Greetings in the Matchless Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Their is no other Name given among men whereby we must be saved. Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour today. If you do not, why not write me and lets talk about it!
I got home yesterday in the afternoon from Nova Scotia. I thank the Lord that it was a beautiful day. It took about eight hours to get back.
The meetings there were a huge a blessing. I just got word from Pastor Grooms on yesterday. Here is what he said, "The pledges doubled our faith promise missions giving! Praise the Lord. If all pledges are honored should be close to 70,000 given to missions! What a mighty God we serve. That's double the entire church budget just about 7yrs. ago. Thank you for letting God use you to stir us." All I can say is well Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoopee!!!!!!!!!! Amen and Amen!!!!
I worked around the house some on yesterday afternoon and spent time with the family.
I'm excited about today. I will be busy at school, visiting and soul winning, cleaning at airport, studying the Word of God, working around the house etc.... It's such a joy to serve Jesus!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Is a ministry out of the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine. Mark 1:38 is our theme verse. "And He said unto them, let us go into the next towns......" God is calling us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Next Towns!!!!!
November 28th 2010 2:12 p.m
Greetings in the Strong Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ
I want to thank each of you who have prayed for the meetings here in Nova Scotia. God has blessed in a wonderful way. I am careful to give Him all the Glory for what He has done.
The services this morning were an encouragement to me. I preached in Sunday School on the Great Command out of Matthew 28. In the morning service the chapel was packed and I preached on O Lord give me a vision. God is doing great things here in this town. I praise the Lord for these days we have had together.
Our meeting tonight will be the last meeting Lord willing. I'm excited about the thought that God has put upon our heart for our time together.
Be much in prayer for me tomorrow as I drive back. It's around eight hours. I'm looking forward to being able to be back flying soon. It for sure would redeem time to fly back. God knows!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I want to thank each of you who have prayed for the meetings here in Nova Scotia. God has blessed in a wonderful way. I am careful to give Him all the Glory for what He has done.
The services this morning were an encouragement to me. I preached in Sunday School on the Great Command out of Matthew 28. In the morning service the chapel was packed and I preached on O Lord give me a vision. God is doing great things here in this town. I praise the Lord for these days we have had together.
Our meeting tonight will be the last meeting Lord willing. I'm excited about the thought that God has put upon our heart for our time together.
Be much in prayer for me tomorrow as I drive back. It's around eight hours. I'm looking forward to being able to be back flying soon. It for sure would redeem time to fly back. God knows!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 27th 2010 4:15 p.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a wonderful time I am having here in Nova Scotia. I'm careful to give God the Glory for the wonderful meeting that we had last night. Please be in prayer for the meeting tonight. Pray that the Power of God will be our portion in the missions revival. It's been so good to see the Grooms family. God has used them in a mighty way here in this region. What an encouragement it is to see a Man of God stick to the old time way.
It's snowing outside currently and they are expecting some snow tonight.
For you that prayed for my travels yesterday thank you. I was in white out conditions a good part of the way. I drove eight hours with a couple five minute breaks. God was so good! He is such a wonderful Saviour! Well Glory!
Tonight the meeting is at 7 O'clock. Please be in prayer for me as I preach the Word of God.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful time I am having here in Nova Scotia. I'm careful to give God the Glory for the wonderful meeting that we had last night. Please be in prayer for the meeting tonight. Pray that the Power of God will be our portion in the missions revival. It's been so good to see the Grooms family. God has used them in a mighty way here in this region. What an encouragement it is to see a Man of God stick to the old time way.
It's snowing outside currently and they are expecting some snow tonight.
For you that prayed for my travels yesterday thank you. I was in white out conditions a good part of the way. I drove eight hours with a couple five minute breaks. God was so good! He is such a wonderful Saviour! Well Glory!
Tonight the meeting is at 7 O'clock. Please be in prayer for me as I preach the Word of God.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 26th 2010 6:21 a.m.
Greetings in the Powerful and Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a mighty God we serve! I bless His Holy Name for salvation full and free. I glorify Him today for the call that HE has placed upon my life to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. Their is no greater joy than to be a servant of Christ. Thank you Jesus for your blessings on me.
My family time in NYC was a blessing. Elisabeth loved her 18th birthday celebration. Praise the Lord for the opportunity of being able to do this. Also I bless the Lord for traveling mercies. It's kind of scary driving down into the city!
I'm studying this morning and then I will be off to Nova Scotia. The weather is bad today. It's sleeting and snowing this morning. I have about an eight hour drive ahead of me. Please pray for traveling mercies and also pray that the Power of God will fall on the Missions revival these next few days. It's my desire to be a blessing to this local church I am visiting and their Pastor. Thank you in advance for helping to carry this burden.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a mighty God we serve! I bless His Holy Name for salvation full and free. I glorify Him today for the call that HE has placed upon my life to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. Their is no greater joy than to be a servant of Christ. Thank you Jesus for your blessings on me.
My family time in NYC was a blessing. Elisabeth loved her 18th birthday celebration. Praise the Lord for the opportunity of being able to do this. Also I bless the Lord for traveling mercies. It's kind of scary driving down into the city!
I'm studying this morning and then I will be off to Nova Scotia. The weather is bad today. It's sleeting and snowing this morning. I have about an eight hour drive ahead of me. Please pray for traveling mercies and also pray that the Power of God will fall on the Missions revival these next few days. It's my desire to be a blessing to this local church I am visiting and their Pastor. Thank you in advance for helping to carry this burden.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Macys Day parade
God is so good. In the front of line at parade with my family. Excited! Praying for a powerful missions revival in Nova Scotia. Looking forward to seeing our friends in Amhurst N.S.
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
Fox News
Was just on fox news with Neil Cavuto. He ask me if I had got my goverment check yet. Wouldn't it be neat to get a big one and finish building our church with it? Can God God can!
