Usually around this time of the year people begin to think about what their going to do next year and the resolutions their going to make. I have found from the Word of God that our LORD desires for us to be faithful to HIM daily. You can make all kind of vows and decide this and that but lets just all be faithful to the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Faithful to live for HIM and serve HIM! Faithful to praise and worship HIM privately and corporately! Faithful to follow HIM where HE says go! Faithful to spend time with HIM on a daily basis! I know personally that without this I would never make it. I'm typing this and the time is 6:19a.m. I got up a few minutes before six and my thought was I must here from the God of Heaven. I desire to have fellowship with HIM through the Word of God and prayer and living in the fullness of the HOLY GHOST! So your welcome to make your resolutions but by the good Grace of GOD I just want to remain faithful day in and day out. Keep praying for me, I do covet your daily fervent prayers for our ministry here.
On a side note, the 402 is in the shop with the hopes that the funds will come in to repair it. The truth be known we may have the funds already but that money is put aside for when the plane goes down to Ohio. The LORD provided it once HE can provide it again. It would be wonderful if we could see the LORD bring somewhere around 3 to 5 thousand. Pray with me about this and I will let you know when it comes.
I have been having a good week catching up on some things around the farm. The LORD has been good as HE is always and I've been enjoying myself. Tonight LORD willing we are going to let all the preacher boys preach. Theirs a parking ban (were suppose to get 3 to 5 inches of snow) so we will have to find other places to park but I'm looking forward to the service. It's going to be a humdinger I know.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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