Usually around this time of the year people begin to think about what their going to do next year and the resolutions their going to make. I have found from the Word of God that our LORD desires for us to be faithful to HIM daily. You can make all kind of vows and decide this and that but lets just all be faithful to the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Faithful to live for HIM and serve HIM! Faithful to praise and worship HIM privately and corporately! Faithful to follow HIM where HE says go! Faithful to spend time with HIM on a daily basis! I know personally that without this I would never make it. I'm typing this and the time is 6:19a.m. I got up a few minutes before six and my thought was I must here from the God of Heaven. I desire to have fellowship with HIM through the Word of God and prayer and living in the fullness of the HOLY GHOST! So your welcome to make your resolutions but by the good Grace of GOD I just want to remain faithful day in and day out. Keep praying for me, I do covet your daily fervent prayers for our ministry here.
On a side note, the 402 is in the shop with the hopes that the funds will come in to repair it. The truth be known we may have the funds already but that money is put aside for when the plane goes down to Ohio. The LORD provided it once HE can provide it again. It would be wonderful if we could see the LORD bring somewhere around 3 to 5 thousand. Pray with me about this and I will let you know when it comes.
I have been having a good week catching up on some things around the farm. The LORD has been good as HE is always and I've been enjoying myself. Tonight LORD willing we are going to let all the preacher boys preach. Theirs a parking ban (were suppose to get 3 to 5 inches of snow) so we will have to find other places to park but I'm looking forward to the service. It's going to be a humdinger I know.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Is a ministry out of the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine. Mark 1:38 is our theme verse. "And He said unto them, let us go into the next towns......" God is calling us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Next Towns!!!!!
A Great Weekend
I praise the LORD for a wonderful weekend of service here in Sanford Maine. It was great to be in Sunday School and teach the adult class. As of late I have been teaching on "Let all things be done decently and in order." Our families, finances, and ? should be decently and in order. I'm leaving the question because I do not want to give away my next thought. On Sunday morning the church was almost full with people and the Spirit of God moved in a glorious way as I preached on having an encounter with the LORD. He appeared to the disciples after HIS resurrection some three times. It changed their life and in turn it will change ours too. We need to know that we have met with JESUS CHRIST on a daily basis. Glory to God for HIS moving in the service. In our night service Bro. Johnson out of Hyles Anderson College preached. He did a wonderful job and preached on "God has your back." It's exciting to see what God continues to do in our midst. Pray much for more labourers to be sent to this area to start more churches for the Glory and Honor of our LORD!
I'm looking forward to resting some today by making cabinets and catching up on chores around the house. May even get a little skiing in with my boy. I pray each of you have a glorious day.
Pastor Todd Bell
I'm looking forward to resting some today by making cabinets and catching up on chores around the house. May even get a little skiing in with my boy. I pray each of you have a glorious day.
Pastor Todd Bell
Now that Christmas Day is past...........
I found myself this morning thinking about a phrase that I titled for this blog. Now that Christmas time is past what next? Many times in our life we have big days that we look forward to. Christmas is one of those days in all our lives. That may be a big statement but for the people I know and love we all appreciate this time of year. But just like all the other days in the past it comes and then it goes. What are we to do now that it's a day in history? This brings me to the thought of faithfulness. The scriptures declare that, "Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful." The LORD JESUS CHRIST is asking all of us to be faithful stewards of we has entrusted to us. We must ask our self in light of the new year that is upon us, what kind of stewards are we with what God has given us? Are we just going to hide the truth that we have in our hearts and not share it with anyone? We are all called to make a difference. This is my daily desire and has become a theme for our choir in this coming year. I love this song that we sing and I want to make it the personal desire of my life. We are living in dark days spiritually and we must decide what we are going to do about it. Are we going to coast to the finish line or are we going to pace ourselves and finish our coarse with joy. May the GOD of heaven challenge us a fresh and anew to be faithful to HIM in these coming days.
On a side note, our family did have a wonderful Christmas Day together. I am thrilled daily with God's blessings on our lives. We must never forget how good he has been to us. I try passionately to continually be in an attitude of gratitude. I not only believe the BIBLE teaches this but also I see the practical side of what it does to me personally. We all should continually walk throughout our day saying, thank you LORD for your blessing on me!!
I pray each of you have a glorious day. I'm going to be in the Pastors Cabinet shop all day LORD willing.