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
Elisabeths 18th birthday celebration
Praise the Lord for traveling mercies. Were in the big city!
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
November 23rd 2010 6:07 a.m.
Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I am thrilled about this day. I can't wait to be able to go to church tonight. I am praying that the God of Heaven will move in power and glory on the meeting. I love to give thanks! I was up early seeking God for the meeting. Will you pray with me that the Lord will show Himself mighty in our church service tonight?
My day was very encouraging on yesterday. I thank the Lord for how the Lord helped me at the school and the hanger. Thanks to Bro. Ron for helping me with the bolts on the airplane wings. We got all of those in but two. I will have to order those. In the evening my wife and I went soul-winning. It's so sad to hear someone say I'm a catholic and not interested. Only if they new that salvation is not in a church but in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for so many that are blinded.
After the service tonight my wife, daughter Elisabeth, and myself will be headed out to New York. What a blessing that's going to be! We will be celebrating Elisabeth's 18th birthday. PRAY FOR ME! Shopping is not my most favorite thing but I do love my daughter!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I am thrilled about this day. I can't wait to be able to go to church tonight. I am praying that the God of Heaven will move in power and glory on the meeting. I love to give thanks! I was up early seeking God for the meeting. Will you pray with me that the Lord will show Himself mighty in our church service tonight?
My day was very encouraging on yesterday. I thank the Lord for how the Lord helped me at the school and the hanger. Thanks to Bro. Ron for helping me with the bolts on the airplane wings. We got all of those in but two. I will have to order those. In the evening my wife and I went soul-winning. It's so sad to hear someone say I'm a catholic and not interested. Only if they new that salvation is not in a church but in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for so many that are blinded.
After the service tonight my wife, daughter Elisabeth, and myself will be headed out to New York. What a blessing that's going to be! We will be celebrating Elisabeth's 18th birthday. PRAY FOR ME! Shopping is not my most favorite thing but I do love my daughter!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 22nd 2010 6:13 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a powerful day we had in the House of God. Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift. I praise the Lord for our local church here in Sanford Maine. The church was comfortably full both services and the Spirit of God moved in our hearts as I preached through 1 Thessalonians. Thank you Jesus for everything!
Today I'm busy at school and the hanger. Tonight I'm going soul winning. Please pray for my wife and I that God would use us to reach some new families. I am burdened for the Lord to save some more families and put them in our church. I know God can. Pray that their hearts will be open to the Word of God.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a powerful day we had in the House of God. Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift. I praise the Lord for our local church here in Sanford Maine. The church was comfortably full both services and the Spirit of God moved in our hearts as I preached through 1 Thessalonians. Thank you Jesus for everything!
Today I'm busy at school and the hanger. Tonight I'm going soul winning. Please pray for my wife and I that God would use us to reach some new families. I am burdened for the Lord to save some more families and put them in our church. I know God can. Pray that their hearts will be open to the Word of God.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 21st 2010 6:07 a.m
Greetings in the Mighty and Strong Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a glorious weekend we have had thus far. The God of Heaven helped me as I preached down in CT. at the couples retreat. I praise the Lord for the encouragment that HE gave me. I had the privilage of speaking five times to around 110 couples. Praise the LORD for the weekend away.
I'm thrilled to be at Calvary Baptist Church this Sunday. I'm looking forward to starting a new series of messages today. I thank God for the church that HE has raised up here in this town. Oh that the power of God would be our portion today as we go to the House of God and worship HIM who is all together lovely!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a glorious weekend we have had thus far. The God of Heaven helped me as I preached down in CT. at the couples retreat. I praise the Lord for the encouragment that HE gave me. I had the privilage of speaking five times to around 110 couples. Praise the LORD for the weekend away.
I'm thrilled to be at Calvary Baptist Church this Sunday. I'm looking forward to starting a new series of messages today. I thank God for the church that HE has raised up here in this town. Oh that the power of God would be our portion today as we go to the House of God and worship HIM who is all together lovely!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Couples Retreat
Greetings in Jesus name
What a powerful night we had last night at the couples retreat in groton connecticut. I am careful to give God the glory for all that he did last night. I preached last night on walking with God. Thank you to all who prayed for me.
Today I'm thrilled to be able to preach 3 more sessions and I'm excited about what God is going to do.
I cannot wait until tomorrow to go to calvary baptist church of sanford maine and preach the word of God. Will I see you there on tomorrow?
I will be starting a brand new series tomorrow morning!
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
What a powerful night we had last night at the couples retreat in groton connecticut. I am careful to give God the glory for all that he did last night. I preached last night on walking with God. Thank you to all who prayed for me.
Today I'm thrilled to be able to preach 3 more sessions and I'm excited about what God is going to do.
I cannot wait until tomorrow to go to calvary baptist church of sanford maine and preach the word of God. Will I see you there on tomorrow?
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
November 19th 2010 5:06 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I'm excited about this day. I'm up early studying and preparing for the chapel this morning and five other times I will be preaching this weekend in a couples retreat. I'm asking God to do some special things in the lives of the 110 couples that will be at the retreat. Please pray for me that I will be used of God in Groton Ct.
On yesterday I spent some time at the school in the morning. In the afternoon I worked at the hanger on the Cherokee six. What a job to get the bolts back in the spar. There are a couple of places that are just wicked tough to get at. I worked on one bolt for over a hour but finally got it. Glory! After a while I stopped and had a prayer meeting and said "Lord, if this is going to get done it will be because you helped me, please help me!" The Lord be praised I was able to finish that one bolt and come home. I marvel at the fullness of the Holy Ghost and wisdom that you get from walking with God. In the evening I spent time with a new family that is going to join the church on Sunday. How exciting this is. What a blessing it's going to be to have another family that wants to serve!
