I'm Alive and Back

It's been a few days since I updated. The reason why is because we had a horrific ice storm. The officials are telling us that it is going to be worse than the ice storm of the century in 1998. The LORD be praised that we finally got our power back today and now I will be able to update you on what God continues to do in our lives here in Sanford Maine.

The services yesterday were great. I enjoyed teaching Sunday School on "Let all things be done decently and in order." Jesus Christ desires for each of us to have order in our life. When we do it honors HIM and causes our life to really count.
Sunday Morning I had a great time preaching on the patience of Job. We had visitors out to the services with a great spirit in the meeting. The altars were full at the conclusion and GOD really did a work in our hearts.
In the afternoon I flew up to the Island of Islesboro and had a good service there with the Island Baptist Church. I praise God for the Schoppe family that are ministering on the island. They are doing a wonderful job. Continue to pray that souls will be saved and great things done there on the island and in each and every ministry we are involved in.
Sunday Night we had tremendous time together with the church family. I preached on the Will of God out of Colossians chapter 1. The LORD be praised for how HE moved in the meeting. You will notice on our church web page that we have begun to upload videos. Take a look and I pray you enjoy the meetings God has been giving us.
Today I worked all day on cabinet making and wood cutting. This ice storm has really caused alot of damage around the farm. Pray for me as I work to get everything back the way it needs to be.
Also at the end of this week is our annual live nativity. We are going to have a wonderful time as always ministering to our community. It looks like the weather is going to be really cold and snowy. How much more exciting can that be.
I thank God for each of you that follow what the LORD is doing here. Continue to pray fervently for us as we seek souls for HIM!!!!!

Pastor Todd Bell

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