horrible. My good friend Pastor Faulk invited us down to be a part of this prayer meeting. The Holy Ghost moved in power on the meeting. We are believing God for a miracle. We made it home around 9:40 and called it a day.
Today I'm studying this morning and then headed off to 2014 Choir Conference with Byron Foxx. We welcome five other churches and are asking the God of Heaven to come down on the meeting today. It will be from 9 to 3. This afternoon I'm going out to reach souls for Christ. Tonight is prayer meeting with the men of the church and also fasting today. We are asking God to move in power and great glory upon this region and grant revival. Will you believe with us?
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a joy to see the Hand of God on yesterday. I was blessed by the chapel service and preaching ministry of Byron Foxx yesterday morning. The God of Heaven moved in a glorious way! In the afternoon I was able to preach Christ as I was out visiting. I believe the one I witnessed to will be at church on Sunday morning as my guest. Around 3:30 my wife and I drove a couple hours down south to Groton Mass to be in a service of laying on of the hands. Please pray for this family and especially his wife as she is suffering from a disease that is just horrible. My good friend Pastor Faulk invited us down to be a part of this prayer meeting. The Holy Ghost moved in power on the meeting. We are believing God for a miracle. We made it home around 9:40 and called it a day.
Today I'm studying this morning and then headed off to 2014 Choir Conference with Byron Foxx. We welcome five other churches and are asking the God of Heaven to come down on the meeting today. It will be from 9 to 3. This afternoon I'm going out to reach souls for Christ. Tonight is prayer meeting with the men of the church and also fasting today. We are asking God to move in power and great glory upon this region and grant revival. Will you believe with us?
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 28th 2014 6:09 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I had a great trip back yesterday. I stopped in at Pastor Montoros in Springfield Mass to have a coffee and fellowship together. I thank God for friends in the ministry. Then I went up to Fitchburg to check on the engine. It should be delivered on Saturday morning. Praise the Lord for this. It was sharp and everything looked just perfect on the engine. Thank the Lord that soon I will have this tool back in the air to use for His glory just in time for another church plant. In the evening I went on a date with my family and went and walked on the beach. My third child turned 16 on Wednesday so it was good to spend time together.
Today I'm studying this morning and then going to pick up Byron Foxx at the airport. After that is chapel. After lunch I'm going soul winning and then down to Groton Mass for a time of prayer and laying on of the hands for a very sick lady. I'm back late tonight to get ready for the big day of Choir Conference on tomorrow. It's wonderful to serve the KING!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a great trip back yesterday. I stopped in at Pastor Montoros in Springfield Mass to have a coffee and fellowship together. I thank God for friends in the ministry. Then I went up to Fitchburg to check on the engine. It should be delivered on Saturday morning. Praise the Lord for this. It was sharp and everything looked just perfect on the engine. Thank the Lord that soon I will have this tool back in the air to use for His glory just in time for another church plant. In the evening I went on a date with my family and went and walked on the beach. My third child turned 16 on Wednesday so it was good to spend time together.
Today I'm studying this morning and then going to pick up Byron Foxx at the airport. After that is chapel. After lunch I'm going soul winning and then down to Groton Mass for a time of prayer and laying on of the hands for a very sick lady. I'm back late tonight to get ready for the big day of Choir Conference on tomorrow. It's wonderful to serve the KING!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 27th 6:56 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
Have you ever just paused and realized how sweet the Name of Jesus is! It will make you want to shout!!! Glory to God I'm glad I'm saved and washed in the Blood!
Last nights service was special. I preached on Brethren pray for us! The God of Heaven moved in a powerful way upon the meeting and helped us all! Bless The Lord for strong liberty and power!
Today I'm headed home. I'm stopping by to check on the engine. I want be able to take it because a part was wrong. Should be running today though and delivered tomorrow. Please ask the God of Heaven to help us financially as we get back in the air and go to our next church plant. HE KNOWS!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Have you ever just paused and realized how sweet the Name of Jesus is! It will make you want to shout!!! Glory to God I'm glad I'm saved and washed in the Blood!
Last nights service was special. I preached on Brethren pray for us! The God of Heaven moved in a powerful way upon the meeting and helped us all! Bless The Lord for strong liberty and power!