Today I will be studying this morning. Chapel service will be at 10:30 and then after that we will be driving down to CT. Tonight their are two sessions and then tomorrow their will be three. I'm praying for a powerful time. Also pray for my wife. She will have the ladies in one session tomorrow.
To God be the Glory Great things HE has done. I'm still praying for the 100 to 150,000 for our building. I sense it's coming!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I'm excited about this day. I'm up early studying and preparing for the chapel this morning and five other times I will be preaching this weekend in a couples retreat. I'm asking God to do some special things in the lives of the 110 couples that will be at the retreat. Please pray for me that I will be used of God in Groton Ct.
On yesterday I spent some time at the school in the morning. In the afternoon I worked at the hanger on the Cherokee six. What a job to get the bolts back in the spar. There are a couple of places that are just wicked tough to get at. I worked on one bolt for over a hour but finally got it. Glory! After a while I stopped and had a prayer meeting and said "Lord, if this is going to get done it will be because you helped me, please help me!" The Lord be praised I was able to finish that one bolt and come home. I marvel at the fullness of the Holy Ghost and wisdom that you get from walking with God. In the evening I spent time with a new family that is going to join the church on Sunday. How exciting this is. What a blessing it's going to be to have another family that wants to serve!
Today I will be studying this morning. Chapel service will be at 10:30 and then after that we will be driving down to CT. Tonight their are two sessions and then tomorrow their will be three. I'm praying for a powerful time. Also pray for my wife. She will have the ladies in one session tomorrow.
To God be the Glory Great things HE has done. I'm still praying for the 100 to 150,000 for our building. I sense it's coming!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Working on the six
Im excited to be getting the plane back together. GLORY!
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
A Servant of Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
November 18th 2010 6:15 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a powerful day I had on yesterday. I finished up the revival meeting last night in Jefferson Maine. The Lord blessed in a wonderful way in this meeting. I give God all the Glory for what HE did. I traveled four hours a day without any incidents. Thank you Lord for your watch care.
Also on yesterday I met with the sprinkler guy. I just know in my heart of hearts that God is going to supply the need for the new building. Please continue to pray that we could see the money we need come in so we could get in the new building soon. He's a wonderful God and a God that does supply our needs so I know the money is coming! Well Glory!
I appreciate Cal Fuller filling in for me on last night. I understand that Calvary had a tremendous service. Praise the Lord for what the LORD JESUS CHRIST is doing in Sanford Maine. What a blessing to be a part of it all!
I am grateful to my GOD for all the doors that HE has opened up this year to preach out. I think I have preached 10 meetings this fall. I have been very busy. I give God all praise for this. My prayer is that I want to be a blessing to the other churches that I have been in. My desire further is to encourage them in their walk with God. I sense that God has used me in this capacity and for that I Glorify HIS HOLY NAME!! Hallelujah!!
Today I'm studying, ministering at the school, working at the hanger, and disicipling some tonight. It's going to be a wonderful day. This is the day the Lord hath made!!! Amen and Amen!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a powerful day I had on yesterday. I finished up the revival meeting last night in Jefferson Maine. The Lord blessed in a wonderful way in this meeting. I give God all the Glory for what HE did. I traveled four hours a day without any incidents. Thank you Lord for your watch care.
Also on yesterday I met with the sprinkler guy. I just know in my heart of hearts that God is going to supply the need for the new building. Please continue to pray that we could see the money we need come in so we could get in the new building soon. He's a wonderful God and a God that does supply our needs so I know the money is coming! Well Glory!
I appreciate Cal Fuller filling in for me on last night. I understand that Calvary had a tremendous service. Praise the Lord for what the LORD JESUS CHRIST is doing in Sanford Maine. What a blessing to be a part of it all!
I am grateful to my GOD for all the doors that HE has opened up this year to preach out. I think I have preached 10 meetings this fall. I have been very busy. I give God all praise for this. My prayer is that I want to be a blessing to the other churches that I have been in. My desire further is to encourage them in their walk with God. I sense that God has used me in this capacity and for that I Glorify HIS HOLY NAME!! Hallelujah!!
Today I'm studying, ministering at the school, working at the hanger, and disicipling some tonight. It's going to be a wonderful day. This is the day the Lord hath made!!! Amen and Amen!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 17th 2010 6:17 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I must admit I was a touch tired from lack of sleep but the God of Heaven overruled. I had a good time at school in staff meeting. The Lord is helping us all. I had a devotion in school on teaching principles from the Master Teacher the Lord Jesus Christ. It's an interesting study and who better to learn from then the Lord Jesus Christ. We are all learning together and it's a big blessing. I worked at the airport yesterday to. We put the tail back on the airplane. What a blessing to see this accomplished. The meeting last night was a great blessing. God granted power and liberty as I preached out of Mark 2 on "We never saw it on this fashion." What a mighty God we serve. I bless and praise HIS HOLY NAME for how HE has blessed in this meeting and how HE has helped. To God be the Glory. It takes about 2 hours one way so I have had to drive quite a bit but the LORD has been faithful to help and encourage.
Today I'm studying and working at the airport. I will leave early today for a supper up at the church. Please pray for me! Lord willing this is the last night.
This weekend I'm preaching a couple's retreat in Groton CT. I'm excited to see what God is going to do in the meeting there. It will be Friday night and Saturday morning. What a joy! I believe this has been the busiest year I have had preaching out. To God be all the Glory!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful day I had on yesterday. I must admit I was a touch tired from lack of sleep but the God of Heaven overruled. I had a good time at school in staff meeting. The Lord is helping us all. I had a devotion in school on teaching principles from the Master Teacher the Lord Jesus Christ. It's an interesting study and who better to learn from then the Lord Jesus Christ. We are all learning together and it's a big blessing. I worked at the airport yesterday to. We put the tail back on the airplane. What a blessing to see this accomplished. The meeting last night was a great blessing. God granted power and liberty as I preached out of Mark 2 on "We never saw it on this fashion." What a mighty God we serve. I bless and praise HIS HOLY NAME for how HE has blessed in this meeting and how HE has helped. To God be the Glory. It takes about 2 hours one way so I have had to drive quite a bit but the LORD has been faithful to help and encourage.