Pastor Todd Bell
On a side note, our family did have a wonderful Christmas Day together. I am thrilled daily with God's blessings on our lives. We must never forget how good he has been to us. I try passionately to continually be in an attitude of gratitude. I not only believe the BIBLE teaches this but also I see the practical side of what it does to me personally. We all should continually walk throughout our day saying, thank you LORD for your blessing on me!!
I pray each of you have a glorious day. I'm going to be in the Pastors Cabinet shop all day LORD willing.
Pastor Todd Bell
Christmas Caroling
I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas on this Christmas Eve. I'm looking forward to a wonderful day of study and preparation for our Christmas Eve service tonight. We are praying for an exciting evening as we worship the Lamb of God the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!
About 25 of us braved the elements and went out Christmas caroling last night. The picture I've included is the one of us caroling in Walmart. It was exciting to be able to sing and give praise to the LORD in this public place. Thanks to Bill the manager for his kindness in allowing us to do this.
We also went to a local nursing home. The LORD blessed everywhere we went and HE is to be praised. Our final stop was the center of town where we lifted our voices in praise to the KING.
It's currently snowing hard outside and is suppose to all day and then turn to rain this afternoon. If it doesn't turn to rain soon we are going to have alot of snow because it is really putting it down now.
Pray much for me tonight as I preach the Word of God that I would be filled with the Holy Ghost and power to declare the unsearchable riches of CHRIST!!
Pastor Todd Bell
About 25 of us braved the elements and went out Christmas caroling last night. The picture I've included is the one of us caroling in Walmart. It was exciting to be able to sing and give praise to the LORD in this public place. Thanks to Bill the manager for his kindness in allowing us to do this.
We also went to a local nursing home. The LORD blessed everywhere we went and HE is to be praised. Our final stop was the center of town where we lifted our voices in praise to the KING.
It's currently snowing hard outside and is suppose to all day and then turn to rain this afternoon. If it doesn't turn to rain soon we are going to have alot of snow because it is really putting it down now.
Pray much for me tonight as I preach the Word of God that I would be filled with the Holy Ghost and power to declare the unsearchable riches of CHRIST!!
Pastor Todd Bell
My Help cometh from the LORD
The Psalmist was right on target when HE said in Psalms 121 "My Help cometh from the LORD." Where are you at today in your Christianity? How are you doing spiritually? Why not ask the LORD of Glory to help you! We are a needy people and we must have the help of the LORD if were going to make it. Every single day I make it a priority to spend quality time with the LORD and ask HIM for help to do the work of the ministry. All of us need this and I'm encouraging you today to let me know how HE is helping you. HE'S alive and alive forever more. Let all the people praise HIS HOLY NAME for HIS faithfulness and blessings that HE continues to extend to each of us.
I had a great day getting the 18 inches of snow cleaned up on yesterday. Ended up getting to go skiing with my boy last night also. The LORD has been so good to me. I love HIM and thank HIM for saving me and calling me into the ministry.
I pray each of you have a glorious day.
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a great day getting the 18 inches of snow cleaned up on yesterday. Ended up getting to go skiing with my boy last night also. The LORD has been so good to me. I love HIM and thank HIM for saving me and calling me into the ministry.
I pray each of you have a glorious day.
Pastor Todd Bell
The Last Night of the Nativiy
A Great Sunday 12/21/08
The LORD JESUS CHRIST blessed us with a wonderful day. I pray you enjoy the short video. I will be continually upgrading our system to do more of this in the future. It's currently 10 degrees with a -12 wind chill and were suppose to get two feet of snow. Welcome to Maine "the way life should be." I appreciate all of your prayers for us. Pastor Todd Bell
Live Nativity 12/19/08
I prepared all day long for our nativity last night. One big problem we had was the weather but then again it was no problem at all because the LORD ordered it. During our live nativity time the conditions were heavy snow and wind. The temperature was a balmy eight degrees with minus 15 degree wind chill. Now do you see why we only had six people show up. It was a blessing and I sense tonight is going to be very busy. This will most likely be our last night with another major snow storm forecast for Sunday Afternoon. The LORD knows and I trust HIM to work out all the details. Their is alot of planning and preparation for a meeting like this so you just want it to turn out well. The God of Heaven makes no mistakes and we trust HIM to the fullest.
I looking forward to studying a good part of the day today (Saturday morning as I type this) and of course I will have some major snow removal to do. That will probably take three hours or more here and at the hanger. I am excited about tomorrow being able to preach the Word of God and teach God's people. I still have to pinch myself periodically to make for sure that this is real. It's almost unbelievable to think that God allows me the privilege of serving HIM!!! Glory to God!!!!!!! Amen and Amen!!!!! You talking about having a good boss!!!!