Today I'm headed home. I'm stopping by to check on the engine. I want be able to take it because a part was wrong. Should be running today though and delivered tomorrow. Please ask the God of Heaven to help us financially as we get back in the air and go to our next church plant. HE KNOWS!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 26th 2014 7:12 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I had a very powerful day on yesterday. I enjoyed hearing great preaching by John Barnes and Phil Rizzo and David Wilt. The fellowship was wonderful also. I had great liberty and power as I preached in the morning. The Lord indeed blessed all day.
Today I'm studying and seeking God this morning. At 10 I'm going to put the Word of God together at the church the rest of the day. Tonight I'm preaching here for the last time. Praise The Lord for all He is doing in our midst. What a Saviour!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a very powerful day on yesterday. I enjoyed hearing great preaching by John Barnes and Phil Rizzo and David Wilt. The fellowship was wonderful also. I had great liberty and power as I preached in the morning. The Lord indeed blessed all day.
Today I'm studying and seeking God this morning. At 10 I'm going to put the Word of God together at the church the rest of the day. Tonight I'm preaching here for the last time. Praise The Lord for all He is doing in our midst. What a Saviour!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 25 6:20 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a powerful start to the Missionary Conference and Northeast Seedline meeting. It's great to be in New York with many of the people we pray for daily! What a joy and delight. I praise The Lord for traveling mercies down here. It's not flying but I still made it in good time. Lord willing on Thursday I pick up the new engine for the Piper Lance. It will be good to be back in the air again for Jesus.
Today I'm studying and seeking The Lord. Also this morning their will be three preachers preaching. I will be one of those. I'm asking the God of Heaven to give us a powerful day in The Lord! Thank you for praying for me!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a powerful start to the Missionary Conference and Northeast Seedline meeting. It's great to be in New York with many of the people we pray for daily! What a joy and delight. I praise The Lord for traveling mercies down here. It's not flying but I still made it in good time. Lord willing on Thursday I pick up the new engine for the Piper Lance. It will be good to be back in the air again for Jesus.
Today I'm studying and seeking The Lord. Also this morning their will be three preachers preaching. I will be one of those. I'm asking the God of Heaven to give us a powerful day in The Lord! Thank you for praying for me!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 24th 2014 6:12 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
All I can say is that the Lord Jesus Christ did not disappoint us on yesterday. We had a great Sunday School hour with 117 in S.S. then more came in for church. The sanctuary was comfortably full and the power of God was present as the choir sang and the Word of God went forth. You can't dream up this kind of stuff. The evening service was just as good. The Lord is indeed moving in our midst and we bless the Lord for this!!
Today I'm studying, teaching, counseling, and having a meeting with a new student and then driving down to New York to preach a special meeting. Pray much for me!!!
This Thursday I'm going to be picking up our engine for the Piper Lance. It's getting ready to be real exciting!! I can't hardly wait!! Glory to God!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
All I can say is that the Lord Jesus Christ did not disappoint us on yesterday. We had a great Sunday School hour with 117 in S.S. then more came in for church. The sanctuary was comfortably full and the power of God was present as the choir sang and the Word of God went forth. You can't dream up this kind of stuff. The evening service was just as good. The Lord is indeed moving in our midst and we bless the Lord for this!!
Today I'm studying, teaching, counseling, and having a meeting with a new student and then driving down to New York to preach a special meeting. Pray much for me!!!
This Thursday I'm going to be picking up our engine for the Piper Lance. It's getting ready to be real exciting!! I can't hardly wait!! Glory to God!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 23rd 2014 6:37 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
This is the day the Lord hath made! We will rejoice and be glad in it!! Well Bless the Lord! This is the Lord's Day! I love to go to church and worship Him who is all together lovely. I love to go and feed the sheep out of the Bible! What a joy!!
Praise the Lord for all He did on yesterday. My wife and I went soul winning and had a glorious time. In the afternoon I studied the Bible. In the evening we went on a date.
Pray much that the Lord will do marvelous things today.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
This is the day the Lord hath made! We will rejoice and be glad in it!! Well Bless the Lord! This is the Lord's Day! I love to go to church and worship Him who is all together lovely. I love to go and feed the sheep out of the Bible! What a joy!!
Praise the Lord for all He did on yesterday. My wife and I went soul winning and had a glorious time. In the afternoon I studied the Bible. In the evening we went on a date.