Today I'm studying and working at the airport. I will leave early today for a supper up at the church. Please pray for me! Lord willing this is the last night.
This weekend I'm preaching a couple's retreat in Groton CT. I'm excited to see what God is going to do in the meeting there. It will be Friday night and Saturday morning. What a joy! I believe this has been the busiest year I have had preaching out. To God be all the Glory!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 16th 2010 6:10 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I praise the Lord for His blessings on yesterday. I studied in the morning and then spent most of the day at school. In the afternoon I was busy preparing to preach the message God had laid on my heart. I preached last night on Tarry until ye be endued with power from on high. We took a good number from the church. It was a good time and I bless the LORD for how HE helped me last night.
Today I will be studying for the revival once again. I'm looking forward to what God is going to do in the meeting. Oh God send the power just now! Also today I will be working at the hanger some. We will be starting to put the plane back together. The engine will be back here soon.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I praise the Lord for His blessings on yesterday. I studied in the morning and then spent most of the day at school. In the afternoon I was busy preparing to preach the message God had laid on my heart. I preached last night on Tarry until ye be endued with power from on high. We took a good number from the church. It was a good time and I bless the LORD for how HE helped me last night.
Today I will be studying for the revival once again. I'm looking forward to what God is going to do in the meeting. Oh God send the power just now! Also today I will be working at the hanger some. We will be starting to put the plane back together. The engine will be back here soon.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 15th 2010 6:05 a.m.
Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I had a tremendous day yesterday in Jefferson Maine. The Lord blessed as the Word of God was preached. I praise God for the decisions that were made. Please continue to pray for the revival this week that we would see a true heaven sent move of God.
Today I'm busy at school, studying, visiting, staff meeting, and preaching tonight in Jefferson. Were going to take the bus with us tonight. It leaves at 5. I'm looking forward to a powerful evening of great fellowship and excitement as we serve the KING together.
God did some amazing things in my life last week. To HIM be all glory and praise!!! Well Glory to God and Lamb forever!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a tremendous day yesterday in Jefferson Maine. The Lord blessed as the Word of God was preached. I praise God for the decisions that were made. Please continue to pray for the revival this week that we would see a true heaven sent move of God.
Today I'm busy at school, studying, visiting, staff meeting, and preaching tonight in Jefferson. Were going to take the bus with us tonight. It leaves at 5. I'm looking forward to a powerful evening of great fellowship and excitement as we serve the KING together.
God did some amazing things in my life last week. To HIM be all glory and praise!!! Well Glory to God and Lamb forever!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 14th 2010 6:00 a.m.
Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
This is the LORD'S Day! Well Glory!! I can't wait to go to the House of God and see what HE has for me. I will be preaching a revival service in Jefferson Maine starting this morning. I'm excited about all that God is going to do in and through the meeting. Please pray for power and liberty to preach the Word of God.
Yesterday was a great blessing. We worked at the church in the morning. Then in the afternoon I flew the plane a little bit. In the evening we had Saturday night jubilee. The meeting went great and Bro. Jerry Wayne Carter preached a great message on "Dead Mans Corner." Praise God for the powerful altar call and the good instruction we received from the Word of God.
God is doing some great and mighty things in my life. I am so grateful for His compassion and concern for me. I bless HIS HOLY NAME!!! Well Glory!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
This is the LORD'S Day! Well Glory!! I can't wait to go to the House of God and see what HE has for me. I will be preaching a revival service in Jefferson Maine starting this morning. I'm excited about all that God is going to do in and through the meeting. Please pray for power and liberty to preach the Word of God.
Yesterday was a great blessing. We worked at the church in the morning. Then in the afternoon I flew the plane a little bit. In the evening we had Saturday night jubilee. The meeting went great and Bro. Jerry Wayne Carter preached a great message on "Dead Mans Corner." Praise God for the powerful altar call and the good instruction we received from the Word of God.
God is doing some great and mighty things in my life. I am so grateful for His compassion and concern for me. I bless HIS HOLY NAME!!! Well Glory!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 13th 2010 6:24 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I'm excited about this day to serve the LORD. I'm in my study this morning and then I am flying over to look at a buffer for our church. At 10 we are cleaning the church all together. This evening is old fashioned Saturday night jubilee. Be aware that you miss something when you miss church. Hope to see you there! Please come a little early and fellowship and shake hands and welcome any visitors that we will have. I'm thrilled to see what God is going to do.
I have been praying and preparing for the revival at Truth Baptist in Jefferson that starts tomorrow. Please pray that we can experience old fashioned Holy Ghost stirring in the meeting.
Thank you for your love and care for this ministry. God indeed is very good! I love HIM because HE first loved me!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I'm excited about this day to serve the LORD. I'm in my study this morning and then I am flying over to look at a buffer for our church. At 10 we are cleaning the church all together. This evening is old fashioned Saturday night jubilee. Be aware that you miss something when you miss church. Hope to see you there! Please come a little early and fellowship and shake hands and welcome any visitors that we will have. I'm thrilled to see what God is going to do.
I have been praying and preparing for the revival at Truth Baptist in Jefferson that starts tomorrow. Please pray that we can experience old fashioned Holy Ghost stirring in the meeting.
