Is a ministry out of the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine. Mark 1:38 is our theme verse. "And He said unto them, let us go into the next towns......" God is calling us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Next Towns!!!!!
October 31st 2010 6:35 a.m.
I am so grateful for the Lord's Day! What a joy it's going to be at the House of God today. I praise the Lord for His blessings on our lives as we serve Him here in this mission field.
Yesterday was a great blessing with study in the morning, soul winning, work in the afternoon, prayer meeting at night, fellowship at the Rice's and bedtime at 10. It was a good and prosperous day.
Today I'm looking forward to being back at Calvary. What a joy it's going to be! I am seeking God for a mighty move of the Holy Ghost on the meeting today. I am praying for souls to be saved and the saints of God stirred as the Word of God goes forth. Please pray for us that this would happen.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Soulwinning fun
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October 30th 2010 5;09 a.m.
It's a wonderful morning here in Sanford Maine. I am getting ready to open up my King James Bible and see what the Lord is going to say to me. It's such a wonderful thing to study the Word of God and let the Lord talk to you from it. Well Glory!!
Yesterday was a great blessing. I enjoyed chapel service. What a great bunch of kids that we have at school. I spent the day running around and making sure everything was all right at school and church. I finally finished up around 5 in the afternoon.
Also on yesterday I talked with the engine shop that has our engine for the Cherokee Six. The best route to take right now is to just bite the bullet and put a new engine in the plane. I need to raise a substantial amount. I have prayed and will continue to pray about this. This is God's ministry and I have no control over it. If HE wants this plane to get back in the air and fly again for His Glory and Honor it will come in. It's going to be around 25 to 30,000 when it's all said and done. I'm trusting HIM! It was June the 8th when he miraculously provided the field and the where with all to put in down in the pasture. To God be the Glory. Several people have lost their lives this year but God was gracious unto me. It's my desire to continue to minister for Him in this area of aviation and reach the next towns with the gospel.
I was out running errands in the afternoon yesterday and met a man that has been flying his whole life. The interesting thing is that he has flown around the world alot. He told me you need not go to Greenland alone you need someone experienced with you. He said he has done it so many times he knows and understands flying in that part of the world. He then told me he wants to help and go with us. God loves the Greenlanders and He is proving that to me by lining things up for this trip next summer. Please pray for the Cessna 402 to be ready to go and the finances to continue to repair it. We have no money right now but I know God will do something to bring this all together. Isn't this exciting!
Today I'm studying and then going out soul-winning at 10:30. In the afternoon we are going to wash and wax our vehicles. We may have time also to chop some wood and clean up around the house. It's going to be a wonderful day serving our Great God and Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 29th 2010 6:43 a.m
What a mighty God we serve! I am so grateful for His mercies on me these last several days. The conference was a great a blessing and I sense God did some great and mighty things.
My travel yesterday was kind of crazy. I was in the airport all day. But oh well I studied all day and it was a huge blessing. The Lord really spoke to me out of the Word of God. I just wish I knew the plane was late and I wouldn't have got up at 4 a.m.
I'm so excited to be back in Maine. Chapel is going to be a blessing this morning at SCA! Looking forward to seeing everyone there. I have a few other meetings I need to be at today to. Theirs nothing like serving the Lord and worshiping HIM who is altogether lovely! What a joy and encouragement!
I'm praying toward a powerful Sunday at the House of God. I'm also looking forward to soul winning on Saturday. Their is so much to do for the Lord Jesus Christ. Wow Wee! Have we lost our Vision. Come on let's get with it!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 28th 2010 6:45 a.m
I pray your having a good day. I was up at 4a.m. and off to the Charlotte airport to come back to Maine. Im currently waiting on my flight now. Their has been a delay. I pray I make my connections in Baltimore.
The missions conference ended on a very high note last night. The Lord was very gracious to us as the Word of God went forth. I do not take for granted these rich blessings.
My heart is thrilled this morning as I type this out. I love Maine and my people there. I am so grateful for Gods call that He has given our family.