Pray much that the Lord will do marvelous things today.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 22nd 2014 8:21 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I love Saturday mornings. I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee looking forward to some time in the WORD!
Yesterday was a powerful day in the LORD! I studied in the morning and then preached chapel. I preached on What a Waste out of Luke 15 on the prodigal. The God of Heaven blessed in a wonderful way. After lunch I went visiting for a little while. In the afternoon my wife and I drove over to Victory Baptist to back there revival. It was a blessing as Pastor Amesbaugh preached on Sirs We Would See Jesus! Bless the LORD!! We got back around midnight.
Today I will studying and going soul winning. Can't wait to see what God is going to do. What a blessing!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I love Saturday mornings. I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee looking forward to some time in the WORD!
Yesterday was a powerful day in the LORD! I studied in the morning and then preached chapel. I preached on What a Waste out of Luke 15 on the prodigal. The God of Heaven blessed in a wonderful way. After lunch I went visiting for a little while. In the afternoon my wife and I drove over to Victory Baptist to back there revival. It was a blessing as Pastor Amesbaugh preached on Sirs We Would See Jesus! Bless the LORD!! We got back around midnight.
Today I will studying and going soul winning. Can't wait to see what God is going to do. What a blessing!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 21st 2014 6:40 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I praise the Lord for a good day on yesterday. I was busy in the ministry all day with visiting and counseling. I appreciate the opportunity to serve the Lord with my whole heart. What a joy.
Today I'm studying, visiting, preaching chapel and spending family time tonight. I'm looking forward to a life changing day. My heart is burdened about a message out of the Word of God. I sense the Spirit of God working in a mighty way. It's going to be a good chapel!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I praise the Lord for a good day on yesterday. I was busy in the ministry all day with visiting and counseling. I appreciate the opportunity to serve the Lord with my whole heart. What a joy.
Today I'm studying, visiting, preaching chapel and spending family time tonight. I'm looking forward to a life changing day. My heart is burdened about a message out of the Word of God. I sense the Spirit of God working in a mighty way. It's going to be a good chapel!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 20th 2014 5:32 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
Praise the Lord for how He continues to move in our midst. Yesterday morning I was able to share the gospel with several. One lady by the name of Shelly White trusted Christ as her Saviour. She came last night to the House of God and made public her decision. Bless the Lord oh my soul. We also interviewed for two more kids in the Academy. What a blessing to see all that's happening in our ministry. In the afternoon I studied and also had a staff meeting. How encouraging and uplifting last nights service was. It was power packed with good songs and fellowship. I enjoyed preaching the Word of God in power and liberty. Glory to God!
Today I'm studying this morning, making my radio broadcast, waiting for piano to be delivered, going visiting, and studying more today. It's going to be a tremendous day in the Lord!! What a joy to serve King Jesus!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Praise the Lord for how He continues to move in our midst. Yesterday morning I was able to share the gospel with several. One lady by the name of Shelly White trusted Christ as her Saviour. She came last night to the House of God and made public her decision. Bless the Lord oh my soul. We also interviewed for two more kids in the Academy. What a blessing to see all that's happening in our ministry. In the afternoon I studied and also had a staff meeting. How encouraging and uplifting last nights service was. It was power packed with good songs and fellowship. I enjoyed preaching the Word of God in power and liberty. Glory to God!
Today I'm studying this morning, making my radio broadcast, waiting for piano to be delivered, going visiting, and studying more today. It's going to be a tremendous day in the Lord!! What a joy to serve King Jesus!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 19th 2014 6:12 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
Well I had a wonderful day on yesterday. I was up early and drove up to Augusta to address and pray before the House of Representatives. That was an exciting time! After that I drove to Portland and picked up a preacher. Then we drove down to Salam MA and met with Pastor Brock to discuss church planting. What a wonderful time we had together. I drove back to Sanford to check on my wife and then off to CAP meeting. I called it a day around 9 p.m. What a blessing to be busy for Jesus.
