My Help cometh from the LORD

The Psalmist was right on target when HE said in Psalms 121 "My Help cometh from the LORD." Where are you at today in your Christianity? How are you doing spiritually? Why not ask the LORD of Glory to help you! We are a needy people and we must have the help of the LORD if were going to make it. Every single day I make it a priority to spend quality time with the LORD and ask HIM for help to do the work of the ministry. All of us need this and I'm encouraging you today to let me know how HE is helping you. HE'S alive and alive forever more. Let all the people praise HIS HOLY NAME for HIS faithfulness and blessings that HE continues to extend to each of us.
I had a great day getting the 18 inches of snow cleaned up on yesterday. Ended up getting to go skiing with my boy last night also. The LORD has been so good to me. I love HIM and thank HIM for saving me and calling me into the ministry.
I pray each of you have a glorious day.

Pastor Todd Bell

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