Lord willing I will see you soon.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 27th 2010 6:25 a.m
What a powerful and gracious day the Lord blessed us with on yesterday. I studied in the morning. After that the missionaries went golfing. I enjoyed our lunch together at the clock restaurant. In the afternon I made my way up to N.C. to meet with one of our faithful supporters of our radio ministry. As the Lord would have it I was there at 3:30 and made my broadcast live in his living room. That was a special time. I drove back for supper and a powerful evening service as I preached on a Heart for the ministry. The God of Heaven challenged us all. It was a good day.
Today Im studying now a bit and then to breakfast. After that Im off to Greenwood to meet Pastor Tad on the golf course. Then Lord willing I am flying to N.C. to talk about my engine for the cherokee six. Im excited about the message tonight. Its going to be a special day of service for the King. What a thrill to serve HIM!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Faithful supporter
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October 26th 2010 6:34 a.m
Praise God for the wonderful missionary conference that we are having. These are times of plowing as the Lord has impressed upon my heart to preach on discipleship the last two nights. I want to bless His Name for how He has helped us.
I thank God for all the missionaries but I must say the Jim Roberts family has been a real blessing to be around. What a beautiful couple for the Lord. I can't wait to hear what God does in Scotland through them.
Today I am studying, visiting, maybe golfing and fellowshiping with missionaries. I can't wait until tonight to see what God is going to do. What an honor to be an Ambassador for Christ!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 25th 2010 6:34 a.m
I want to praise the Lord for how He moved in our meetings on yesterday. God granted power and blessing as the Word of God went forth. The Brethren at this church are sweet people. They are Just like there preacher. He is a good man and has done a good work here in this community.
Im excited about this another day to serve. Im studying this morning and then we have other things planned for the afternoon. Im praying toward a powerful meeting tonight.
Yesterday I spoke in the morning on Oh Lord give me a Vision. Last night I preached on The ministry of discipleship. Im really burdened about the message tonight!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 24th 2010 6.34 a.m.
The God of Heaven gave me traveling mercies of yesterday. I praise the Lord for the privilege to be here in S.C. at the White Horse Heights Baptist Church. Its already been a blessing fellowshiping with some of the church family. Im excited about this day to go and preach the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God!
Continue to pray that we would have a powerful conference with these seven missionary families. Everyday my heart goes bump bump with the thoughts of being an Ambassador for Jesus Christ. I will try to get some pictures while Im here of different things.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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October 22nd 2010 6:16 a.m.
God is sooooooooooooooooooo Good! I bless His Holy Name for Him sending His Son to die on the Cross of Calvary for my sins. What a mighty God we serve!
My day was blessed of the Lord on yesterday with many things being accomplished. I praise the Lord for how HE helped me. I spent the day at church and school. I also took a missionary family out for lunch. After lunch I split wood for awhile. In the afternoon we had a meeting with a PCC Representative for our school. In the evening I spent some time with Bob Green and also waxed the bathroom floors at church. It was a prosperous day in the service of the King!
Today I am busy in my study. Then I will go to the school to make sure that everything is in place. I should cut and split some wood today also. After that I plan on spending some time with Bro. Faggart looking for some dead Baptist preachers grave. Tonight it's a date with my wife!
Please continue to pray for God to provide the funds for our ministry here. God is moving. Sometimes I can't trace HIM but I can always trust HIM!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 24th 2010 6:11 a.m.
What a wonderful and powerful day I had on yesterday. The Lord indeed blessed the missions conference. It's so exciting to be a part of all that God did in and through the meeting.
We ended last night with two more presentations and a special time of honoring the Rice's for their service and dedication to the Work of God! I went shopping to L.L. Beans yesterday morning and got them some goodies. It was a blessing to do this! God is sooooooooooooo good!
Today we are back at it early in school and then a teachers training meeting from 3 to 5. Praise the Lord for our staff and all that God is doing in our midst.
Please continue to pray that we can see our God move in our church so that we can get the building complete and the planes back up and running for God's Glory and Honor.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 20th 2010 6:03 a.m.