I'm looking out my window to some more snow coming down and my neighbour is already out blowing his snow. It's currently 7:17 a.m. and the temperature is 8 degrees. Welcome to Maine the way life should be!!
I thank each of you for your prayers and love for this ministry. Continue to pray that the monies will come in to replace the turbo and all the components on the Cessna 402. God knows and we trust HIM to work out all the details.
Also as you pray we must pray God's will be done in regards to the St. Ignatius Catholic Church. Our tour the other day was great and we are seeking God's will about what to do. It's exciting to be part of GOD'S work.
May the individuals that read this blog from our church realize that we must press on with vision. Their is no way we would have ever made it this far if we would have just set back and did nothing. It takes vision and faith to just keep plodding on. The LORD is faithful and HE desires for us to be the same. HE will not fail us as we continue to trust HIM to work out all the details of our future. If your looking at the economy instead of HIM you have made a major mistake. HE does HIS best work in the toughest times so HE in turn can get all the Glory!! People of faith are optimist because the WORD declares "I can do all things through CHRIST which strengtheneth me." We are constantly waiting and looking for the LORD JESUS CHRIST to move and work like HE always has. What a great GOD we serve and I do bless and praise HIS HOLY NAME!!!
Pastor Todd Bell
I looking forward to studying a good part of the day today (Saturday morning as I type this) and of course I will have some major snow removal to do. That will probably take three hours or more here and at the hanger. I am excited about tomorrow being able to preach the Word of God and teach God's people. I still have to pinch myself periodically to make for sure that this is real. It's almost unbelievable to think that God allows me the privilege of serving HIM!!! Glory to God!!!!!!! Amen and Amen!!!!! You talking about having a good boss!!!!
I'm looking out my window to some more snow coming down and my neighbour is already out blowing his snow. It's currently 7:17 a.m. and the temperature is 8 degrees. Welcome to Maine the way life should be!!
I thank each of you for your prayers and love for this ministry. Continue to pray that the monies will come in to replace the turbo and all the components on the Cessna 402. God knows and we trust HIM to work out all the details.
Also as you pray we must pray God's will be done in regards to the St. Ignatius Catholic Church. Our tour the other day was great and we are seeking God's will about what to do. It's exciting to be part of GOD'S work.
May the individuals that read this blog from our church realize that we must press on with vision. Their is no way we would have ever made it this far if we would have just set back and did nothing. It takes vision and faith to just keep plodding on. The LORD is faithful and HE desires for us to be the same. HE will not fail us as we continue to trust HIM to work out all the details of our future. If your looking at the economy instead of HIM you have made a major mistake. HE does HIS best work in the toughest times so HE in turn can get all the Glory!! People of faith are optimist because the WORD declares "I can do all things through CHRIST which strengtheneth me." We are constantly waiting and looking for the LORD JESUS CHRIST to move and work like HE always has. What a great GOD we serve and I do bless and praise HIS HOLY NAME!!!
Pastor Todd Bell
Praise the LORD for HIS Sovereignty 12/18/08
I pray each of you are having a good day in the respected places you may be reading this. I want to share with you about my day on Thursday. I received a call early on about a family in Millinocket that needed to get to Portland Maine as soon as they could. This family used to go to church where I pastored. I offered to go up and get them and bring them down. Their four year old child had been airlifted earlier. I scurried around and got in the plane and on my way there ran in to bad weather. I pressed on until I couldn't anymore. I don't have confidence in my equipment so I am keeping the plane I was flying in VFR conditions only. I diverted to Bangor (you will find out in this blog why the LORD put that snow squall there) and called the couple to meet me there. On the way to Bangor my turbo on the left engine was acting up but I didn't think anything about it because it had done it a few times before. After landing the family arrived and we loaded up to depart to Portland. On the takeoff run I noticed that I didn't have full power on that engine so I aborted the takeoff. I did a run up on the ramp and confirmed that the turbo was toast. I then taxied back and told them they would have to drive. I flew the plane back alone with 26 inches of manifold pressure which really was not a problem with just me in the airplane. Their four year old boy later died at Portland. Pray much for the libby family that God would have mercy and encourage them during this time.