Today I'm studying this morning, teaching Bible, going visiting, counseling a lady, interviewing a new student for school, and studying more this afternoon. Should be a wonderful day in the LORD! Tonight is service and I can't wait to see what God is going to do there! Bless the LORD!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Well I had a wonderful day on yesterday. I was up early and drove up to Augusta to address and pray before the House of Representatives. That was an exciting time! After that I drove to Portland and picked up a preacher. Then we drove down to Salam MA and met with Pastor Brock to discuss church planting. What a wonderful time we had together. I drove back to Sanford to check on my wife and then off to CAP meeting. I called it a day around 9 p.m. What a blessing to be busy for Jesus.
Today I'm studying this morning, teaching Bible, going visiting, counseling a lady, interviewing a new student for school, and studying more this afternoon. Should be a wonderful day in the LORD! Tonight is service and I can't wait to see what God is going to do there! Bless the LORD!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 18th 2014 6:07 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I had a powerful day of study and visiting yesterday. The ministry is so exciting. You get to pour your life into others and minister to others. We say we are Christians! Christ came not to be ministered unto but to minister!! Lord Help US!!!
Today I go to address the Congress in our wonderful state of Maine. I love this state and am honored to go and share for 5 minutes and pray to open the session. Thank the Lord for all HE is doing.
Also today I'm going to Salem MA to meet with a church planter as we discuss how we can help. It's going to be a powerful day in the work of the ministry.
I wish my plane was up and running. It sure would save a lot of time. Can you pray about this that it would be fixed soon! Pray also for all the details of it! God knows! What a Saviour!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a powerful day of study and visiting yesterday. The ministry is so exciting. You get to pour your life into others and minister to others. We say we are Christians! Christ came not to be ministered unto but to minister!! Lord Help US!!!
Today I go to address the Congress in our wonderful state of Maine. I love this state and am honored to go and share for 5 minutes and pray to open the session. Thank the Lord for all HE is doing.
Also today I'm going to Salem MA to meet with a church planter as we discuss how we can help. It's going to be a powerful day in the work of the ministry.
I wish my plane was up and running. It sure would save a lot of time. Can you pray about this that it would be fixed soon! Pray also for all the details of it! God knows! What a Saviour!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 17th 2014 6:18
Greetings in Jesus Name
Glory to God for the wonderful service we had on yesterday. The Lord blessed in all the meetings. I enjoyed preaching in my pulpit again. I preached in the morning out of Hebrews on the Just shall live by Faith. Last night I preached out of Romans 16 on where do we fit in at the local church. What a catalogue of believers are mentioned there. May God help us to find our spot!!
Today I teaching the Bible this morning and then headed up to Portland to pick up Jerry Wayne Carter and then were headed down to Beverly MA to talk about helping a church down there. After that it's back here. Because I don't have a plane right now I will have to drive!!! A lot of time difference!!! As you can tell I wish I had a plane!! God knows were trusting Him!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Glory to God for the wonderful service we had on yesterday. The Lord blessed in all the meetings. I enjoyed preaching in my pulpit again. I preached in the morning out of Hebrews on the Just shall live by Faith. Last night I preached out of Romans 16 on where do we fit in at the local church. What a catalogue of believers are mentioned there. May God help us to find our spot!!
Today I teaching the Bible this morning and then headed up to Portland to pick up Jerry Wayne Carter and then were headed down to Beverly MA to talk about helping a church down there. After that it's back here. Because I don't have a plane right now I will have to drive!!! A lot of time difference!!! As you can tell I wish I had a plane!! God knows were trusting Him!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 16th 2014 5:48 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a wonderful day the Lord has blessed us with. I'm excited to go and preach the Word of God. Finally I think I'm scheduled to preach all day today. Glory! I've had so many people coming through to visit and preach I feel like Ive not been in my own pulpit for a long time. I'm looking forward to what God is going to do today.
The revival in Jackman ended on Friday night. The Lord indeed blessed with great liberty and great crowds. I appreciate the goodness of our Lord. I got home Friday night around midnight. Yesterday I visited and studied most of the day. Last night I went out with the Berards for a meal.
Please pray for Mrs. Amy. She has the flu or something like that. She's in the bed and will be till something breaks.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful day the Lord has blessed us with. I'm excited to go and preach the Word of God. Finally I think I'm scheduled to preach all day today. Glory! I've had so many people coming through to visit and preach I feel like Ive not been in my own pulpit for a long time. I'm looking forward to what God is going to do today.