God has been so gracious to me these years in allowing me to serve Him! What a joy and delight to be in the Work of God.
Today I turn 41. It's amazing how time flies. I'm glad the God of Heaven called me to preach and start churches.
Our missions conference couldn't be going any better. The preaching is outstanding, the fellowship is amazing and the missionaries are really challenging our hearts. I'm thrilled about this day to go again to morning services and evening services and see what God has in store.
We once again were packed out last night and a good crowd in the morning also. God is doing great things but the devil is mad. Please pray as we continue to seek souls here in this town for our LORD!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 19th 2010 6:14 a.m.
What a great day on yesterday. The morning service was a tremendous blessing. In the afternoon I am continuing to fix things around the house. I also found time to cut and split some wood. The evening service was packed to capacity. At the invitation two came forward and surrendered their lives to missions. Wow! Glory to God!! What a mighty God we serve.
Today we are thrilled about another day of missions conference. We are asking God to do a mighty work in our midst in the morning and evening services. Please pray that we can see great things happen.
These are life changing days as we concentrate on a world that needs the Saviour. I am so grateful everyday in my devotions that God in His will would call me to preach the Gospel of the Grace of God. What a mighty God! What a joy and delight to be HIS servant!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
P.S. I got a good word yesterday on our twin engine airplane. One side is complete on the spar modification and the other one is close. We are praying that this plane will be ready for work this spring. We are excited to think that in the Lord's will we will be going to evangelize Northern Quebec and Greenland. Oh the Power of the Word of God to change their lives.
October 18th 2010 6:22 a.m.
All I can say is Glory Glory Glory Glory!
I feel like I'm just in the edge of Heaven. Don't I just love the missionaries and the missionary conference.
God moved in power and glory yesterday on our meeting. We had a full house and the missionaries did a wonderful job.
Also on yesterday I baptized four adult ladies! Wow wee!!!!!!!!!!! What a joy and delight to baptize these that had previously been baptized as infants but found out that the Bible only teaches believers baptism. I baptized one in the basement and then the other three ladies int he pond. If was a wee bit chilly but we did it. Thanks for Pastor Dave and Pastor Dan for the help. If you are reading this and you have not followed the Lord in believers baptism you should study the Bible and find out what it says not what your church may teach. The Bible is our blueprint for life.
This morning we have service at 10:30 with lunch. We will take off for a few hours and then have service tonight at 7. Dinner will be at 6. Praise God for what HE is doing.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 17th 2010 6:29 a.m.
What a powerful day on yesterday. I was up early in my study working and laboring. After that I went and did some errands at Lowe's. Then a haircut. At 10:30 our Pastoral Staff went soul winning. We knocked on 50 doors. What a blessing to talk to so many people. What a joy to share the Gospel of John and Romans. No one was saved but the seed was planted and we had a great time. In the afternoon I worked on several things that are broke at the house. I fixed four things so theirs only a few left. Praise the Lord for that. In the morning also the ladies went to a conference and Mrs. Amy I hear let er rip. Praise the Lord for such a beautiful and Godly wife the Lord has given me. Last night was just absolutely exceptional. My friend Tom Faulk just flung er down and preached on making good decisions. What a message! The Lord helped us all. My heart breaks when I think of people within our own assembly that have made bad decisions. Their life will pay for it. Oh God have Mercy! I must say that the whole day was just exceptional!
Today is the Lords day! Glory! Whoopee! Hallelujah! It's also the start of our Missions Conference. What a blessing to see what God is going to do in our midst. All of the families will be here today. We have six families total with us during these days. It's going to be good. Cancel all plans and be in your place at the House of God and let's see what God will do in our lives.
I thank God for all of you. Please continue to pray for God to do a supernatural miracle in our ministry on so many fronts. We NEED HIM! Oh God move in power and great glory, please LORD!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 16th 2010 6:11 a.m.