Thank you for your love and care for this ministry. God indeed is very good! I love HIM because HE first loved me!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 12th 2010 5:30 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a great day on yesterday. I was busy visiting and catching up on things around the house. I really didn't get to any of the chores I needed to get done. I had some friends fly in from Canada and I in turn flew up to Portland to meet them. At supper I took all the veterans in the church to Cracker Barrel. It was a real good time and I do appreciate them so much.
Today is chapel day. If your a home schooled family we would love to have you as part of our chapel service starting at 10:30 this morning. I'm looking forward to the God of Heaven helping us. I will have alot of other things I'm doing today to. I'm asking you to pray about our hanger that I'm trying to sell. I have a meeting to day about that. I am trying to reduce some of our debt load. If it sells I'm planning on moving to another hanger that is older. It will not be as nice but it will put us on the trail of being debt free. I know God can! Please pray. Also today I am trying to find a floor buffer for our bathrooms. I think I may have found one. I want our building to be in tip top shape and I have kind of adopted the bathrooms to make for sure the floors shine! I love clean floors! (smile)
During these days I am preparing for revival in my own heart and preparing for messages that I will be preaching. I start a revival in Jefferson Maine this Sunday through Wednesday. I'm excited about what God is going to do. This has been the busiest fall I have ever had in my ministry of preaching out. God knows and it's my desire to be a blessing and help to local churches all over the country.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a great day on yesterday. I was busy visiting and catching up on things around the house. I really didn't get to any of the chores I needed to get done. I had some friends fly in from Canada and I in turn flew up to Portland to meet them. At supper I took all the veterans in the church to Cracker Barrel. It was a real good time and I do appreciate them so much.
Today is chapel day. If your a home schooled family we would love to have you as part of our chapel service starting at 10:30 this morning. I'm looking forward to the God of Heaven helping us. I will have alot of other things I'm doing today to. I'm asking you to pray about our hanger that I'm trying to sell. I have a meeting to day about that. I am trying to reduce some of our debt load. If it sells I'm planning on moving to another hanger that is older. It will not be as nice but it will put us on the trail of being debt free. I know God can! Please pray. Also today I am trying to find a floor buffer for our bathrooms. I think I may have found one. I want our building to be in tip top shape and I have kind of adopted the bathrooms to make for sure the floors shine! I love clean floors! (smile)
During these days I am preparing for revival in my own heart and preparing for messages that I will be preaching. I start a revival in Jefferson Maine this Sunday through Wednesday. I'm excited about what God is going to do. This has been the busiest fall I have ever had in my ministry of preaching out. God knows and it's my desire to be a blessing and help to local churches all over the country.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 11th 2010 6:44 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I thank God for our veterans today. I love the soldiers that have fought for our freedom. Thank God for each and everyone of you!
Yesterday was a great blessing. I was very busy all day with school, counseling, and preparing for the evening service. What a blessing we had at our fellowship meal. Then the service was a great blessing also. We were packed almost to capacity on Wednesday night. Isn't this just wonderful!! To God be the Glory for all HE is doing. I preached on the ministry of the deacon in preparation of choosing three from within our body to help serve.
Today we are enjoying the day off from school. It will be catch up day for me around the house here. Tonight I am taking all of the veterans in our church to Cracker Barrel. I'm looking forward to a good time!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
P.S. I'm not sure when I will get over the goodness of God in supplying our need of 27,000 dollars for the airplanes. Wellllllllllll Glory!!!!!!!
I thank God for our veterans today. I love the soldiers that have fought for our freedom. Thank God for each and everyone of you!
Yesterday was a great blessing. I was very busy all day with school, counseling, and preparing for the evening service. What a blessing we had at our fellowship meal. Then the service was a great blessing also. We were packed almost to capacity on Wednesday night. Isn't this just wonderful!! To God be the Glory for all HE is doing. I preached on the ministry of the deacon in preparation of choosing three from within our body to help serve.
Today we are enjoying the day off from school. It will be catch up day for me around the house here. Tonight I am taking all of the veterans in our church to Cracker Barrel. I'm looking forward to a good time!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
P.S. I'm not sure when I will get over the goodness of God in supplying our need of 27,000 dollars for the airplanes. Wellllllllllll Glory!!!!!!!
November 10th 2010 6:15 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
I must admit as I type out this blog that my fingers are in a shouting mood! We had something very special happen to us on yesterday. I received a call from someone who loves our ministry. That someone said in essence that they wanted to see our airplanes back up and running for the Glory of God. The God of Heaven put it on their heart to help us with a gift of 27,000 dollars to pay for both airplanes to be fixed! If this doesn't make you want to shout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen!!!!!!!!! Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot Dog!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yi Hoooooooo!!! God has been so gracious to teach us patience since June 8th when I put the plane down in the field up Maine. We have prayed and waited until now. God's timing is perfect and for that I bless HIS HOLY NAME!!!!!!! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the future with more churches being started and more evangelism in the North.
I had a blessed day on yesterday beside all of this. I was in several meetings through out the day. Last night I had a good time at Merrimack Valley in N.H. I think I was the "entertainment". (smile) I was asked to come with my southern songs and sing several. I ended up testifying and singing four songs. It was a blessing and I thank God for the opportunity to sing praises to HIS NAME.
Today I am thrilled to be able to prepare to feed my sheep tonight. I love to share the Word of God with them! Please pray for power and the anointing to be our portion at church tonight. The meal I know is going to be great and also the spiritual meal during church. Well Glory!! See you there?
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I must admit as I type out this blog that my fingers are in a shouting mood! We had something very special happen to us on yesterday. I received a call from someone who loves our ministry. That someone said in essence that they wanted to see our airplanes back up and running for the Glory of God. The God of Heaven put it on their heart to help us with a gift of 27,000 dollars to pay for both airplanes to be fixed! If this doesn't make you want to shout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen!!!!!!!!! Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot Dog!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yi Hoooooooo!!! God has been so gracious to teach us patience since June 8th when I put the plane down in the field up Maine. We have prayed and waited until now. God's timing is perfect and for that I bless HIS HOLY NAME!!!!!!! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the future with more churches being started and more evangelism in the North.