The revival in Jackman ended on Friday night. The Lord indeed blessed with great liberty and great crowds. I appreciate the goodness of our Lord. I got home Friday night around midnight. Yesterday I visited and studied most of the day. Last night I went out with the Berards for a meal.
Please pray for Mrs. Amy. She has the flu or something like that. She's in the bed and will be till something breaks.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 14th 2014 6:32 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I had a wonderful day yesterday of studying and visiting. God is doing a wonderful work here at this mission outpost of Jackman Maine. Everywhere you go people need Christ. What a joy to be used of God to reach the masses of Maine. Last night the God of Heaven anointed the services. I preached on Faith and further on the three enemies of Faith, worry, reason, and doubt. The Lord helped us all! Bless His Name!
Today I'm studying and reading this morning going to Quebec for lunch to spend time with Pastor Carl Benard, visiting this afternoon, and having service tonight at six! It's already started and I know it's going to be a powerful day! Bless The Lord oh my soul!!
Study the scripture and find out the ones who were ministered to were the ones that cried out for HELP!!! Try it! It works!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a wonderful day yesterday of studying and visiting. God is doing a wonderful work here at this mission outpost of Jackman Maine. Everywhere you go people need Christ. What a joy to be used of God to reach the masses of Maine. Last night the God of Heaven anointed the services. I preached on Faith and further on the three enemies of Faith, worry, reason, and doubt. The Lord helped us all! Bless His Name!
Today I'm studying and reading this morning going to Quebec for lunch to spend time with Pastor Carl Benard, visiting this afternoon, and having service tonight at six! It's already started and I know it's going to be a powerful day! Bless The Lord oh my soul!!
Study the scripture and find out the ones who were ministered to were the ones that cried out for HELP!!! Try it! It works!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 13th 2014 7:42 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I praise The Lord for safe travels yesterday. The roads were wicked bad but I made it to Jackman. The service at 1 was a real blessing. Praise The Lord for how God is using the Sullivan's. Last night we spent time in fellowship and I took their sink apart and fixed it. She had been having to plunge it for months. After pulling four knives and a bunch of "stuff" out of it everything is fine. BLESS THE LORD!
Today I'm studying and praying and going visiting. We are having heavy snow now with around 2 feet of fresh. It's up halfway on the camp windows. My little camp at Sally mountain cabins is cute and cozy. Service tonight at 6 and we are praying for a powerful service!! Asking God to do the supernatural!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I praise The Lord for safe travels yesterday. The roads were wicked bad but I made it to Jackman. The service at 1 was a real blessing. Praise The Lord for how God is using the Sullivan's. Last night we spent time in fellowship and I took their sink apart and fixed it. She had been having to plunge it for months. After pulling four knives and a bunch of "stuff" out of it everything is fine. BLESS THE LORD!
Today I'm studying and praying and going visiting. We are having heavy snow now with around 2 feet of fresh. It's up halfway on the camp windows. My little camp at Sally mountain cabins is cute and cozy. Service tonight at 6 and we are praying for a powerful service!! Asking God to do the supernatural!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 12th 2014 7:33 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
Glory to God and the Lamb forever for all HE is doing.
I enjoyed my day of study, visiting, counseling, and the first meeting of CAP (civil air patrol) yesterday. It was a very profitable day in the work of the ministry.
A lot of you do not know that in my heart of hearts I always wanted to go into the military and serve my country. The God of Heaven chose for me to be a soldier of the cross. But down deep inside that desire has always been there. It looks like the LORD may allow this to come to pass. When I become a chaplain for the Civil Air Patrol I very well could have chaplaincy work in the Air Force as well. I am seeking God and His will for me in this regards. What a joy and honor to even think about this. Of course I don't need something else to do but it is exciting to see where all this may lead.
Today I'm getting ready to drive up to Jackman where they are expecting up to 2 feet of snow. This should be exciting. We have a 1 p.m. service today and then service tomorrow night and Friday night. It's going to be wonderful!! Bless the LORD!!!
I will let you know how it goes.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Glory to God and the Lamb forever for all HE is doing.
I enjoyed my day of study, visiting, counseling, and the first meeting of CAP (civil air patrol) yesterday. It was a very profitable day in the work of the ministry.
A lot of you do not know that in my heart of hearts I always wanted to go into the military and serve my country. The God of Heaven chose for me to be a soldier of the cross. But down deep inside that desire has always been there. It looks like the LORD may allow this to come to pass. When I become a chaplain for the Civil Air Patrol I very well could have chaplaincy work in the Air Force as well. I am seeking God and His will for me in this regards. What a joy and honor to even think about this. Of course I don't need something else to do but it is exciting to see where all this may lead.
Today I'm getting ready to drive up to Jackman where they are expecting up to 2 feet of snow. This should be exciting. We have a 1 p.m. service today and then service tomorrow night and Friday night. It's going to be wonderful!! Bless the LORD!!!
I will let you know how it goes.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 11th 2014 6:13 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a glorious day on yesterday! Bless the Lord. My day started at 4:13. This time change has got me all messed up. I studied in the morning and then went to Lynn Mass for a pastors fellowship. What a wonderful time I had and I heard three great messages. I also sang three songs. It was a blessing to be there and see what God is doing.
In the afternoon I made two hospital visits. In the evening we had our midweek service on Monday night. Bro. John Kelly let er rip out of John 1. Our church loved on him and gave him 561 dollars for a love offering. What a joy to see our people and their excitement. Another family in the church came up and bought an octave on our piano fund. So last night I had 4000 more dollars come in for the piano!!! Glory to God!!! What a joy to see our people excited about giving!!!
Today I'm studying and reading then headed up to address the congress of the state of Maine in morning devotions. I'm taking my Abigail with me. Should be a powerful day in the Lord. Tonight I'm going to become a chaplain for the CAP here in our town. It's a brand new wing of the civil air patrol. This afternoon is staff meeting. So much to do for Jesus!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a glorious day on yesterday! Bless the Lord. My day started at 4:13. This time change has got me all messed up. I studied in the morning and then went to Lynn Mass for a pastors fellowship. What a wonderful time I had and I heard three great messages. I also sang three songs. It was a blessing to be there and see what God is doing.
In the afternoon I made two hospital visits. In the evening we had our midweek service on Monday night. Bro. John Kelly let er rip out of John 1. Our church loved on him and gave him 561 dollars for a love offering. What a joy to see our people and their excitement. Another family in the church came up and bought an octave on our piano fund. So last night I had 4000 more dollars come in for the piano!!! Glory to God!!! What a joy to see our people excited about giving!!!
Today I'm studying and reading then headed up to address the congress of the state of Maine in morning devotions. I'm taking my Abigail with me. Should be a powerful day in the Lord. Tonight I'm going to become a chaplain for the CAP here in our town. It's a brand new wing of the civil air patrol. This afternoon is staff meeting. So much to do for Jesus!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 10th 2014 4:25 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
Well Glory to God!! What a day yesterday. Evangelist Randy Davis tore it up preaching on it pays to serve the Lord. What a great time we had all day singing, fellowshipping, worshipping, giving, and growing. Last night the Lord was stirring in power and glory and a young lady named Tiffany walked the aisle and trusted Christ as her Saviour. The Lord be praised!!!
Today I'm studying this morning and then driving down to Lynn Mass to sing for Paul Davis and the preacher's fellowship. We are having church tonight instead of Wednesday so we can hear Bro. John Kelly preach the Word of God!!! They came in from Fort Kent to go to the couples retreat and stayed over all day yesterday. What a joy to join together with them and see another church raised up for the Glory of God in Northern Maine!! Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Well Glory to God!! What a day yesterday. Evangelist Randy Davis tore it up preaching on it pays to serve the Lord. What a great time we had all day singing, fellowshipping, worshipping, giving, and growing. Last night the Lord was stirring in power and glory and a young lady named Tiffany walked the aisle and trusted Christ as her Saviour. The Lord be praised!!!
Today I'm studying this morning and then driving down to Lynn Mass to sing for Paul Davis and the preacher's fellowship. We are having church tonight instead of Wednesday so we can hear Bro. John Kelly preach the Word of God!!! They came in from Fort Kent to go to the couples retreat and stayed over all day yesterday. What a joy to join together with them and see another church raised up for the Glory of God in Northern Maine!! Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 9th 2014 6:11 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
If your reading this I pray you set your clocks forward. Praise the Lord for another day of Grace!!