Yesterday was a great blessing. We were up early and off to minister at school. At 10:30 we had a wonderful chapel service with Bro. Jeff Faggart and his family. I took them to Wendy's for lunch and a small ice cream for the road. They are a blessing to us and I thank God we can support their ministry. In the afternoon we worked at the church more getting ready for the missions conference. In the evening my wife and I went to Sam's to shop for the whole week of missions conference. We are going to have lunch and supper at church. It's going to be a tremendous time of fellowship and preaching. We as a church will have a business meeting on the heathen. I pray our missions support goes up and we can do more than we have ever done for missions.
Today we are going out soul-winning and I am getting ready for the Saturday night jubilee. Pastor Tom Faulk will be preaching and we are thrilled to see what God is going to do in the service tonight. If I have time I have alot to do around the farm to get ready for company. I have several things I need to fix. This day will be a very busy day for Jesus. I love the Lord because He first loved me. What a joy to serve Him with all my heart soul and might.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bel
October 15th 2010 6:07 a.m.
HE IS LORD! That's right every knee shall bow and confess that to the Glory of God the Father. I'm so grateful today that I know Jesus Christ as my Saviour.
I had a wonderful day yesterday. It was very busy with school and work around the farm here. I appreciate the Faggarts popping in and helping me split a couple cords of wood. In the evening I took them on a airplane ride. My wife and I finished up at church after supper decorating and getting ready for our missions conference. I praise the Lord for my beautiful wife and job she does around the church. She is truly moma the amazing!
Today is chapel day. I'm pumped about going to hear the Word of God. It's going to be a great blessing to hear Bro. Faggart preach the Word of God. I can't wait!
God is doing some wonderful things and we are so grateful for His blessings. Would you pray that HE would supernaturally provide the funds so that we could finish our educational annex building? Thank you for doing this. WE BELIEVE GOD!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 14th 2010 6:12 a.m.
Well Glory! What a mighty God we serve. Bless His Holy Name! Whoopee!! I'm glad I'm saved washed in the Blood of the Lamb.
It was good to be back home yesterday. Wow was it busy when I got home. I had a good flight back to Sanford. After that my wife and I went on a date. Then I studied some. Staff meeting was great in the afternoon. Then I studied some more. Our meeting last night was a huge blessing. We were packed out again. Praise God for the Lord's blessing on our Wednesday services.
We are preparing now for several families that will be coming in for our missions conference. What a joy to have so many families. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in our conference! Well Glory to God!
I put 10 hours on the little Cessna 150 this week. It sure would be nice to have a bigger plane. Please pray that something would work out with our engine in N.C. Also continue to pray for the Cessna 402. It will be finished in a few months and we need to get it ready to go to Northern Quebec and Greenland.
Isn't it exciting to be involved in church planting! God is so good!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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All our young people are
Were getting ready to fly
Great meeting last night on
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October 10th 2010 6:45 a.m
Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour today? Are you 100% 50% or 25% sure your on your way to heaven? "These things have I written unto you that believe on the Name of the Son of God that you may KNOW that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the Name of the Son of God." I'm glad I not only know who Jesus is but I'm glad I know I have eternal life.
Does the Holy Ghost convict you when you sin? If he does not, your a bastard and not a son. Hebrews 12:8 declares "But if ye be without chastisement whereof all are partakers then are ye bastards and not sons." These are serious answers that deserve a response from each of us.
My day was blessed on yesterday. I worked in my study a while and then went and played in a golf tournament. In the evening we had prayer meeting at the church. God is moving and blessing and for that we are so grateful.
Today please pray for souls to be saved and the saints of God to be stirred in revival. Speaking of revival, my wife and I will be flying up to Islesboro today for the start of revival at the island Baptist Church. Please be in prayer for Preacher Bill Schoppe and the congregation there. We are asking God to do something special in our midst. Oh God send the power! I can't wait to see what God is going to do.
Preacher Dave is preaching at Tri Town today. Be much in prayer for him. Preacher Dan in preaching tonight at Calvary. Thank God for staff to handle all of this in this region. What a joy to be in the middle of what God is doing in this state.
Continue to pray for our family after the loss of our mother. God is gracious and has helped us and we give him the glory for that.