I had a blessed day on yesterday beside all of this. I was in several meetings through out the day. Last night I had a good time at Merrimack Valley in N.H. I think I was the "entertainment". (smile) I was asked to come with my southern songs and sing several. I ended up testifying and singing four songs. It was a blessing and I thank God for the opportunity to sing praises to HIS NAME.
Today I am thrilled to be able to prepare to feed my sheep tonight. I love to share the Word of God with them! Please pray for power and the anointing to be our portion at church tonight. The meal I know is going to be great and also the spiritual meal during church. Well Glory!! See you there?
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 9th 2010 6:06 a.m.
Greetings in the Strong and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Everyday I thank my God for the call HE has placed upon my life to be a missionary. It is a distinct privilege to be an ambassador for Christ. Thank you LORD for your blessings on me.
I was very busy yesterday. I started in my study. After that I was at school for a while. Then I went visiting. After that I met a few men from the church and we went and got the building permit. This has been a long time coming. Praise God we finally have it now. Then I took another young man from church out to lunch. In the afternoon I wrote a letter that I need you to pray about today. A mission board will be having a meeting today to discuss helping us with our airplanes. Will you please pray about this. After this we had staff meeting. It went real well. In the evening I went to the Portland airport to welcome a preacher friend of mine that came back on a medivac flight from Ocala Florida. We called it a day at 10.
Today I am very busy with meetings. Plus tonight I have a mission conference I am participating in at Merrimack N.H. Please pray that some special things will happen today in regards to our ministry. God knows! I am praying fervently!
God Bless each of you for your love and prayers for me and the ministry God has called me to.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Everyday I thank my God for the call HE has placed upon my life to be a missionary. It is a distinct privilege to be an ambassador for Christ. Thank you LORD for your blessings on me.
I was very busy yesterday. I started in my study. After that I was at school for a while. Then I went visiting. After that I met a few men from the church and we went and got the building permit. This has been a long time coming. Praise God we finally have it now. Then I took another young man from church out to lunch. In the afternoon I wrote a letter that I need you to pray about today. A mission board will be having a meeting today to discuss helping us with our airplanes. Will you please pray about this. After this we had staff meeting. It went real well. In the evening I went to the Portland airport to welcome a preacher friend of mine that came back on a medivac flight from Ocala Florida. We called it a day at 10.
Today I am very busy with meetings. Plus tonight I have a mission conference I am participating in at Merrimack N.H. Please pray that some special things will happen today in regards to our ministry. God knows! I am praying fervently!
God Bless each of you for your love and prayers for me and the ministry God has called me to.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Well Glory!
This is what I have been waiting for. This is the building permit. Oh God please bring in 100000!
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
November 8th 2010 6:20 a.m.
Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
What a powerful day on yesterday. To God be the Glory for all HE is doing in our local church. We had a full house and a great spirit in the meetings. Our anniversary celebration was a blessing last night. "The memory of the just is blessed." It's so exciting to see all that God is doing in our midst. Whoopee!!
Today were right back at it with school, ministry, staff meeting and visiting. Also today we are going to pick up our building permit. This is a monumental day for our church. I can't wait to officially hold it in my hand. Well Glory!!!
Also on yesterday it was a blessing to be able to celebrate Elisabeth's 18th birthday. What a sweet girl. We are taking her to the Macy's day parade for her Birthday at Thanksgiving. It's going to be fun!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
P.S. Don't forget to be praying this month for the 22,000 for our engine. Also today another man is praying about giving 4,000 dollars for the 402. Both planes will be up and running soon. Amen and Amen!!!
What a powerful day on yesterday. To God be the Glory for all HE is doing in our local church. We had a full house and a great spirit in the meetings. Our anniversary celebration was a blessing last night. "The memory of the just is blessed." It's so exciting to see all that God is doing in our midst. Whoopee!!
Today were right back at it with school, ministry, staff meeting and visiting. Also today we are going to pick up our building permit. This is a monumental day for our church. I can't wait to officially hold it in my hand. Well Glory!!!
Also on yesterday it was a blessing to be able to celebrate Elisabeth's 18th birthday. What a sweet girl. We are taking her to the Macy's day parade for her Birthday at Thanksgiving. It's going to be fun!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
P.S. Don't forget to be praying this month for the 22,000 for our engine. Also today another man is praying about giving 4,000 dollars for the 402. Both planes will be up and running soon. Amen and Amen!!!
Off field landing sight
I was flying last week and spotted the field I put the Cherokee six in on June 8th. Thank you Lord for your protection!
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
November 7th 2010 6:35 a.m.
Greetings in the Strong and Mighty Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ
When I came to Maine my oldest had just turned three. Now Elisabeth today is 18 years old. Wow!!!! Happy Birthday to my sweet girl. I'm so proud of her. She is such a good girl. A lady of conviction. May God continue to use her.
Yesterday was very successful. We were out soul-winning in the morning. I had some wonderful visits. I cut wood all afternoon. I was able to get all of my wood cut and stacked. Glory!! In the evening we had prayer meeting at the church. What a blessing the day was.
Today I'm so filled with joy to think about this Lords day. I can't wait to see what God is going to do. Pray pray pray!
Please keep praying for our requests. Were believing God to work a miracle. What a thrill it is to see what HE is going to do!
A Servant for Christ anxiously awaiting HIS return
Pastor Todd Bell
When I came to Maine my oldest had just turned three. Now Elisabeth today is 18 years old. Wow!!!! Happy Birthday to my sweet girl. I'm so proud of her. She is such a good girl. A lady of conviction. May God continue to use her.
