December 24th 2009 6:00 a.m.

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

What a glorious day on yesterday. I spent a good part of the day in my study planning for the new year. I also received and made several phone calls to encourage others. It was a very profitable day in my study.

In the evening we went Christmas Caroling. It was a huge success. I thank God for the good church that HE has allowed me to pastor. We had 41 out and it was a wonderful time. I really enjoyed singing in Walmart. This was our third year and I thank God for the good manager at Walmart that has let us come every year and carol. We also caroled at Floyd's, Doug's, Jason's, the Newton Center, and McDonalds.

Today I will be in my study a good part of the day and at the airport cleaning and organizing. I can't wait until the service tonight. Please pray for me as I preach and lead our choir for the special Christmas Eve service. All of you are welcome to watch via our live webcasting at and click on the live button. Be sure to refresh your browser around service time.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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