Wow wow wow!!! What a weekend. Praise God for the preaching ministry of Jeff Amesbaugh. The Lord met with us in a mighty way. The couples that attended the retreat will never be the same. I praise the Lord for what HE did in my heart and our marriage. I came home yesterday and visited and then studied some before bed.
Today is church all day with Evangelist Randy Davis preaching for us. I'm excited and looking forward to a life changing day. Pray that the God of Heaven would meet with us in a powerful way. Pray that souls would be saved and saints edified.
Bless the Lord!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
If your reading this I pray you set your clocks forward. Praise the Lord for another day of Grace!!
Wow wow wow!!! What a weekend. Praise God for the preaching ministry of Jeff Amesbaugh. The Lord met with us in a mighty way. The couples that attended the retreat will never be the same. I praise the Lord for what HE did in my heart and our marriage. I came home yesterday and visited and then studied some before bed.
Today is church all day with Evangelist Randy Davis preaching for us. I'm excited and looking forward to a life changing day. Pray that the God of Heaven would meet with us in a powerful way. Pray that souls would be saved and saints edified.
Bless the Lord!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 7th 2014 5:59 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I had a wonderful day on yesterday. I studied in the morning and did work in my study and then taught the Bible at school. I taught on praying for traveling mercies out of Romans 1. After that I took the kids out for a donut. All throughout the day I made three visits to the hospital. I also made some soul winning visits. In the afternoon I went and looked at cars. We need to find something for Benjamin. I think I found one that I like. In the evening I went to a pilots meetings. I called it a night around 9. What a blessing.
Today I'm studying, preaching chapel, going to Boston for lunch to talk about a church plant, coming home and going to a couples retreat tonight. Praise the LORD it's going to be a wonderful day in the LORD!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a wonderful day on yesterday. I studied in the morning and did work in my study and then taught the Bible at school. I taught on praying for traveling mercies out of Romans 1. After that I took the kids out for a donut. All throughout the day I made three visits to the hospital. I also made some soul winning visits. In the afternoon I went and looked at cars. We need to find something for Benjamin. I think I found one that I like. In the evening I went to a pilots meetings. I called it a night around 9. What a blessing.
Today I'm studying, preaching chapel, going to Boston for lunch to talk about a church plant, coming home and going to a couples retreat tonight. Praise the LORD it's going to be a wonderful day in the LORD!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 6th 2014 5:59 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
Praise the Lord for such a glorious day on yesterday. I was busy studying and visiting all day. The Lord moved in power on the service last night as I preached on Peters prayer life. It was wonderful to see the church full and the Spirit of God moving as the Lord was challenging us to be people of prayer. I bless the Lord for all HE did! I got home from church and talked to our summer intern and to a few other people in counseling. I called it a night around 10.
Today I'm studying, visiting, mentoring, and having meetings about reaching more of New England with the gospel. It's going to be a wonderful day in the Lord!! What a God! What a Saviour! Bless the Lord!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
February 5th 2014 6:09 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
It never ceases to amaze me how much we can see God use us to accomplish just in one day. What a mighty God we serve. Yesterday we were busy for Jesus all day and capped off with a powerful discipleship time with the Winns. It was very moving to see the Power of God come down on our time together. I started yesterday morning at 4 and ended at 10 last night!!! I will say this to all who desire to build a work for God in this state it's called the "work of the ministry"!!! We must be willing to give our all to build a work for God!!
Today is exciting because I get to go and preach to the people God has given me. I can't wait to share what the God of Heaven has put on my heart. I get so excited about Wednesday nights. Also today I will teaching and visiting. Most of my Wednesdays are in my study preparing for what God will do in and through the services on tonight. What a joy to be able to give our all to the work of God!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
It never ceases to amaze me how much we can see God use us to accomplish just in one day. What a mighty God we serve. Yesterday we were busy for Jesus all day and capped off with a powerful discipleship time with the Winns. It was very moving to see the Power of God come down on our time together. I started yesterday morning at 4 and ended at 10 last night!!! I will say this to all who desire to build a work for God in this state it's called the "work of the ministry"!!! We must be willing to give our all to build a work for God!!
Today is exciting because I get to go and preach to the people God has given me. I can't wait to share what the God of Heaven has put on my heart. I get so excited about Wednesday nights. Also today I will teaching and visiting. Most of my Wednesdays are in my study preparing for what God will do in and through the services on tonight. What a joy to be able to give our all to the work of God!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 4th 2014 4:18 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a mighty God we serve! Bless His Holy Name! What a joy to rise early and spend that quality time with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Oh how I love Him!!