For sometime now I have been asking God to work through some of the issues on this Cessna 402. He so graciously did that for us on Thursday. First of all I found out from a friend that landed in Bangor that Millinocket had not been plowed yet. If I would have landed in the snow and then my turbo failed on departure it would not have been pretty. The LORD allowed the turbo to fail at one of the longest runways on the east coast. Second I was suppose to be in Islesboro mentoring Bill Schoppe. Their runway is only 2400 feet and only GOD knows what would have happened had it failed there. Third, when I landed at Bangor I called the family and said they would have to drive because of bad weather in Millinocket area. After that phone conversation I was going to go to Islesboro again and then they called back and said that they would like to fly and to just wait for them. So twice the LORD was directing every step to keep me in HIS watch care. Can somebody out there shout unto the LORD!!!!!! All of this proves time and time again the faithfulness of our GOD and HIS watch care in every facet of our lives. The LORD is good!!!!!!!!!
Now I need a turbo and some work on the plane. Would you pray with me that the money would come in for this???? We have no extra and usually have to raise the money for every part we buy. Thank you for praying for this need.
On Thursday night we got the nativity ready for our ministry on Friday. It was a blessing to see all the men working so hard to get it ready. The ladies ironed all the costumes and head wraps. I will have pictures for you on my next blog.
This was a day that will be long remembered and before I stop typing I want to one more time Praise GOD publicly for HIS love, watch care and tender mercy. Glory to GOD in the highest!!!!!!!
Pastor Todd Bell
For sometime now I have been asking God to work through some of the issues on this Cessna 402. He so graciously did that for us on Thursday. First of all I found out from a friend that landed in Bangor that Millinocket had not been plowed yet. If I would have landed in the snow and then my turbo failed on departure it would not have been pretty. The LORD allowed the turbo to fail at one of the longest runways on the east coast. Second I was suppose to be in Islesboro mentoring Bill Schoppe. Their runway is only 2400 feet and only GOD knows what would have happened had it failed there. Third, when I landed at Bangor I called the family and said they would have to drive because of bad weather in Millinocket area. After that phone conversation I was going to go to Islesboro again and then they called back and said that they would like to fly and to just wait for them. So twice the LORD was directing every step to keep me in HIS watch care. Can somebody out there shout unto the LORD!!!!!! All of this proves time and time again the faithfulness of our GOD and HIS watch care in every facet of our lives. The LORD is good!!!!!!!!!
Now I need a turbo and some work on the plane. Would you pray with me that the money would come in for this???? We have no extra and usually have to raise the money for every part we buy. Thank you for praying for this need.
On Thursday night we got the nativity ready for our ministry on Friday. It was a blessing to see all the men working so hard to get it ready. The ladies ironed all the costumes and head wraps. I will have pictures for you on my next blog.
This was a day that will be long remembered and before I stop typing I want to one more time Praise GOD publicly for HIS love, watch care and tender mercy. Glory to GOD in the highest!!!!!!!
Pastor Todd Bell
I'm Alive and Back
It's been a few days since I updated. The reason why is because we had a horrific ice storm. The officials are telling us that it is going to be worse than the ice storm of the century in 1998. The LORD be praised that we finally got our power back today and now I will be able to update you on what God continues to do in our lives here in Sanford Maine.
The services yesterday were great. I enjoyed teaching Sunday School on "Let all things be done decently and in order." Jesus Christ desires for each of us to have order in our life. When we do it honors HIM and causes our life to really count.
Sunday Morning I had a great time preaching on the patience of Job. We had visitors out to the services with a great spirit in the meeting. The altars were full at the conclusion and GOD really did a work in our hearts.
In the afternoon I flew up to the Island of Islesboro and had a good service there with the Island Baptist Church. I praise God for the Schoppe family that are ministering on the island. They are doing a wonderful job. Continue to pray that souls will be saved and great things done there on the island and in each and every ministry we are involved in.
Sunday Night we had tremendous time together with the church family. I preached on the Will of God out of Colossians chapter 1. The LORD be praised for how HE moved in the meeting. You will notice on our church web page that we have begun to upload videos. Take a look and I pray you enjoy the meetings God has been giving us.
Today I worked all day on cabinet making and wood cutting. This ice storm has really caused alot of damage around the farm. Pray for me as I work to get everything back the way it needs to be.
Also at the end of this week is our annual live nativity. We are going to have a wonderful time as always ministering to our community. It looks like the weather is going to be really cold and snowy. How much more exciting can that be.
I thank God for each of you that follow what the LORD is doing here. Continue to pray fervently for us as we seek souls for HIM!!!!!