Yesterday was very successful. We were out soul-winning in the morning. I had some wonderful visits. I cut wood all afternoon. I was able to get all of my wood cut and stacked. Glory!! In the evening we had prayer meeting at the church. What a blessing the day was.
Today I'm so filled with joy to think about this Lords day. I can't wait to see what God is going to do. Pray pray pray!
Please keep praying for our requests. Were believing God to work a miracle. What a thrill it is to see what HE is going to do!
A Servant for Christ anxiously awaiting HIS return
Pastor Todd Bell
November 6th 2010 8:31 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
What a wonderful morning it is. Praise God for this another day to serve the KING! Were getting ready to go out on soul-winning visitation. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in our lives this day.
Yesterday was a great blessing. Our chapel was exciting as I preached on what are you doing with your time. My text was redeeming the time because the days are evil. After chapel I took all the kids to McDonald's for a treat. I know I'm crazy but they had a wonderful time. Pastor Dave was able to get a bus for us so we all went together. It was a exciting time.
In the afternoon I chopped wood and ran "dick the digger" for a while. I love being a missionary. What a life to live for JESUS!
I'm going to ask each of you to pray specifically for the airplanes that are represented in this blog. I want you to pray daily that God would supernaturally provide the funds to get these airplanes back up and running. We need 22,000 dollars in the next four weeks for the six and we need 5,000 dollars for the 402 in Ohio. We are trusting the LORD!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a wonderful morning it is. Praise God for this another day to serve the KING! Were getting ready to go out on soul-winning visitation. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in our lives this day.
Yesterday was a great blessing. Our chapel was exciting as I preached on what are you doing with your time. My text was redeeming the time because the days are evil. After chapel I took all the kids to McDonald's for a treat. I know I'm crazy but they had a wonderful time. Pastor Dave was able to get a bus for us so we all went together. It was a exciting time.
In the afternoon I chopped wood and ran "dick the digger" for a while. I love being a missionary. What a life to live for JESUS!
I'm going to ask each of you to pray specifically for the airplanes that are represented in this blog. I want you to pray daily that God would supernaturally provide the funds to get these airplanes back up and running. We need 22,000 dollars in the next four weeks for the six and we need 5,000 dollars for the 402 in Ohio. We are trusting the LORD!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 5th 2010 6:23 a.m.
Greetings in the Glorious and Strong Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ
What a powerful day I had on yesterday. I was in the office a good part of the day with the privilege of talking to kids and teaching them. What a joy to be entrusted with so many kids to teach and love. May the God of Heaven continue to help us to understand that "charity never faileth".
In the afternoon we got the building ready for parent/teachers conference by cleaning everything real good. I had a good time washing and waxing the tile floors. Their my baby and I want them to look nice. The meeting last night was a huge blessing with most of the parents being there and a good time of discussion. Praise the Lord for what HE is doing.
I made some visits last night and called it a day at about 9 o'clock! Praise the Lord for the call of God that HE has placed on our life to be busy for HIM!
I have some very exciting news! We have a quote to get our new engine for the Cherokee six. In the next four weeks with the help of God we need to raise 22,000 dollars. They have given our ministry a significant discount. You remember on June 8Th by the Grace of God the Lord helped me to put the plane down in a field after I lost the engine. I have not used that plane since for missions obviously because it doesn't have an engine. I'm thrilled with the thoughts of being able to get it back into the air for God's Glory and Honor. Pray with me that we can see something supernatural happen in this regards. The company is being kind enough to allow me the four weeks to raise the money instead of putting 50% down on it. Can God? GOD CAN! Glory to God!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
What a powerful day I had on yesterday. I was in the office a good part of the day with the privilege of talking to kids and teaching them. What a joy to be entrusted with so many kids to teach and love. May the God of Heaven continue to help us to understand that "charity never faileth".
In the afternoon we got the building ready for parent/teachers conference by cleaning everything real good. I had a good time washing and waxing the tile floors. Their my baby and I want them to look nice. The meeting last night was a huge blessing with most of the parents being there and a good time of discussion. Praise the Lord for what HE is doing.
I made some visits last night and called it a day at about 9 o'clock! Praise the Lord for the call of God that HE has placed on our life to be busy for HIM!
I have some very exciting news! We have a quote to get our new engine for the Cherokee six. In the next four weeks with the help of God we need to raise 22,000 dollars. They have given our ministry a significant discount. You remember on June 8Th by the Grace of God the Lord helped me to put the plane down in a field after I lost the engine. I have not used that plane since for missions obviously because it doesn't have an engine. I'm thrilled with the thoughts of being able to get it back into the air for God's Glory and Honor. Pray with me that we can see something supernatural happen in this regards. The company is being kind enough to allow me the four weeks to raise the money instead of putting 50% down on it. Can God? GOD CAN! Glory to God!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 4th 2010 6:25 a.m.
Greetings in the Glorious, Precious, and Powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I had a wonderful day on yesterday. I studied in the morning. Around lunch I flew up to Augusta to meet with Pastor Wiley. We had a good time of fellowship. In the afternoon I studied some more to prepare for the evening service. For supper I took my family to Wendy's. In the evening we had a wonderful service. The attendance was great and God encouraged us as I preached on "For he knoweth the way that I take and when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." It was a good time of just trusting the Lord to do the right thing with our life. He knows, He tries, He delivers! That's HIM! Well Glory!
Today I am planning on studying and reading the Word of God, working in my shop to finish my commitment club table, meeting with kids at school, and then parent/teacher conference tonight at church. It's going to be a busy and also a blessed day. You say preacher how can you know that? Because I serve the KING and HE does all things well! Amen and Amen!!