Yesterday was filled with great times of conversation and witness. I bless the Lord for all He allowed me to do. Also I had a staff meeting and that went well. Praise the Lord for what He is doing in our ministry. Last night my family went on a date. That was very encouraging.
Today I'm studying, visiting, teaching the Bible and discipling tonight. Should be a good day in the Lord!! Wait a minute every day is a good day in the Lord!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a mighty God we serve! Bless His Holy Name! What a joy to rise early and spend that quality time with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Oh how I love Him!!
Yesterday was filled with great times of conversation and witness. I bless the Lord for all He allowed me to do. Also I had a staff meeting and that went well. Praise the Lord for what He is doing in our ministry. Last night my family went on a date. That was very encouraging.
Today I'm studying, visiting, teaching the Bible and discipling tonight. Should be a good day in the Lord!! Wait a minute every day is a good day in the Lord!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 2nd 2014 6:24 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a wonderful day on yesterday. I enjoyed my time of study. It was rich!! Oh to Walk with God!!!
I went soul winning after that. It was joyous to be able to talk to so many people. God is stirring.
I went to the Berards to enjoy the time with the bus kids. Around 60 kids were out for our winter carnival. Wow what a joy!!
Last night we had 24 of our men in my study after a day of fasting and prayer seeking the God of Heaven and hearing preaching. This was probably one of the most special times we have had together. God is doing some wonderful things in our midst. We all prayed for revival and prayed that God would save families in our town. We are concentrating on two right now. It's thrilling to see it come to pass.
Today is the Lords day all day. What a joy to go and worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!
Also I encourage our people to be there all day. All services!!! Shouting the victory!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful day on yesterday. I enjoyed my time of study. It was rich!! Oh to Walk with God!!!
I went soul winning after that. It was joyous to be able to talk to so many people. God is stirring.
I went to the Berards to enjoy the time with the bus kids. Around 60 kids were out for our winter carnival. Wow what a joy!!
Last night we had 24 of our men in my study after a day of fasting and prayer seeking the God of Heaven and hearing preaching. This was probably one of the most special times we have had together. God is doing some wonderful things in our midst. We all prayed for revival and prayed that God would save families in our town. We are concentrating on two right now. It's thrilling to see it come to pass.
Today is the Lords day all day. What a joy to go and worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!
Also I encourage our people to be there all day. All services!!! Shouting the victory!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
March 1st 2014 7:19 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
Well Glory to God for another month to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!! Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name!! Glory!
I had a good travel day yesterday. I started at 4 a.m. and took my suit off last night around 8. It was a wonderful day of ministry and witnessing. I was able to talk to many people and I'm praying that the God of Heaven would awaken them to their need of the Saviour.
In the afternoon I had a good visit with a new family that wants to put their kids in our school. This is exciting and we are praying about God's will to be done.
Today I'm studying then going soul winning. After that we have a sled party for the kids of our church and the bus kids. We are asking God to give us a good day. The slope has been made. Wait till you see it!! It's wicked cool.
Also starting last night our men are fasting and praying and seeking God for "This Kind"of faith. We are trusting God to supernaturally save and bring in funds to make us debt free. What a mighty God we serve! Tonight all the men will come to my house for a supper and Bible study together!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Well Glory to God for another month to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!! Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name!! Glory!
I had a good travel day yesterday. I started at 4 a.m. and took my suit off last night around 8. It was a wonderful day of ministry and witnessing. I was able to talk to many people and I'm praying that the God of Heaven would awaken them to their need of the Saviour.
In the afternoon I had a good visit with a new family that wants to put their kids in our school. This is exciting and we are praying about God's will to be done.
Today I'm studying then going soul winning. After that we have a sled party for the kids of our church and the bus kids. We are asking God to give us a good day. The slope has been made. Wait till you see it!! It's wicked cool.
Also starting last night our men are fasting and praying and seeking God for "This Kind"of faith. We are trusting God to supernaturally save and bring in funds to make us debt free. What a mighty God we serve! Tonight all the men will come to my house for a supper and Bible study together!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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