Pastor Todd Bell
The services yesterday were great. I enjoyed teaching Sunday School on "Let all things be done decently and in order." Jesus Christ desires for each of us to have order in our life. When we do it honors HIM and causes our life to really count.
Sunday Morning I had a great time preaching on the patience of Job. We had visitors out to the services with a great spirit in the meeting. The altars were full at the conclusion and GOD really did a work in our hearts.
In the afternoon I flew up to the Island of Islesboro and had a good service there with the Island Baptist Church. I praise God for the Schoppe family that are ministering on the island. They are doing a wonderful job. Continue to pray that souls will be saved and great things done there on the island and in each and every ministry we are involved in.
Sunday Night we had tremendous time together with the church family. I preached on the Will of God out of Colossians chapter 1. The LORD be praised for how HE moved in the meeting. You will notice on our church web page that we have begun to upload videos. Take a look and I pray you enjoy the meetings God has been giving us.
Today I worked all day on cabinet making and wood cutting. This ice storm has really caused alot of damage around the farm. Pray for me as I work to get everything back the way it needs to be.
Also at the end of this week is our annual live nativity. We are going to have a wonderful time as always ministering to our community. It looks like the weather is going to be really cold and snowy. How much more exciting can that be.
I thank God for each of you that follow what the LORD is doing here. Continue to pray fervently for us as we seek souls for HIM!!!!!
Pastor Todd Bell
A "Wicked Good" Wednesday
Trying my best to make a point in the message tonight!!
The LORD indeed blessed on Wednesday. All day long I enjoyed the blessing of God going from place to place. I went and looked at a wood lathe that I'm going to get down in Cape Neddick. My heart yearned to see a good fundamental church planted in all the communities that I drove through today. Oh that GOD would raise up more labourers to labor for HIM here in this area. Actually I stopped at an old meeting house and it had become a woodworking shop. The man very rudely said can't you see I'm working not wanting to talk at all. May the GOD of Heaven have mercy on this man's soul.
The rest of the day was spent in study preparing for our evening service. It was so good to be in the House of GOD tonight with all the brethren. The LORD blessed in such a wonderful way as I preached the Word of God. I praise the LORD for HIS power to be able to share the Word of God with liberty. I cannot believe that God called me to do this. I am having the time of my life seeing the LORD work and lives changed. Thank you so much for your prayers, love, giving, and concern for us. Please don't stop praying for me. I earnestly covet your prayers!!
Pastor Todd Bell
The closed down church at Mount Agamenticus
The LORD indeed blessed on Wednesday. All day long I enjoyed the blessing of God going from place to place. I went and looked at a wood lathe that I'm going to get down in Cape Neddick. My heart yearned to see a good fundamental church planted in all the communities that I drove through today. Oh that GOD would raise up more labourers to labor for HIM here in this area. Actually I stopped at an old meeting house and it had become a woodworking shop. The man very rudely said can't you see I'm working not wanting to talk at all. May the GOD of Heaven have mercy on this man's soul.
The rest of the day was spent in study preparing for our evening service. It was so good to be in the House of GOD tonight with all the brethren. The LORD blessed in such a wonderful way as I preached the Word of God. I praise the LORD for HIS power to be able to share the Word of God with liberty. I cannot believe that God called me to do this. I am having the time of my life seeing the LORD work and lives changed. Thank you so much for your prayers, love, giving, and concern for us. Please don't stop praying for me. I earnestly covet your prayers!!
Pastor Todd Bell
The closed down church at Mount Agamenticus
Josiah the Revivalist Part 2
Greetings to All the Bloggers;
I had a great day of study yesterday. I didn't feel good all day so I stayed close to home and read and prayed most of the day. I did make it to Bible Institute and taught one class. The LORD continues to bless in our Bible Institute every Tuesday night. I appreciate those that are coming and what the LORD is showing us through our studies. Pray much for all of those that are coming that the LORD'S will be done in each of every life represented.
Yesterday we begin a written study about Josiah the Revivalist. I have speaking about him for sometime on the audio part of our broadcast but thought I would just put some thoughts down on the blog. Not only did he realize that something had to be done he also begin to reform. The Bible speaks of him tearing down and destroying all the high places of false worship and idolatry. It took alot of guts for him to do this at his young age but he went right on reforming as God had led him to. I wonder today if their needs to be any reform in our life? Is their anything that we have let slip? Are we living a life that is backslid? May the God of Heaven help us to not only realize we need revival but also to reform some things so we can in turn impact our region for Christ.
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a great day of study yesterday. I didn't feel good all day so I stayed close to home and read and prayed most of the day. I did make it to Bible Institute and taught one class. The LORD continues to bless in our Bible Institute every Tuesday night. I appreciate those that are coming and what the LORD is showing us through our studies. Pray much for all of those that are coming that the LORD'S will be done in each of every life represented.
Yesterday we begin a written study about Josiah the Revivalist. I have speaking about him for sometime on the audio part of our broadcast but thought I would just put some thoughts down on the blog. Not only did he realize that something had to be done he also begin to reform. The Bible speaks of him tearing down and destroying all the high places of false worship and idolatry. It took alot of guts for him to do this at his young age but he went right on reforming as God had led him to. I wonder today if their needs to be any reform in our life? Is their anything that we have let slip? Are we living a life that is backslid? May the God of Heaven help us to not only realize we need revival but also to reform some things so we can in turn impact our region for Christ.
Pastor Todd Bell
Josiah the Revivalist
For sometime now I have been preaching during my radio broadcast on Josiah. It's amazing when you study his life to see how God used him at such a young age. He was eight years old when he begin to reign. At the tender age of sixteen he decided that something had to be done in Judah. Think with me how God must have done a work in his life sometime between him being 8 and 16. I am calling this Josiahs Realization! I wonder if those reading this blog have come to a realization in their life that something has to change. Our individual lives, families, and church life cannot go on like this. We must hear from heaven before it is to late. Why not today ask God to bring you to a realization that we need a revival. I as a preacher of the gospel do not want to remain the same. I want the LORD to do a wonderful work in my life and keep me fired up for HIM! When we live in revival we live with vision. We are constantly thinking about another individual. Do they know Christ? Have they ever heard of the Love of God? What will happen to them if they do not get saved? May God do a work in each of our lives today.
A Splendid Sunday
As I type this update on my blog the tempature is 8 degrees with a wind chill below zero. But the good news is that the fires are going and our family is blessed. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God for all HE has done for me and my family.
Sunday all day was a great blessing. I so much appreciate our church and the good people that make it up. The Power of God was very evident in every aspect of the service. I love it when it's this way because I know in my heart of hearts that this will build the church. Their are so many dead churches around today that I for sure do not want to add another one to the mix.
It's was exciting to see visitors out in the morning service. The LORD be praised for what HE continues to do in bringing out visitors to our meeting.
Prayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much this week as on Friday we are going to look at the St. Ignatioius Catholic Church in town. Pray the LORDS will be done.
God Bless each of you for your interest in our ministry and I'm indebted to you for your daily prayers for us.
Sunday all day was a great blessing. I so much appreciate our church and the good people that make it up. The Power of God was very evident in every aspect of the service. I love it when it's this way because I know in my heart of hearts that this will build the church. Their are so many dead churches around today that I for sure do not want to add another one to the mix.
It's was exciting to see visitors out in the morning service. The LORD be praised for what HE continues to do in bringing out visitors to our meeting.
Prayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much this week as on Friday we are going to look at the St. Ignatioius Catholic Church in town. Pray the LORDS will be done.
God Bless each of you for your interest in our ministry and I'm indebted to you for your daily prayers for us.
A Splendid Saturday
The LORD JESUS CHRIST blessed me with a wonderful day on Saturday. I enjoyed spending time in my study preparing for preaching on Sunday. I also enjoyed the opportunity to just spend time alone with my LORD. Oh to be more like HIM in every aspect of my life.
In the afternoon Benjamin and I put a half of chord of wood into the barn. It only took us about an hour. It's good to have all the wood in the dry waiting to be burned. God has been so good to us to be able to have all of this in order before winter really sets in. As I write this blog (it's Sunday afternoon around 1:30p.m.) our temperature is around 29f with a little snow blowing.
Last night was a huge success at our church. We had our annual Christmas dinner and Christmas service. The food was out of this world and the service was most blessed. Every man in the church had a portion of scripture to read and I preached a message on one of the seven sayings of Christ from the Cross.
I appreciate the whole day. I praise and bless the LORD for all HE has done and continues to do.
Some of the men that participated in the reading of the scriptures on Saturday Night. I didn't have room to put everybody on but all the men did a wonderful job.
In the afternoon Benjamin and I put a half of chord of wood into the barn. It only took us about an hour. It's good to have all the wood in the dry waiting to be burned. God has been so good to us to be able to have all of this in order before winter really sets in. As I write this blog (it's Sunday afternoon around 1:30p.m.) our temperature is around 29f with a little snow blowing.