I forgot to mention for all of us to continue to pray for Pastor Antonia's. It looks like we have a flight for him to be moved this weekend. Pray that everything will work out and he can be back in Maine by Sunday. This has been a long process but the Lord is working and for that I praise His Holy Name!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I had a wonderful day on yesterday. I studied in the morning. Around lunch I flew up to Augusta to meet with Pastor Wiley. We had a good time of fellowship. In the afternoon I studied some more to prepare for the evening service. For supper I took my family to Wendy's. In the evening we had a wonderful service. The attendance was great and God encouraged us as I preached on "For he knoweth the way that I take and when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." It was a good time of just trusting the Lord to do the right thing with our life. He knows, He tries, He delivers! That's HIM! Well Glory!
Today I am planning on studying and reading the Word of God, working in my shop to finish my commitment club table, meeting with kids at school, and then parent/teacher conference tonight at church. It's going to be a busy and also a blessed day. You say preacher how can you know that? Because I serve the KING and HE does all things well! Amen and Amen!!
I forgot to mention for all of us to continue to pray for Pastor Antonia's. It looks like we have a flight for him to be moved this weekend. Pray that everything will work out and he can be back in Maine by Sunday. This has been a long process but the Lord is working and for that I praise His Holy Name!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 3rd 2010 6:10 a.m.
Greetings in the Glorious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
I praise the Lord for the good day that HE gave me on yesterday. I was busy at school and at home working on the table I'm making for the commitment club. In the evening we had supper with missionary mechanic Don Wright. It was a good time of fellowship.
Today I am thrilled as I think about preparing for the service tonight. I want to feed my people the Word of God. I can't wait to prepare a good part of the day to feed the sheep. It's amazing to think what God is going to do in the meeting! Please come out prepared for a mighty move of the Holy Ghost.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
I praise the Lord for the good day that HE gave me on yesterday. I was busy at school and at home working on the table I'm making for the commitment club. In the evening we had supper with missionary mechanic Don Wright. It was a good time of fellowship.
Today I am thrilled as I think about preparing for the service tonight. I want to feed my people the Word of God. I can't wait to prepare a good part of the day to feed the sheep. It's amazing to think what God is going to do in the meeting! Please come out prepared for a mighty move of the Holy Ghost.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 2nd 2010 6:05 a.m.
Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
To God be the Glory great things HE has done. All Glory and Praise to the one who loved the world so much that HE would send HIS Son the Lord Jesus Christ to die in my place. Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me Bless His Holy Name!
My day was busy and blessed on yesterday. I studied and then spent time at the school. Also I started building a table to sale for our commitment club offering on Sunday. I pray it sells! I'm excited to see what God is going to do with this offering. I pray we have enough to get our building permit and some supplies to continue work on the school. In the afternoon we had a good staff meeting and got home around 5:30. In the evening I spent time fellowshipping with another missionary and working more around the house. It was a good and prosperous day.
Today I am excited about all the prospects of ministry. Their is so much to do and so little time to do it. I believe Jesus is coming soon but if HE comes so many will not be saved. I am in a strait! I am joyous about the privilege to go to heaven but burdened that so many are not saved and will spend a eternity without Christ in hell. Oh God give me a vision and burden to reach the lost!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
To God be the Glory great things HE has done. All Glory and Praise to the one who loved the world so much that HE would send HIS Son the Lord Jesus Christ to die in my place. Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me Bless His Holy Name!
My day was busy and blessed on yesterday. I studied and then spent time at the school. Also I started building a table to sale for our commitment club offering on Sunday. I pray it sells! I'm excited to see what God is going to do with this offering. I pray we have enough to get our building permit and some supplies to continue work on the school. In the afternoon we had a good staff meeting and got home around 5:30. In the evening I spent time fellowshipping with another missionary and working more around the house. It was a good and prosperous day.
Today I am excited about all the prospects of ministry. Their is so much to do and so little time to do it. I believe Jesus is coming soon but if HE comes so many will not be saved. I am in a strait! I am joyous about the privilege to go to heaven but burdened that so many are not saved and will spend a eternity without Christ in hell. Oh God give me a vision and burden to reach the lost!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
November 1st 2010 6:01 a.m.
Greetings in Jesus Name
Wow, what a great day on yesterday. The services were packed and the Spirit of God moved in power and great glory. One lady came forward and rededicated her life. She was back last night to. It's a blessing to see the power of God move and work among the people. I'm just a preacher of the Gospel it's the Holy Ghost that convicts and convinces people of their need of the Saviour! Well Glory!
Today I will minister at the school and here in my wood working shop. I'm going to make a project or two to sell so I can give the proceeds to the commitment club. I'm excited about our offering that we are going to take up on Sunday. I have challenged people to sale things or make things so we can raise the money for the new building. What a joy to be doing this.
Also today we have a staff meeting and I am looking forward to sharing with our wonderful staff what God has given us. Praise God for His blessings on our school Sanford Christian Academy.
Please please please pray for the new engine were putting in the Cherokee six. This month we need to raise around 25,000 dollars. God knows!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Wow, what a great day on yesterday. The services were packed and the Spirit of God moved in power and great glory. One lady came forward and rededicated her life. She was back last night to. It's a blessing to see the power of God move and work among the people. I'm just a preacher of the Gospel it's the Holy Ghost that convicts and convinces people of their need of the Saviour! Well Glory!
Today I will minister at the school and here in my wood working shop. I'm going to make a project or two to sell so I can give the proceeds to the commitment club. I'm excited about our offering that we are going to take up on Sunday. I have challenged people to sale things or make things so we can raise the money for the new building. What a joy to be doing this.
Also today we have a staff meeting and I am looking forward to sharing with our wonderful staff what God has given us. Praise God for His blessings on our school Sanford Christian Academy.
Please please please pray for the new engine were putting in the Cherokee six. This month we need to raise around 25,000 dollars. God knows!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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