Some of my relatives pulled in last night in two R.V.'s. from Florida. It's a joy to fellowship with them a few days.
Thank you for your love and care for us.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 9th 2010 6:35 a.m.
All I can say is to God be the Glory great things HE has done. The funeral yesterday of my mom was very encouraging. I know that sounds kind of strange but God was very gracious to all of us and helped us through this time of sorrow. We are so grateful for the friendship of people all over this region that came to encourage us in this time.
After everything was all over yesterday I came home and cut and split wood for a little while. After that I went over to the Rice's for some apple pie.
Today I plan on studying, working, visiting, and playing in the last golf tournament at the golf course in our town. What a joy to serve the LORD!
Be much in prayer for our services on Sunday. Sunday afternoon we will be flying up to Islesboro to start revival there. We are praying for a powerful time and asking God to rend the heavens and pour out His Spirit on the meeting.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 8th 2010 6:22 a.m.
Today is the day that we celebrate the life of my mother Judy Bell. Services will be local here at 1. Also we will be broadcasting the services live over the Internet. Though our hearts are heavy we are rejoicing in the fact the she knew Jesus Christ as her Saviour. We are anticipating the Lord helping us through this time with His Grace and Mercy.
My day will be filled with all the activities that will go along with the funeral. Would you please pray that multitudes will be saved and the faith of the saints strengthened as we gather together today? Thank you in advance for this!
I enjoyed my date yesterday with my oldest daughter Elisabeth. We had a good time at the Fryeburg fair. Praise the Lord for all of my kids and God's blessings on our lives these many years.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 7th 2010 6:20 a.m.
I had a very good day on yesterday. The Lord blessed with comfort and grace. I was in my study most of the day preparing for the evening service. We were packed out last night and a good spirit in the meeting. Praise God for what HE is doing in our midst.
Today I am going to spend some time with my oldest daughter as we go to the fair up in Fryeburg. It should be a good time. I'm looking forward to it.
Continue to pray for our family through this time. The services are tomorrow as you can see from the obituary on our site. The Lord has been very gracious and we are trusting Him to see us through.
Also please pray for the island revival that is starting this Sunday night. We are asking God to do something special in our midst.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Judy Bell's Obituary
SANFORD---Judith “Judy” Ringelman Bell, 64, of 182 Grammar Road, Sanford, Maine, went to be with her Lord on Tuesday, October 5, 2010, at the Gosnall Hospice House in Scarborough, Maine.
Judy was born on May 26, 1946, in Toledo, Ohio. She grew up in Lakeland, Florida and lived for 33 years in Canton, North Carolina, before moving to Sanford, Maine, where she and her husband worked as missionary helpers in the Calvary Baptist Church.
Judy worked as a medical office assistant in Clyde, North Carolina, for many years. She was also a loving wife, mother, grandmother and friend. She was a dedicated and faithful member of Maple Grove Baptist Church in Canton, North Carolina prior to moving to Maine.
Surviving are her husband of 46 years, Ronnie Carlton Bell; daughter, Tracy Waldrop and husband, Steve Waldrop of Black Mountain, North Carolina; and son, Todd Bell and wife, Amy Bell, of Sanford, Maine; seven grandchildren, Steven Waldrop, Jr., Elisabeth Bell, Benjamin Bell, Cherith Bell, Micah Waldrop, Abigail Bell and Kaitlyn Waldrop.
She is also survived by a half sister, Sue Flory and family and a half brother, Dave Wickman and family.
The home going celebration will be held at 1pm on Friday, October 8, 2010, at Calvary Baptist Church, 68 High Street, Sanford, Maine. The Reverends Todd Bell and Tommy Carlisle will be officiating. Interment will follow at the Oak Dale Cemetery in Sanford, Maine.
The family will receive friends from 12-1pm, Friday, before the funeral at the church.
In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory can be sent to the Calvary Baptist Church Building Fund, 68 High Street, Sanford, Maine, 04073.
Services will be broadcast live at
October 6th 2010 6:13 a.m.