Last night was a huge success at our church. We had our annual Christmas dinner and Christmas service. The food was out of this world and the service was most blessed. Every man in the church had a portion of scripture to read and I preached a message on one of the seven sayings of Christ from the Cross.
I appreciate the whole day. I praise and bless the LORD for all HE has done and continues to do.
Some of the men that participated in the reading of the scriptures on Saturday Night. I didn't have room to put everybody on but all the men did a wonderful job.
Friday 12/06/08
Greetings in Jesus Name. Friday proved to be a great day of service for the KING here in Sanford Maine. I had my prayer and study time until lunch and thoroughly enjoyed myself in my office. After that I made a visit to the airport to get some things for our mechanic and made a few visits along the way. I came home and made some drawers for a set of cabinets that I'm building for the Berards. After getting done with them it was time to get ready for the Fitzgerald's to come. I am discipling this family on Friday nights. It's a man and his wife and seven kids. To say the least it's very exciting around here on Friday nights. They are a sweet family that really enjoying discipleship and I in turn am loving the opportunity to share the truth of the scriptures with them. Kids got home late from a ball game at their school and off to bed around 11:20. Pray much for the Saturday night special service at our church. All of us are looking forward to our Christmas supper and service to worship our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. I wish you were here to be a part.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Bell
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Bell
Thursday 12/05/08
The God of Glory is great and His Name is greatly to be praised. It's a wonderful thing to be able to praise the LORD!!! Join with me today as I praise God for all HE continues to do in our lives. I promise you that your outcome in life will be different if your outcry is praise. Just stop what your doing and try it. Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!
I enjoyed making cabinets for a project I'm doing for a friend a good part of the day. In the process I made a cabinet that I couldn't get out of the shop. That's the third time that happened so I dealt with that by finally replacing the door to my shop. I went to a bargain barn and found a door for 100 dollars. It's up now and looks nice. I'm hoping that never happens again.
For lunch yesterday I flew to another town to encourage a pastor and spend sometime of fellowship together. It was a great blessing and I appreciate the opportunity not just to encourage but also be encouraged myself.
Last night was a wonderful time of discipleship as we studied together on giving. Day after day the LORD JESUS CHRIST continues to challenge me to obey HIS command. That command is found in Matthew 28. We are to go and teach all nations!!!!! Lets all make for sure that we are busy about HIS command. When we are not we are destined for failure.
I retired around 8 after a full day of labor. God is so good and I do bless HIS NAME for all he continues to do in and through this ministry here in Sanford and around this region.
Thank you for your prayers, love, and financial gifts that keep us busy about the fathers business.
Pastor Todd Bell
I enjoyed making cabinets for a project I'm doing for a friend a good part of the day. In the process I made a cabinet that I couldn't get out of the shop. That's the third time that happened so I dealt with that by finally replacing the door to my shop. I went to a bargain barn and found a door for 100 dollars. It's up now and looks nice. I'm hoping that never happens again.
For lunch yesterday I flew to another town to encourage a pastor and spend sometime of fellowship together. It was a great blessing and I appreciate the opportunity not just to encourage but also be encouraged myself.
Last night was a wonderful time of discipleship as we studied together on giving. Day after day the LORD JESUS CHRIST continues to challenge me to obey HIS command. That command is found in Matthew 28. We are to go and teach all nations!!!!! Lets all make for sure that we are busy about HIS command. When we are not we are destined for failure.
I retired around 8 after a full day of labor. God is so good and I do bless HIS NAME for all he continues to do in and through this ministry here in Sanford and around this region.
Thank you for your prayers, love, and financial gifts that keep us busy about the fathers business.
Pastor Todd Bell
Wednesday 12/03/08
It's exciting to see all the God continues to do in and through our lives as we serve HIM here on this mission field. Today was a great day of service. This morning I had a good time in study and prayer. After that I worked on the church van for a few hours getting the oil changed, washing it, and cleaning the windows inside and out. After that my wife and I flew down to Stow Massachusetts to have lunch with a friend of ours. I am grateful to the LORD for the sweet fellowship that we had. After the uneventful flight home (the Cessna 402 is running sweeeeeeet)I studied some more for the evening service. The Spirit of God was real in our meeting for which I praise the LORD!!! It's so wonderful to be able to have a group of people that want to live everyday in revival. For some time now I have been preaching about personal revival from the Word of God. Were also using Roy Hessian's book on the Calvary's Road as a supplemental study guide. After getting home from church (we got home at 8:45p.m this is the time that I am typing this up) I had a snack, watched some news and off to bed to rest up for another day. Praise the LORD for his manifold blessings on my life as I continue serve HIM!! Glory to God!!!! Hallelujah!!!! Amen and Amen!!!!!!
Missionary Pilot and Pastor Todd Bell in front of one of the mission planes a Cessna 402
Miss Christa Berard and Mrs. Amy at Minute Man Airfield in Stow, Massachusetts
Missionary Pilot and Pastor Todd Bell in front of one of the mission planes a Cessna 402
Miss Christa Berard and Mrs. Amy at Minute Man Airfield in Stow, Massachusetts
Tuesday 12/2/08
I had a great time of study to start the day. It's always a priority of mine to spend the first part of the day in prayer and study. Years ago (1990 to be exact) the LORD spoke to me about this and it has changed my life for HIS glory and honor. When we read and study the Word of God HE speaks to us, when we pray we speak to HIM! It's such a wonderful blessing to know the God of Heaven and sense HIM moving in your life.
About mid morning Mrs. Amy, Miss Eleanor, Dave, and myself took off in the Cessna 310 for Islesboro. Wow did we ever have a tail wind today. I made it up there in about 25 minutes. The LORD be praised for a great time of mentoring and discipleship with Bro. Schoppe and Bro. Dave. The LORD was gracious to us in giving us traveling mercies there and back. The landing was a little iffy but God was gracious and finally we touched down smooth. The wind was gusting up in the 20's with a 90 degree crosswind. It was challenging but fun to.
After flying home I prepared for Bible Institute. Our institute was great tonight but then again it's always great to study the Word of GOD together. Thanks so much for your prayers for me throughout this day. It's exciting to be in the center of GOD'S will. I give GOD all the Glory for what HE continues to do in and through our lives.
Our team minus the photographer Mrs. Amy, in the home of Pastor Bill Schoppe in Islesboro Maine
About mid morning Mrs. Amy, Miss Eleanor, Dave, and myself took off in the Cessna 310 for Islesboro. Wow did we ever have a tail wind today. I made it up there in about 25 minutes. The LORD be praised for a great time of mentoring and discipleship with Bro. Schoppe and Bro. Dave. The LORD was gracious to us in giving us traveling mercies there and back. The landing was a little iffy but God was gracious and finally we touched down smooth. The wind was gusting up in the 20's with a 90 degree crosswind. It was challenging but fun to.
After flying home I prepared for Bible Institute. Our institute was great tonight but then again it's always great to study the Word of GOD together. Thanks so much for your prayers for me throughout this day. It's exciting to be in the center of GOD'S will. I give GOD all the Glory for what HE continues to do in and through our lives.
Our team minus the photographer Mrs. Amy, in the home of Pastor Bill Schoppe in Islesboro Maine
Monday 12/2/08
The LORD JESUS CHRIST indeed blessed on Monday. I enjoyed resting up in the morning with a little study and exercise. Later in the morning I delivered a window to a family in our churches house. It's a little job that I have to do this week sometime. I possibly will ask a man in my church to do it because he needs some work right now. In the afternoon I spent sometime working on Ron's cabinets for his apartment. I always enjoy woodworking and it's great to see the pieces come together. After spending some time with the family it was time for bed.
Monday's prove to be a time for me to clear my head some after the busy week of preaching and teaching. I appreciate the tender mercies of our LORD in helping to rejuvenate me to continue to be able to serve HIM here in this area!
Monday's prove to be a time for me to clear my head some after the busy week of preaching and teaching. I appreciate the tender mercies of our LORD in helping to rejuvenate me to continue to be able to serve HIM here in this area!
A Wonderful Sunday 11/30/08
The LORD was very gracious to us on Sunday. I so much appreciate the filling of the Holy Ghost to be able to preach the Word of God. Every service was an exciting service as I preached through James 5:8. Our choir was a real blessing singing, called to make a difference. We are going to make that our theme song. Nobody was saved but I do praise the LORD for how HE strengthened the brethren. We got our first dusting of snow and made the roads a little slick coming home from church. I'm sure it's a taste of more to come. Thank you for your prayers, love, and concern for what our GOD is doing here in this region. It's truly amazing to be a part of it and I thank GOD daily for the privilege to pastor and start churches for HIS glory!
Choir practice Sunday Afternoon
Choir practice Sunday Afternoon
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