I had a wonderful day yesterday. I was at the school most of the day ministering and visiting. To God be the Glory for all the love that has been outpoured to our family during this time. Thank you all so much!
The funeral services for my mother will be at 1 on Friday. Visitation will be from 12 to 1. Please come prepared to worship as this will not be your usual funeral. As Christians we sorrow but not as others with no hope. Please understand that we grieve over the loss but we also believe the Word of God! We are grateful that our mother is not suffering no more. The Bible says that her death is precious! Praise the Lord for all HE is doing through this time.
Today I will busy in my study and at school. I am thrilled about the prospects of church tonight. Oh that God would rend the heavens and pour out His power on our meeting. Pray that we can see His mighty hand move in power and great glory.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 5th 2010 6:37 a.m.
My mom is in heaven with her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! What a joy to have hope! She passed on at 4:08 a.m. this morning. We are giving God the Glory that she knew Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. "Precious in the Sight of the Lord is the death of his saints"
Thanks to all of you who have prayed and loved on us. God is good all the time!
My day was blessed of the Lord on yesterday. I flew down to Mass. and provided the music for a pastors fellowship. I flew back and spent the afternoon and evening with family at the hospice house. What encouragement it was to experience the peace of God! My my my what do people do that do not have faith?! Thank you Jesus for how real you are!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 4th 2010 6:44 a.m.
I had a powerful day on yesterday. Our services were blessed of the Lord all day. In the morning I had discipleship with four new converts. After that I preached in the morning service in Sanford. I flew up to the Island and preached there in the afternoon. The Lord blessed with a good time together with the island folks. After that I flew back and preached in the evening at Calvary. The Lord helped us as I preached on an Encounter with Christ. It was a blessed Lord's day.
Today I am due to be in Groton Mass singing at a pastors fellowship and rejoicing in God's goodness around some good men of God. When I come back I will check on mom. She is being moved today to a hospice house. Please pray that a miracle will transpire with her health. She is suffering so bad and it hurts to see it but God knows.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 3rd 2010 6:23 a.m.
What a glorious day the Lord has given us! This is the day the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!
I can't wait to be able to go and worship the Lord together at the House of God. Please pray that souls will be saved today.
Yesterday was a very busy day. I spent the morning in the study. After that we went to spend some time with mom. She is not doing well at all but our hope is in the ONE that comforts and makes no mistakes. We are trusting the God of Heaven to work out all the details. Pray much for us during these days. Actually I just heard dad drive off. He's on his way to the hospital this morning to discuss with the Dr.s where mom will be moved. Possibly tomorrow she will be going to a hospice house. God knows and HE makes no mistakes.
When we got home I told Mrs. Amy that I wanted to strip and wax the bathroom floors at church. We started at three and got finished at almost 11 last night. Praise God they look wonderful. In the middle of it all we also had a good prayer meeting at church with a good crowd of people there.
Lord willing I will be preaching three times today. Pray for the power of the Holy Ghost to be my portion as I preach in Sanford and up on the island of Islesboro also. Next week I start revival up there Sunday Night through Tuesday.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 2nd 2010 7:14 a.m
It's a glorious morning here in Maine. The temperature is 47 degrees and it feels just sweet outside. I love fall.
We had a great chapel yesterday with our school. God is moving and for that I am so grateful. Please continue to be in prayer for our young people there that God would touch them and call them into the ministry.
Today I am studying, visiting mom, and working around the house. Theirs so much to do!
I can't wait until tomorrow. What a mighty God we serve and it's such a thrill to be able to go to the House of God and worship HIM!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
October 1st 2010 6:19 a.m.
Today is chapel day at school. I'm excited at all God is doing in our midst. Be sure to tune in and see the upper grades sing and a message from the Word of God.
Mom is improving some. She tried to talk yesterday. She really understands what we are saying. Today could be moving day for her. Pray!
I'm thrilled about what God is going to do in my life today. Yesterday I was able to witness and share a lot of tracts with people. Oh that people would get saved!
What a blessing that God would call me to preach the Gospel of the Grace of God. Thank you Jesus!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell